Mississippi College Sample Information Literacy Rubric
Student Learning Outcomes / Level 5 / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1DETERMINES THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE INFORMATION NEEDED
1a. Identifies and develops a topic into a manageable focus / Develops and clearly articulates a quality research question that is appropriately focused and relevant to the assignment / Develops a research question that that is generally focused and relevant. / Develops a research question that is somewhat focused and appropriate for the assignment. / Develops a research question that needs more focus, or does not go beyond repeating theassignment terminology. / Fails to develop a research question or topic. Does not seek assistance from professor to refine topic.
1b. Identifies a variety of types and formats of potential sources for information. / Identifies a variety of information sources that best answer the research need. / Identifies a variety of information sources that are generally appropriate and relevant for the assignment or research need. / Identifies information sources that are somewhat relevant or partially meet the research need. / Identifies information sources that minimally meet the assignment requirements or reflect little relevance. / Fails to identify sources that are appropriate for the assignment. Research need is not met by the types of sources used.
2a. Constructs and implements effectively designed research strategies using appropriate methods or information retrieval systems
2b. Retrieves information using a variety of methods and systematically manages the information and its sources / Uses a variety of information from discipline specific and appropriate sources. Locates information from a variety of formats and retrieval systems. Sources used support the research need. / Uses a variety of discipline appropriate sources. Uses appropriate information retrieval systems. / Uses a variety of discipline appropriate sources. Uses appropriate information retrieval systems. / Uses a variety of discipline appropriate sources. Uses appropriate information retrieval systems. / Uses minimal or same type sources and may not go beyond web searching.
3a. Evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected information into his or her knowledge base / Applies evaluation criteria (timeliness, authority, relevance, accuracy, purpose) when selecting sources, and articulates that criteria when appropriate. Recognizes context and bias when present. Articulates distinctions when appropriate. / Applies evaluation criteria when selecting sources, and usually recognizes bias. Sources usually are relevant and significant to support the research need. / Uses sources that are generally credible, reliable, and lacking bias. Some sources may be of questionable significance to the research need or thesis / Uses sources that may be questionable as to credibility and reliability. Sources often do not show relevance or support to the research need or thesis / Uses sources that may be dated or irrelevant, lacking authority or biased. Sources do not support the research need or thesis.
3b. Identifies main ideas and their potential relevance, summarizing and synthesizing key ideas / Identifies, summarizes, and synthesizes key ideas from sources; identifies contradictions or unique characteristics of the source; uses sources to support the argument. / Summarizes sources and uses main ideas to substantiate the thesis or argument / Generally summarizes and identifies main ideas, but some sources have no synthesis or analysis / Summarizes main ideas, but with little coherence or relationship to other ideas. / Quotes or paraphrases main ideas from sources, but with no continuity or relationship to the research question or other sources used
4a. Applies new and prior information to the planning and creation of a product or performance / Combines new information with prior knowledge to create new conclusions or ideas. Integrates ideas from sources to fully support position or argument / Often uses new information to support ideas and conclusions. Intended purpose is achieved. / Generally applies prior information to create new product, achieving intended purpose. / Generally applies prior information to create new product, achieving intended purpose. / Fails to achieve intended purpose. Uses sources poorly when creating the product or performance.
4b. Communicates the product or performance effectively and clearly to others / Presents ideas coherently, using methods appropriate to the discipline and the assignment. Achieves intended purpose, and presents the information effectively / Usually presents ideas coherently; uses appropriate methods and technology to present the product / Generally presents ideas in a coherent manner. Could improve the method of communication or presentation. / May not present ideas in a clear manner. Uses technology or media that is not consistently effective or not appropriate to the discipline. / Presents ideas and content in a poor fashion. Required components may be missing from product. Uses technology, media or software
5a. Acknowledges sources and use information following the conventions of a particular discipline / Identifies and uses discipline appropriate citation style with no errors; Demonstrates consistent and appropriate use of paraphrasing and quotation of sources. Shows no ambiguity about original thought and the ideas of others. / Uses discipline appropriate citation style with minor errors. Minor errors in citation of sources. Usually shows proper attribution of ideas. / Generally uses discipline appropriate citation style, but with errors. Errors in citation and bibliography, with some ambiguity about original thought. / May fail to attribute ideas and words to others. May show improper use of sources or lack or quotation marks. / May exhibit plagiarism. Does not cite sources, or lists sources in bibliography that are not used in paper.
5b. Demonstrates an understanding of university policies regarding plagiarism, academic integrity and use of campus networks and information resources / Consistently demonstrates an understanding of the restrictions on the legal and ethical use of information and information resources. Applies ethical use of information to conventions of discipline. / Usually demonstrates an understanding of plagiarism and university networks and information. Understands some of the disciplinary conventions regarding ethical use of information. / Demonstrates an understanding of plagiarism and university networks and information. / May show an understanding of some aspects of plagiarism and use of networks and information. / Shows little or no understanding of plagiarism and university networks and information.