Mission Vista High School

Beginning Dance or Intermediate Dance



Ashley Johnson

760-758-6800 ext. 73151

Webpage- please check the dance website regularly for updates or stay updated via face book. Search for MVHS dance!


Please register to be on portal to keep up with your grades in this class and every class!

Course Description

This course is a survey of present day dance forms experienced through lecture, film, demonstration, and movement. This course covers dance as an art form, explores the creative process of dancing and choreography. This course covers ways to view and analyze movement, body mechanics/anatomy, and prevent injuries.

Course Objectives

  • Students will become familiar with different dance forms and the technique associated with each form.
  • They will explore dance as a vital, communicative and performing art, reflecting social values and cultural beliefs.
  • Students will survey dance history concerning perspectives of culture, race, and gender.
  • Students will study fundamental components of rhythm, dance movement, and technique.
  • Students will learn and perform dances that use technique we have been working on in class.
  • Students will observe and analyze movement elements such asShape, Space, Dynamics, and Form.
  • Students will learn how dance can be used to increase personal communication and expression.
  • Students will be able to work on both independent and group projects that prove they have met or exceeded their learning goals.

Required Texts and Other Supplies

-Journal and pen (for daily writings) =NO PENCILS ALLOWED IN THE DANCE ROOM!!!


(Each test will be covered in detail prior to testing. Each assignment will be covered in detail in class prior to due date.)

  • Each test will be worth a total of 40 points
  • There will be two components to each test: Written and Physical
  • You can choose how you would like me to grade you each time

Written: 30written/10 physical

Physical: 30 physical/ 10 written

Even: 20 written/ 20 physical

  • Three tests total, plus one mid term vocabulary test
  • A quiz will be given each week. You will take this in your journals.


  • Assignment: Dance in our culture Assignment
  • Project 1: (individual project) “What is dance?” Can be done in a collage, poem, or song. (40 pts.)
  • Project 2: (group project) Students will comprise a dance using the “elements of choreography” they have learned in the dance form of their choice. (60 pts.)
  • Paper: (4 paragraph essay) A critique of a professional dance performance (can be viewed in person, video, or online) (40pts)

Why do all these assignments in dance???

*These assignments will help you accomplish the course’sobjectives by providing you with artistic perception, creative expression, historical context, aesthetic valuing. By doing this work, you help build connections between topics, relationships, and applications in dance to your own lives.*

Daily Assignments

  • Daily assignments will be sporadic and could be classroom activities or reflections.
  • Active participation in class- daily points must be EARNED!
  • Participation in discussion questions- Students must respond to a discussion question to get points so to demonstrate learning and participation.


  • Homework (not graded) will be to practice the movements and techniques we cover in class and/or prepare an upcoming project or paper when assignment is given. If it is obvious, in class, the student has not been practicing, daily points can be taken away.

Making up work missed:

  • If absent OR sitting out, the student is responsible for covering all material missed which includes any tests, quizzes, and assignments missed AND CONTENT COVERED IN CLASS.

-Work must be turned in to Mrs. Johnson for credit one week after the absence.

-Students are granted one week to make up all missed work unless otherwise determined by teacher.

  • Students are encouraged to come in for help when dance room is open: by appointment or if the teacher is available.

-The dance room is open daily for lunchtime and after school and is not open before school.

  • Make up absences with extra credit (see dance website for extra credit options or Mrs. Johnson). Student’s have until quarter end to turn in any extra credit.
  • Any written work can be emailed to the teacher or turned in during class. Locate class assignments and watch videos of our dances for practice on the dance website at:

Extra Credit:Students are allowed 10 points of extra credit per quarter. No more! Extra credit options can be found on the dance website under the tab “class assignments-extra credit options”.


  • Two free absences are given at the beginning of each term. After that, each absenceresults in loss of daily points for each missed day. (Two free absences are term-length, not quarter.)
  • If extended absence occurs due to severe illness, no more than 30 participation points will be taken for absences per 4- week grading period. However, missing assignments/ test grades will be affected accordingly.


  • If a student needs to sit out from class, they must get teacher permission first. If the student sits out more than one day for the same reason, the third day they must have a note from home. Students will loose their points for that day and each day they do not have an excused note from a guardian.
  • While sitting out, they may receive full day’s participation credit for taking detailed notes, each day they sit out, on what was learned, corrected, and observed after each class and turn them in daily. (If notes are not handed in, there will be a 0 assigned for that day).
  • Any injury or illness that requires sitting out of class for 3 weeks or more, will result in the student being switched out of the class (per the PE guidelines).

Class Participation Point Breakdown:

  • Absence/ no class participation- 0 points
  • Inappropriate dress/non-suit: automatic “0” for the day. Teacher may or may not address with the student. Guidelines are clearly stated in the dress code below. If student’s attire is not within dress code, in any way, it is a non-suit. Even if they “dressed out”.

**Non-suits may sit and take notes on the class for 1 point of credit out of the three total points for the day. Present to teacher at the end of class. Loan clothing is provided in the locker rooms. No penalties are given to students in loan clothes unless it is more than twice in one week. Students are allowed loan clothes once a week only! Excessive non-suits will result in disciplinary action. **

  • Poor participation: 0 points (talking during warm-up or not paying attention to surroundings)
  • Meeting expectations: 3 points per day (15 points each week…. They add up fast!)

“MEETING EXPECTATIONS”= 3 daily points if the rules are followed below:

Expectations and class rules:

  • Be ready (On time, properly dressed, prepared, attentive, and ready to dance)
  • Be part of our community (Treat others with respect, be friendly, work collaboratively, and be open minded)
  • Be a dancer (You are in this class hopefully because you like to dance….. so DANCE!! Do not be concerned about how other people see you and what they might think of you.)
  • Be ready to sweat (We get a lot of exercise in this class so be prepared. Dancers are athletes!)

Facility rules:

  • -Students are not allowed to enter the locker room from the start of class to the end of class unless prompted by the teacher. Make sure you have everything with you that you need before leaving the locker room.
  • -Students will not be permitted to go to the bathroom unless it is a great emergency. This must be taken care of before class.
  • -Students are not allowed to be in the dance room unless the teacher is in the room. Before class, students are to wait in the designated area outside the room until the teacher arrives.

Dance Etiquette:

  • Arrive early or on time to prepare appropriately for class. If late, enter without disrupting the class and talk to me at the next pause in the lesson. Students arriving late may be asked to observe instead of participate and will loose a point for the day. Students are expected to be in the dance room before the teacher or they will be marked late and will loose daily points.
  • If a student needs to leave early, he/she must ask the teacher's permission before class begins. Please wave at me, make sure I see you, and leave discreetly when you need to go to not to disrupt class.
  • Students should stay in the back of the room if they do not know the combination.
  • Please do not ask me to go over things you have missed because you are absent during class time. I can meet with you during advisory to help you or get with a buddy as soon as possible to learn what you missed.
  • Students should never stop in the middle of an exercise unless an injury is sustained.
  • Eyes and attention should always be on the teacher. Talking, sitting without permission, leaning on the barre, yawning, or leaving class before it is over is unacceptable.
  • Be appreciative of corrections and apply them. Even if they are not your own corrections (you can still learn from other’s corrections!) Students will only progress if they take the correction and work hard to rectify their technique.
  • Students do not talk back to the teacher regardless of the situation. It is unacceptable to display negative attitudes towards the class or the teacher during class time. If there is a problem, issue, or concern please feel free to talk to me after class.
  • Students will be kind and respectful of their classmates. A positive attitude and tone must be kept at all times in the studio and in the locker room. Displays of foul temper and rudeness are unacceptable (no matter what the situation.) The teacher reserves the right to ask a student to leave if negative behavior is observed. Please leave your bad day at the door when you enter the room.
  • Gum chewing, eating, and drinking anything other than water or fitness beverages are prohibited (not allowed) in the studios. Please throw away any trash left behind after class.
  • Students may use the dance studio during their free time ONLY if permitted by the teacher ahead of time.
  • After class, students should bow and applaud themselves and the teacher in thanks for class at the end before leaving.

Dress code:

  • Hair must be pulled back and out of the face for all dance styles except: hip-hop and tap.
  • Must be in comfortable workout clothes you can move in (ex: Cotton, Lycra, Nylon, Poly, Spandex)
  • No cleavage, underwear, bras, midriffs (tummies), or regular shorts (unless bike shorts are underneath)
  • Must wear sports bra or leotard (NO regular bras!!)
  • Tank tops and spaghetti straps are OK, ONLY if they are layered over a thick strapped sports bra. NO Cleavage!!! Cover up!
  • Bottoms can be bike shorts, Capri’s, or dance pants (please, nothing see-thru) absolutely NO BOOTY SHORTS!!! Shorts must come down at least three inches from the inseam.
  • Shirts must be long! Shirts must come down past the hip bones or a leotard must be worn underneath. No tummies showing ever!!!A leotard or tank top underneath is required if the top is “flowy” at the bottom.
  • Shoes: Dance paws, lyrical shoes, ballet shoes, or jazz shoes are most versatile to have for this class, but are not required (bare foot or socks are also acceptable.) Sneakers for hip- hop and tap shoes or sneakers for tap.
  • Sweatshirts/sweatpants must be taken off for warm-up. No baggy clothing except in hip-hop.
  • Bottom line: COVER UP!!!!!

Consequences for poor behavior/participation:

  • Meeting with me
  • Speak with parents
  • Deducted points from citizenship and participation grade
  • Detention and/or behavior contract
  • As a class: plan B

Point Breakdown:

Quarter 1:
Tests: (1) 40 pts. (13%)
Quizzes: (6) 5pts ea= 30pts. (11%)
Participation: 38 days, 3pts ea.= 114 pts. (37%)
Fitness days: (4) 10 pts. ea= 40pts. (13%)
Dance critique paper: 40 pts. (13%)
Mid-term: 40 pts. (13%)
Total: 304 / Quarter 2:
Tests: (2) at 40pts. ea.=80 pts. (20%)
Quizzes: (7) 5 pts ea= 35pts. (9%)
Participation: 42 days, 3 pts ea.= 126pts. (33%)
Fitness days: (4) 10 pts. ea= 40 pts. (11%)
Choreography project: 60 pts. (16%)
What is dance project: 40pts. (11%)
Final: is the final test
Total: 381


Jazz= Choreography=Contemporary=Hip hop

CAVIAT: This syllabus is subject to change at any time during the semester.

Mission Vista High School




Ashley Johnson

760-758-6800 ext. 73151

Webpage- please check the dance website regularly for updates or stay updated via face book. Search for MVHS dance!


Please register to be on portal to keep up with your grades in this class and every class!

↓Please cut and sign the form below and have your student turn it in by the end of the first full week back! ↓


I have read the syllabus above:

Student name:______

Student signature: ______

Parent signature:______