Center for Spirituality’s Spring/Fall Endowed Lecture Series
(Dating from Fall 2005)
Fall 2005
Vatican II, 1965-2005: Relive the Revolution, Revive the Spirit!
- Vatican II Forty Years Later: Legacy, Leadership and Unfinished Agenda
Judy Woodruff in Conversation with Council Participants
- A People Adrift: Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America
Peter Steinfels, Fordham University
Spring 2006
Expanding Our Liturgical Horizons
- Expanding Our Liturgical Horizons
Edward Foley, Capuchin, Catholic Theological Union
- The Eucharist: Historical Perspectives and Current Concerns
Catherine Vincie, RSHM, Aquinas Institute, Saint Louis University
Fall 2006
Bringing Tradition to Life
- Welcoming the Stranger: Hospitality in the Christian Tradition
Ana Maria Pineda, Santa Clara University
- Women, Spirituality and the Workplace
Claire Wolfteich, Boston University
- Voices from the Past, Wisdom for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
Saint Catherine of Siena (portrayed by actress Nancy Murray, OP)
Spring 2007
Spirituality and Culture
- Spirituality for a Globalizing World
Vincent Miller, Georgetown University
- Spirituality and Sexuality: The Marriage of Eros and Grace
James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead, Loyola University and Fudan University, Shanghai
Fall 2007
Education of the Mind and Heart
- Saint Mary’s College and Doxology: Why? How? Where? When?
John Haughey, SJ, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University
- Recognizing the Holy: Reflections on the Beatification of Basil Anthony Moreau, CSC
Mary Louise Gude, CSC
Spring 2008
1968-2008: Events and Trajectories
- The Legacy of Thomas Merton: A Personal Reflection
Richard Hauser, SJ, Creighton University
- Upheavals of the 60s in the Life and Thought of Pope Benedict XVI
John L. Allen, Journalist and Author
- 40 Years after Humanae Vitae (On Human Life): Divisions and Common Ground
Julie Hanlon Rubio, Saint Louis University
Fall 2008
The Quest Continues…
- The Practice of Spirituality and the Practice of Medicine: Worlds Apart or Overlapping?
Harold Koenig, MD, Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medical Center
- The Quest for the Living God
Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, Fordham University
- Theories of Emerging Complexities: A Theological Approach to the Question
Rev. Antje Jackelen, Bishop of Lund, Sweden
Spring 2009
Hope During Hard Times
- The Market Can’t Imagine, But We Can: Creativity as a Spiritual Response to the Financial Crisis
Maureen O’Connell, Fordham University
- Did Jesus Laugh? What Humor has to do with Spirituality
Anita Houck, Saint Mary’s College
- The Hidden Face of Hope
Barbara Quinn, RSCJ, University of San Diego
Fall 2009
Celebration of the Center’s 25th Anniversary: Women, Wisdom, and Witness
- Reflections on Catholicism, Feminism, and History
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, University of Notre Dame
- The Quest Project Continues…A Symposium on Spirituality and Health
- Monika K. Hellwig: The People’s Theologian
A Symposium Celebrating Her Life and Work
Spring 2010
Catholicism at the Crossroads
- Catholicism at the Crossroads: How the Laity Can Save the Church
Paul Lakeland, Fairfield University
- Near Occasions of Grace: The Gift and Task of Thinking Catholic
Colleen M. Mallon, OP, Aquinas Institute of Theology
- The Eucharist and a Decade of Liturgical Reform: 1999-2010
Michael Driscoll, University of Notre Dame
Fall 2010
Real Life Calling
- Call and Response: The Dynamics of Vocation
Lucien Roy, Loyola University, Chicago
- Jane Addams: Spirit in Action
Louise W. Knight, Author and Historian
Believing Scholars
- Faith and Reason in the Life and Work of Mathematician Marston Morse
Joanne R. Snow, Saint Mary’s College
Colleen M. Hoover, Saint Mary’s College
Spring 2011
Illuminating the Word
- Scripture and Spirituality: Touching a Finger to the Flame
Carolyn Osiek, Brite Divinity School
- A Librarian Looks at The Saint John’s Bible
Robert Hohl, Saint Mary’s College
Fall 2011
- The Future of Religious Life
Sandra Schneiders, IHM, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkley,California
- Feminist Interpretations of the Bible
Barbara E. Reid, OP, Catholic Theological Union
- Are you in? Catholicism and Public Life Today
Nancy Dallavalle, Fairfield University
Spring 2012
- Vision: From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen
Margot Fassler, University of Notre Dame
- Love Abyss: Hadewijch’s Infinite Desire
Amy Hollywood, Harvard Divinity School
Fall 2012
Roots and Wings: The Legacy of the Second Vatican Council
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council
- The Legacy of Vatican II: Historical Highlights and Reasons for Hope
John Allen, Jr., Senior Correspondent, National Catholic Reporter
- Teaching Vatican II: How Change Reached the Woman in the Pew
Mary J. Henold, Roanoke College
- Roots and Wings: How Vatican II Changed My Spiritual Life
Bishop Remi J. De Roo, retired, Diocese of Victoria
Spring 2013
Mind, Body, Spirit: Connected
- Perspectives on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Margaret O’Brien Steinfels, Fordham University
- Exploring the Body/Spirituality Interface
Suzette Brémault-Phillips, University of Alberta
- The Evolutionary Adventure of Catholic Spirituality
Mary Jo Weaver, Indiana University
Fall 2013
Justice and Its Many Facets
- Dying to Live: A Theology of Migration
Fr. Daniel Groody, CSC, University of Notre Dame
- Saying Yes to More than the Dress?
Elements of a Pro-Woman Theology of Marriage
Emily Reimer-Barry, University of San Diego
- Consuming Women: Sex Slavery and the Body of Christ in a Market Dominated World
Mary Doak, University of San Diego
Spring 2014
Witnesses to the Love of God: The Leadership of Catholic Women Religious
- Touched by the Love of God: Contemplative Prayer as the Heart of Our Life and Leadership
Janet K. Ruffing, RSM, Yale Divinity School
- Madeleva: A Play in Several Voices
A New Play by Saint Mary’s Gaudete Theatre Project
- The Contemplative Call to Do Justice
Simone Campbell, SSS, NETWORK
Fall 2014
Unitas, Veritas, Caritas: Catholicism and the Liberal Arts and Sciences
- What Difference Does Caritas Make? A Conversation between Economics and Catholic Social Thought on the Nature of the Human Person
Mary Hirschfeld, Villanova University
- Catholicism, Caritas, and the Vocation of the Health Care Professional
Marie T. Hilliard, The National Catholic Bioethics Center
- Tracing Common Ground in Biology and Theology: Caritas and the Drama of Kinship
Celia Deane-Drummond, University of Notre Dame