NUFA Meeting Minutes

Feb 4, 2007

Brown: Minutes, Blue: Action needed, Red: Attention!

  1. Roll: Jessica (KCUMB), Christine (TCOM), Renata (NYCOM), Gary (AZCOM), John (DMU), Elise (CCOM), Kelli (PCOM), Mikey (KCUMB), Dr. Ettlinger
  2. FAAO Panel Update: Date on letter for participants to get back to us March 3
  3. Who
  4. Status of Invites:
  5. Dr. Frymann—YES!
  6. Dr. Kappler—YES!
  7. Dr. Schiowitz—NO can’t make it 
  8. Dr. Edna Lay—NO can’t make it 
  9. Dr. Chila—YES!
  10. Dr. Dickey—haven’t heard
  11. Dr. Farnum—MAYBE is working on changing flight
  12. Alternate: Johan Glover DO FAAO
  13. Thank you to those of you that contacted speakers!
  14. Format
  15. Three questions
  16. 20 minutes for entire panel to respond
  17. Open to Q&A during 20 minutes as time allows
  18. Open for general Q&A for audience at the end of the hour
  19. Two “back-up” questions on hand
  20. Question Options: PLEASE VOTE ON 3 QUESTIONS AND TWO ALTERNATES BY FEBRUARY 29TH. Feel free to also submit your own edited version of one below and/or add additional questions.
  21. What is the most important message you would like to share with future Osteopaths?
  22. What has been the biggest change in Osteopathic practice during your career?
  23. What is the most effective way you have found to communicate and work together with allopathic physicians?
  24. How can we honor the roots of Osteopathy in our future practices?
  25. What advice do you have on how to stay committed to the tenets of Osteopathy in the face of changing heath care environments?
  26. Do you have any suggestions for research projects that you haven’t yet explored?
  27. Do you have any suggestions on how to negotiate the road to becoming an FAAO?
  29. Wednesday March 26th
  30. 4-5PM: FAAO Panel: Honoring the Roots of Osteopathy
  31. Room Scheduled: Lalique 2
  32. 5-7PM: George Pasqurello DO, FAAO: To Ortho or to OMM?
  33. Room Scheduled: Lalique 2
  34. Need to confirm speaker, any volunteers for contacting Dr Pasquarello via email?
  35. 9-11PM: Stars/Stripes
  36. Skills Sessions with OMM Fellows
  37. Techniques for Skills Sessions: HVLA, ME, Cranial, Still Technique, MFR
  38. See Volunteer sheet to volunteer as a treater and to help out at the welcome table.
  39. Who would like to volunteer to make signs for the different skills?
  40. Thurs 3/27
  41. Business meeting will be for electing new NUFA liaison and having time for a NUFA SOCIAL!  Free food!!
  42. Business Meeting/Elections lunch Friday
  43. You will need to make your flight to accommodate a 7AM meeting Sunday morning if you are interested in NUFA liaison. This has been a fun and rewarding position so please come to the meetings to be nominated (Thursday) and elected (Friday).
  44. Friday March 28th 4-5:30 PM NUFA/FAAO forum
  45. Speakers: Dr. Ettlinger, Dr. Hagopian, Dr. Stiles
  46. Expanding the cranial concept
  47. Lets confirm speakers again by early Feb
  48. Confirm organization of this event with Dr. E
  49. Friday: Exhibitors competition
  50. We need volunteers to judge this event Friday morning. Please see volunteer excel file and email me to sign up to judge.
  51. Saturday: Auction
  52. Did anyone get items donated?
  53. Volunteers—please send excel file to your fellow fellows to get their help with introducing speakers, selling review books at the NUFA table and in general helping convo run smoothly and efficiently. Please help us out! It will be fun! 
  54. Next meeting: LAST Meeting before CONVO!! Be there or be square: MARCH 2, 8PM EST!