Mission Statement: "To share the love of Christ with all people."

Volume 20, Issue 10 November 2015

November 1st
All Saints Sunday / November 8th
Gathering Service/Veteran’s Sun. / November 16th
Youth Service / November 22nd
Christ King Sunday / November 29th
First Sunday Advent
Assistant Minister / Rose Ploplis / Gathering Service / Youth Service / Bob Covault / Sally Winnale
Communion Assistants / Bob Covault
Dorothy Nelson / Donna McMartin
Maxine Turnbull / Youth Service / Paula Patlewicz
Stephanie Potts / Nancy Petersen
Renee Rogowski
Greeters / Dorothy Salbert / Elaine Gregersen / Lillian Newton / Kathleen Kauffman / Edith Leposki
Reader / Renee Rogowski / Brian Petersen
(gospel only) / Youth Service / Dorothy Nelson / Renee Rogowski
Set-Up / Bob Covault & Kathleen Kauffman / Jackie & John Marini / Edith Leposki
Dorothy Nelson / Dorothy Nelson
Rose Ploplis / Dorothy Nelson
Dawn Oviatt
Usher / Tammy Kersheske
Keith Porter / Frank & Cathy
Mayer / Dorothy Nelson
Barbara Van Wagner / Frank Mayer
Dick Gibbons / Bob Cramer
Dick Gibbons

Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 All Saints Sunday / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
9:15-10:15am Confirmation Class-Soc. Rm./Pre-Confirmation Class-Rm. 4
10:30am Worship 11:30am Fellowship 12:30pm Worship Committee Meeting-Soc. Rm. 1:30-9pm Winter Guard-Gym & Kitchen / 8:30am-4pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
9-10am Early Child Staff Meeting-Rm. 3
6-7:45pm Brave Believers / 9am-3:30pm L&B Learning Center-Rm. 1 1-3:30pm Adult Ed Classes-Rm. 3 / 9am-8:30pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 1-:30pm Adult Ed-Rm. 3
6-7:30pm Wed. Book Study-Soc. Rm. / 10am-12:30pm ibfs Parent Children Group-Rm. 3
12-2pm Desperate Disciples-Soc. Rm. 6-9pm Childcare Training-Rm. 3 / 9am-3pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 / 8:30am-3;30pm Childcare Training-Rm. 3 9am-2pm ABCO Program-Gym Kitchen & Soc. Rm. 9:30-3:30pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 & 4 3-7pm Winter Guard-Gym 8-9:30pm AA Meeting-Gym
8 Veteran’s Sunday / 9 / 10 / 11 Veteran’s Day / 12 / 13 / 14
9:15-10:15am Confirmation Class-Soc. Rm./Pre-Confirmation Class-Rm. 4
10:30am Gathering Service
11:30am Fellowship / 8:30am-4pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
9-10am Early Child Staff Meeting-Rm. 3
6-7:45pm Brave Believers / 9am-3:30pm L&B Learning Center-Rm. 1 1-3:30pm Adult Ed Classes-Rm. 3 / 9am-8:30pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 1-:30pm Adult Ed-Rm. 3
6-7:30pm Wed. Book Study-Soc. Rm. / 12-2pm Desperate Disciples-Soc. Rm. 6-9pm Childcare Training-Rm. 3 / 8am-4pm Childcare Provider 1st Aid/CPR-3
9am-3pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 / 8:30am-3;30pm Childcare Training-Rm. 3
8-9:30pm AA Meeting-Gym & Kitchen
15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
9:15-10:15am Confirmation Class-Soc. Rm./Pre-Confirmation Class-Rm. 4
10:30am Youth Service
11:30am Fellowship
1:30-9pm Winter Guard-Gym / 8:30am-4pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
9-10am Early Child Staff Meeting-Rm. 3
6-7:45pm Brave Believers / 9am-3:30pm L&B Learning Center-Rm. 1 1-3:30pm Adult Ed Classes-Rm. 3 / 9am-8:30pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 1-:30pm Adult Ed-Rm. 3
5-8pm IBFS Meeting-Rm 3
6-7:30pm Wed. Book Study-Soc. Rm. / 10am-12:30pm ibfs Parent Children Group-Rm. 3
12-2pm Desperate Disciples-Soc. Rm. 6-9pm Childcare Training-Rm. 3 / 9am-3pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
9:30am-1:30pm Commodities / 8:30am-3;30pm Childcare Training-Rm. 3 9am-2pm ABCO Program-Gym Kitchen & Soc. Rm. 9:30-3:30pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1 & 4 3-7pm Winter Guard-Gym 8-9:30pm AA Meeting-Gym
22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 Thanksgiving / 27 / 28
9:15-10:15am Confirmation Class-Soc. Rm./Pre-Confirmation Class-Rm. 4
10:30am Youth Service
11:30am Fellowship
1:30-9pm Winter Guard-Gym / 8:30am-4pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
9-10am Early Child Staff Meeting-Rm. 3 10am-2pm Thanksgiving Food Baskets-Gym & Kitchen 6-7:45pm Brave Believers / 9am-3:30pm L&B Learning Center-Rm. 1
1-3:30pm Adult Ed Classes-Rm. 3 / 9am-8:30pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
1-:30pm Adult Ed-Rm. 3
7pm Thanksgiving Eve Service / Church Office Closed No Leaps n’ Bounds Programing
No Head Start No DHS No Desperate Disciples
No Food & Baby Pantry / Church Office Closed No Leaps n’ Bounds Programing
No Head Start
No DHS No Food & Baby Pantry / 10am Decorating Church for Christmas
11am-3pm Forster Parent Training-Soc. Rm. 8-9:30pm AA Meeting-Gym & Kitchen
29 Christ The King / 30 / /
9:15-10:15am Confirmation Class-Soc. Rm./Pre-Confirmation Class-Rm. 4 10:30am Youth Service
11:30am Fellowship
6-8pm Advent By Candle Light-Gym & Kitchen / 8am-4pm Head Start-Rm. 2
8:30am-4pm L&B Learning Center/Lab-Rm. 1
9-10am Early Child Staff Meeting-Rm. 3
6-7:45pm Brave Believers



Busy, busy, busy! That's what you say when you see Dorothy Nelson bustling about the church, doing this and that. Whether she is working in the kitchen or doing some such thing for WELCA, she is busy, busy, busy!

Little Dorothy Van Wagner was but twelve years old when she first came to Mt. Calvary. No, she was not "born into" our hallowed halls. It started with Dorothy's sister, Kathleen, who was "going with" Herbert Kauffman, who was a member of Mt. Calvary. He brought Kathleen, and she brought Dorothy, and Dorothy brought her mother, and her mother brought all the rest of her children.

Harold and Marie Van Wagner lived in the Eight Mile and Hoover area. They had six children: Kathleen, Dorothy, Marie, Barbara, Henry, and Fred. Harold passed away in 1961, and Marie lived in their home until the neighborhood became a little too rough, then she moved to assisted living, then she moved to a nursing home, relying on her children to visit and care for her there as they could. Back when Mt. Calvary had fresh Christmas trees, Marie Van Wagner donated the huge Christmas tree that grew along side of her house. Someone broke into her house, the tree giving cover, so the tree had to go. I actually remember that tall, stately, beautiful Christmas tree that stood in Mt. Calvary's chancel that year. Maybe you do, too.

Jacob and Juletta Nelson lived in Warren. Gilbert was an only child and I was surprised to hear that they were Mt. Calvary members for a short while, too.

Dorothy Van Wagner went to Macomb Park Elementary School, Lincoln Junior and Senior schools, graduating in June of 1956. Our own Mary Behnke lived across the street from Dorothy and they soon became good friends. Dorothy would go over sometimes and the two of them would sit on the porch and chat, or Dorothy would babysit Mary's three boys. One summer Mary and her husband had an addition put on their house, and Gilbert Nelson was one of the workers.

Who knows who caught whose eye first, but their first date was tobogganing at Warsaw Park. Gilbert had to fulfill his military duty in the Army but after his 1962 discharge, they were married in September at Mt. Calvary by Pastor Warnke, with Kathleen and Barbara standing up for their sister. It was a large wedding with one hundred fifty guests celebrating at the Lutheran Fraternity Hall. When you add up all years they've been together, it's been fifty-three years of wedded bliss.

Gilbert and Dorothy started their married life in a flat at Six Mile and Gratiot, then moved in with Dorothy's mother for about eighteen months. They moved in to their cozy home on Gardendale in 1964. They welcomed a son, Kevin, in 1963, and a daughter, Karen, in 1964. Over the years, grandchildren came along, Dustin and Shawna, and Charlie, Nathan, and Jacob. Dorothy is proud to say that their son, Kevin, joined the police force, was a motorcycle cop, and retired as a detective after 30 years of service. Karen was a secretary at an insurance company, but times being what they are, is now a cleaner at General Motors.

Gilbert worked for Milbrand Company, then went to the City of Warren, where he started in the water department, on to forestry, and then parks and recreation, became a foreman, and retired after 30 years. Dorothy worked at Beck Shoes as a co-op student while still in high school, then went on to Michigan Bell Telephone Company where she retired after 31 years.

Dorothy is proud to say that she was baptized, confirmed and married at Mt. Calvary, both Kevin and Karen were baptized and confirmed at Mt. Calvary, and Karen was married here, and three grandchildren were baptized and confirmed at Mt. Calvary. Three generations of Nelsons have been at Mt. Calvary...will there be more in the future?

Like I said, Dorothy is very active here. She was Woman of the Year in 1995. She's been a choir member for many years, and has been music director, picking out music we sing, whether for the choir or church service selections. She's a Communion assistant, worship assistant, greeter, reader, schedules Communion set-up, does communion set-up and helps set up for funeral lunches. She helps with fellowship after church, setting up the coffee pot (the best coffee ever!) and sweets we may enjoy of a Sunday morning. She bakes for bake sales and funeral dinners, and pot luck dinners whenever needed. She is on the Worship Board and is Secretary of WELCA. Not only has she sung in the choir, but she has sung many a solo, and was part of duets, trios, and quartets over the years. Dorothy has had her "fingers in many pies" and I just hope I haven't missed something with which she has been intricately involved.

In closing, I asked Dorothy if she had anything she'd like to add, and she said "I love my church and church family. It's like a second home to me." In reading over the many things Dorothy has been involved with over the years, I ask myself, "What if Dorothy's mother had joined another church those many years ago? How would Mt. Calvary have operated all these years without her?" Too horrible to contemplate! Thank goodness for Dorothy Nelson and her passion for Mt. Calvary: her church, her refuge, her home away from home!

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
8129 Packard Ave
Warren MI 48089
New Church Web Site www.mtcalvaryelca.org
November Newsletter 2014

Newsletter 10