MISSION: the Mission of Rocky Mountain Perianesthesia Nurses Is to Unite Registered Nurses

MISSION: the Mission of Rocky Mountain Perianesthesia Nurses Is to Unite Registered Nurses

MISSION: The Mission of Rocky Mountain PeriAnesthesia Nurses is to unite registered nurses in all phases of perianesthesia /peri-procedural care through education, research, and standards of practice in order to promote quality care for patients.

RMPANA Strategic Objectives

Goal 1: RMPANA will establish viable means of communication with members.

Goal 2: RMPANA will continue to evaluate the current organizational structure and future development of the component.

Goal 3: RMPANA will provide continuing education specific to the perianesthesia arena.

Goal 4: RMPANA will strengthen leadership development.

Goal 5: RMPANA will support community, national or international programs that promote health and welfare.

Goal 6: RMPANA will develop and participate in research activities to support evidenced based practice.

Board members present: Olyn Carlson, Valerie Watkins, Dot Kieber, JoEtte Krissel, Mary Seitenbach, Sharon Hill, Mary Rachel Romero, Donna Gaul Bobo, Barbara Watts, Sharon Sample, Lynda Marks, Peggy Fischer, Dianne Leeth, Sheri Willburn, Regina Hofner-Notz, Lois Schick

Guests: Nicole, Babu, Barbara Krumbach, Janine Purdy, Cathy Scott, Janice Strong, Cheryl Coleman( ABPANC representative), Phyllis MacDonald, Nancy O’Malley, Deana Yeomans, Diane McCue, Sue Carter, ASPAN President

Excused absence: Marcia Keiser

Call to Order: 1011
Welcome: President: Olyn Carlson

Introductions: Attendee introductions

Appoint Timekeeper: Valerie Watkins

Additions/addendums to Agenda: Valerie brought a copy for all of “Roberts Rules of Order”

President’s Report: Olyn Carlson

ASPAN: 2013 National Conference (Representative Assembly)

2012-01: Substance Abuse Proposal (Approved)

2012-02: Perianesthesia Nursing Standards, Practice Recommendation and Interpretive

Statements 2012-2014 (Approved)

2012-03: ASPAN Membership dues increase (Approved as amended)

2012-04: Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Membership (Approved as part of membership dues increase)

2012-05: Transparency in ASPAN Election Process (Approved)

2012-06: Practice Recommendation regarding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Approved)

RMPANA: Component Development Institute (Treasurer’s report) –discussion on how to choose members to go

District VI Dissolution (District VI report)—Dot will give in Marcia’s absence

No Refund Policy at Seminars (Debby Harvey case)—Per Sharon Sample a policy exists and it was read. A decision was made to

Have each case reviewed on an individual basis by the BOD.

President’s report attached electronically

Agenda Item: / Secretary’s Report: Approval of Previous Board minutes
Overview/Discussion: / Minutes from March 3, 2012 were reviewed
Conclusions: / Corrections to the minutes were made. JoEtte moved to approve the minutes of March 3, 2012 with corrections. Valerie seconded the motion. Minutes need to be posted at website with in a month & voted on.
Action Items: / “Consent Calendar”—all agenda-action items must be turned in one month early. Per Nancy O’Malley, items should be discussed in the beginning of the BOD meeting, so as to give time for debate. District & committee reports must be sent to Valerie and Dot 1 month ahead of BOD meeting
Person Responsible: / Dot Kieber / Deadline: October 31, 2012
Agenda Item: / Treasurer’s Report: JoEtte Krissel
Overview/Discussion: /
  1. 2013 Budget: Balance: $91,504.98—checking; 0—money market
  2. RMPANA Bucks: Only one person sent in for $10.00. JoEtte reminded all that they can be used for workshops.
  3. CDI reimbursement: How many attendees can RMPANA support?—Present budget is $1200
  4. Reimbursement procedure: Monies for Travel expenses to districts— Olyn
  5. Financial Audit—will be done after the Retreat
  6. Miscellaneous—Non-profit status is to be filed with the state annually by the Treasurer (March Agenda item)—done by JoEtte
  7. Add duty of filing for non-profit status to the Treasurer’s Job Description (March Agenda Item)

Conclusions: / A motion was made by JoEtte for the Board to pay for Barb Watts, Valerie Watkins, and Regina
Hofner-Notz for this past session. Sharon Sample seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous.
JoEtte made another motion to refund money for this Retreat to Marcia Keiser and Debbie Harvey. Dianne Leeth seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Action Items: / Budget meeting November, 2012. The BOD will discuss at March 2013 meeting who will attend the next session of CDI. Each district Treasurer is responsible for sending reports to the BOD Treasurer on an annual basis. JoEtte is not getting them. She needs the Financials for the year end so the BOD knows how the money is being spent.
Persons Responsible: / JoEtte Krissel
Attachments: / See attached reportDeadline: September 21, 2012
Agenda Item: /
District Reports
I: Dianne Leeth: (See report)
II: Inactive
III: Sheri Willburn: Teleconferences—good turnout. Education—Spring 2012-good turnout. Members helped with Seminar-June 2012 in Edwards. Balance checking—$2,420.10. Savings--$2,064.52. Goal: To start a scholarship fund for one new member.
IV: Barbara Watts: May 19, 2012 education offering. ASPAN seminar January 2012—poor turnout. Due to snowstorm. Six people will be taking their CPAN/CAPA certification test. The district awarded a $500 Nursing scholarship to a student. This year they plan to do a scholarship for an Advanced Practice Nurse with more money. Budget not reported.
V: Peggy Fischer—June 12 workshop in Pueblo, CO—24 attended. Peggy had a vendor sponsor lunch. Balance Checking-- $3,145.59.
VI: Dot Kieber for Marcia Keiser—The dissolution was discussed. It was suggested by the BOD that a letter be sent to all members by the president of the District VI to let them know of the dissolution and await a response with a deadline if anyone is willing to step forward to lead the district.
Overview/Discussion: / See Above.
Conclusions: / See Above
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / District representatives / Deadline: February 2013
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Governmental Affairs: Mary Rachel Romero
Overview/Discussion: / (See attached report)
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Mary Rachel Romero and BOD / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Attachments: / Scholarship Application Attachment—the subcommittee will look at
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Fund-raising: JoEtte Krissel
Overview/Discussion: / A discussion ensued regarding selling pens and Fleece jackets.
Conclusions: / Pens are $1.00 and Full zip fleece jackets in deep teal will be sold for $35.00. Lanyard pens are $2.00. Candles are also available. Six extra hiking T-shirts are available.
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / JoEtte / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Attachments: / (See Attached Report)
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Bylaws/Policies & Procedures: Sharon Sample
Overview/Discussion: / A. Need more members for committee—Olyn will announce at meetings today to draw in members outside of BOD.
B. Need policy on Medical Missions—should we adopt ASPAN’s policy
Action Items: / Look at ASPAN’s policy for Medical Missions and have a proposal for our next meeting in March 2013. Look at Policies and job descriptions. If you have changes submit to Sharon to be submitted to the BOD to be voted on.
A motion was made by Dianne Leeth to destroy ballots after the election. It was seconded by Mary Seitenbach and approved by unanimous vote.
A second motion to do electronic voting in the summer for President & other offices up for election, so that we know who can go to CDI was made by Valerie Watkins. It was seconded by Sharon Hill and approved by unanimous vote.
Person Responsible: / Sharon and BOD / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Attachments: / (See Attached report)
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Communications: (open-Valerie Watkins covering)
Overview/Discussion: / A. Membership Chair: Nicole BabuB. Membership Committee: (Valerie Watkins) Currently have 400+ members. New lists are sent to district chair/membership chair. Expiring members: post cards are sent to non e-mail members only one time. Mass e-mail notifications can be sent via mail chimp. District membership chair should be recognizing new members at meetings.
C. Website: Janine Purdy will train under Donna
D. Publications: (Cathy Dunne) has stepped down need a new person
1.Due dates for submissions: March 19th for April 1; June 1st for July 1; October 15 for
November 1
2. Mary Rachel Romero will do newsletter
3. Need proof readers –Dianne Leeth volunteered
Conclusions: / Need Communications Committee. Valerie has a list of new members for each district. Districts need to send Welcome letters.
Action Items: / A1. Valerie/ Nicole to send military member list to secretary
B1. Officers and members to submit items for newsletter
C4. Olyn to distribute willingness to serve forms.
C5. Olyn to arrange for tables at RIR for officer-officer communications
Person Responsible: / As above / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Education: Mary Seitenbach /Barb Krumbach)
Overview/Discussion: / A. New Chairperson
B. Location of future Retreat in the Rockies
C. District Seminars for 2013
D. Barb Comstock 2013 will help with food
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Mary and Board members / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Attachments: / (See attached report)
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Research: Claudia Scroggs
Overview/Discussion: / New Chairperson-Diane McCue
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Claudia Scroggs / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Attachments: / No Report
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Strategic Planning: Valerie Watkins
Overview/Discussion: / A. Two meetings held
B. Reviewed & approved Mission Statement and then revised Strategic Plan to be presented 9/2012
C. The Strategic Plan will be used for Leadership Training at RIR
D. Beginning to prepare Gold Leaf Application 2012
E. What is needed to attend ASPAN National Conference as Representative to Assembly?
Conclusions: / Strategic Plan –Approved by BOD
Action Items: / Every District needs to look at members awards for outstanding achievement to be rewarded at RIR. Look at trophy to display.
Person Responsible: / Valerie and members / Deadline:  ongoing
Attachments: / (See attached report)
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Nominating: Sharon Hill
Overview/Discussion: / A. Nominating and election process—call for nominations will be sent via e-mail, on website and in
B. Vice-President/President Elect candidate—Regina Hofner-Notz; Treasurer—JoEtte Krissel
C. Voting process will be the same as last year. Paper ballot will be updated for those who don’t
Attend RIR and still wish to participate in voting. Ballots are ready
Action Items: / Call for nominations; update paper ballot
Person Responsible: / Sharon Hill / Deadline: September 21, 2012
Attachments: / Nominating committee report attached electronically
Agenda Item: / COMMITTEE REPORTS Historical: Linda Davis
Overview/Discussion: / Linda Davis cannot continue
Nancy O’Malley will do
Position open
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Board or any RMPANA member / Deadline:
Attachments: / Historical chair report

Unfinished Business

Agenda Item: / 1. MHAUS—Dianne Leeth reporting. It costs the Board $ 50/yr. Need e-mail address & password. Dianne will get with Donna Bobo Gaul to receive information.
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / As above / Deadline September 21, 2012

New Business

Agenda Item:
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Deadline:
Agenda Item:
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Deadline:
Agenda Item:
Action Items:
Person Responsible: / Deadline:
Agenda Item: / Electronic Communications—adjourned to conference Room
Overview/Discussion: / Mail Chimp Training
Survey Monkey Training
Drop Box Training
Conclusions: / Improve communications
Action Items: / Training
Person Responsible: / Valerie Watkins / Deadline: September 21, 2012


Next RMPANA Board meeting: Location, date & time TBA