Club Wolverine Swim Meet Sponsorship Opportunities

As part of the Family Fee fundraising opportunities offered by CW this document outlines the meet sponsorship program for our two upcoming meets. The nice thing about this option is that 100% of your collections go towards your Family Fee commitment (except if a banner is made for a lane sponsor). Many families have been able to completely fulfill their annual Family Fee obligation by selling meet ads. This is a very common method used by many swims teams across the country with similar Family Fee requirements.

Often ad sales are generated by the connections you already have in the community rather than making ‘cold calls’ (although this can work too). You may consider the local restaurant, your dentist or doctor, a real estate agency, a financial consultant, or your own company as potential advertisers. You can also consider ‘Good Luck’ ads submitted by family members.

Below is information you can use to share with those you contact to sell ad space.

Information about CW:

Club Wolverine is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation registered in the State of Michigan. The club is affiliated with Michigan Swimming, Inc., and USA Swimming, the governing body for amateur swimming in the United States. The team is a year round swim team that serves the greater Ann Arbor area for swimmers aged 5 to post-college. We currently have approximately 300 swimmers who swim for CW throughout each year. Many of these swimmers also swim for the local high schools. CW regularly experiences success at the local (4-time defending summer state champions), regional (2009 Midwest sectional meet champion), national (2006-2008 USA national champion), and international (swimmer on every Olympic team since 1988 and 8 gold medals and multiple world records at the 2008 summer Olympics). The CW mission is: “to develop swimmers of all levels in a nationally recognized program that represents the greater Ann Arbor community, as part of a team supported by outstanding coaches and parents." Further evidence of CW’s organizational success is that we are currently one of only four clubs in the USA to achieve both USA Swimming’s Gold Medal status (since 2008), recognizing the accomplishments of our younger age-group swimmers, and Level 4 Status in the USA Swimming Club Recognition Program indicating our excellent club structure both on the coaching and administrative side. Finally, we recently have initiated our ‘Gold Group’ which allows children being treated for cancer at the University of Michigan’s Mott Children’s Hospital to participate in a swim program to assist them with their treatment. This is part of CW’s ongoing community involvement which has included two previous cash donations totaling over $12,000 to the MottHospital.

Information About the CW Sponsored Meets:

The 2010 Club Wolverine Holiday Invitational Swim Meet will offer 5 sessions of swimming, with nearly 600 athletes expected to compete. This event is a tradition for CW. The stands at the Eastern Michigan University Jones Natatorium will be packed with parents and grandparents. The meet will take place on December 17-19, 2010 and is sponsored by Club Wolverine, a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. The sessions will occur onFriday evening, and Saturday and Sunday morning and afternoon. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

CW will also host the Michigan Swimming State Meet on March 18-20, 2011with sessions Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings and evenings. This annual meet typically draws about 300of the states best swimmers and families again to the Eastern Michigan University Jones Natatorium. Again, the stands will be packed with family members cheering on their children. All donations are fully tax-deductible.

The following information outlines opportunities for businesses and individuals to support CW by purchasing an ad. NOTE: Where it states ‘pkg’ is referring to a discount price if a sponsor wishes to advertise in both meets.

Meet heat sheet ads: This is the most common form of advertising at our meets. CW offers space for full page ads ($75, $125/pkg.), ½ page ads ($50, $90/pkg.), ¼ page ads ($25, $45/pkg.) and business card size ads ($20, $36/pkg.), back cover full page ($200, $360/pkg.). Advertisements may be for/from businesses and corporations in addition to “happy” ads, wishing a swimmer good luck from Grandma and Grandpa, happy birthday, etc. Additionally there is an opportunity for a single back cover ad ($200, $360/pkg.). Note that the inside front and back covers and the back cover are only available for one sponsor each…so you’ll want to check first before selling this type of ad to make sure it is still available. The number of ads within the meet heat sheets are unlimited.

Lane Sponsors: Banner/sign with company logo or advertisement will be displayed behind the lanes at all sessions of the swim meet plus website and program recognition as a lane sponsor ($175/CW provides banner, $300/pkg OR $125 if banner is provided, $200 pkg.). NOTE: This sponsorship is not 100% tax-deductible if CW provides the banner. In that case, the appropriate tax deduction is amount of donation less the $50 cost of banner. There are an unlimited number of lane sponsor opportunities.

Session Sponsors: Sponsoring 1 session of the meet will include: ½ page ad in session‘heat sheets’ (these are new for each session). Additionally, company/business names will be announced during the session. Session Sponsorships will be available for all sessions of each meet ($200/session for the December meet and $250/session for the March meet). There are 6 session sponsor opportunities for each meet. If you secure a session sponsor you may want to check first to make sure sessions are still available.

Meet Sponsor: Sponsorship of the 2010 Holiday Invitational Meet or the 2011Michigan State Meet will include your company’s name in conjunction with the title of the meet on all event press, programming, etc. This will encompass the front cover of the meet program (see example at end of packet), a banner in pool area throughout the event, a press release to media announcing sponsorship of Club Wolverine, a one full page of additional ad space in meet program, and company/business name announced during each session of the meet ($1000 for December meet and $2000 for the March meet). There is only one opportunity per meet for this level of sponsorship so if you are fortunate enough to achieve this please check first before finalizing with the sponsor.

Advertising and sponsorship is available at a “package price” if you choose to sponsor both meets (June and July) at this time.This is indicated on the agreement form. For further information, contact Janel Ehrman at .

Important: In order for meet advertising to take place all sponsorship agreements must be secured and complete no later than Tuesday, December 14, 2010 for the December meet and Tuesday, March 15, 2011 for the March meet.

Tips on Selling Ads for CW Meets

• Enclosed you will find an AD PACKET and information sheets. Please make copies of theAgreementand Invoice as needed.

• Make a list of all possible advertisers that you want to contact.

• Take the examples with you to show the potential advertiser when you try to sell anad.

• Be familiar with the Information About CW… paragraph that introduces our club, for ideasof what to say. Also understand the information about each of our meets.

• When you sell an ad, fill-out the contract and invoice.The invoice is for your client. The agreement is to turn in.

• Pick up the money when you get the ad (if possible). You are responsible for getting themoney yourself. If the business needs to mail a check, be sure to tell them that the ad willonly be printed if it is paid by print time. You will only receive credit if the ad is paid.

• Each ad must be created by the company, computer ready, and sized for the appropriate space.

  • Ads can have coupons created by the company

• Ads may not be submitted by phone. They should be sent to as an attachment.

• Ads will gladly be accepted electronically preferably in a pdf filefile or even better in a publisher file. Ads on paper are fine as well but they will only be the quality of a scanned document. You will have to make accommodations to turn in a paper copy of an ad.

• Submit an agreement with each ad.

DON’T PROCRASTINATE. If you have a prospective client, go get the ad and get it turned in. Don’t be late. Close to press time, we arebusy making corrections to the meet packet; getting the meet packet completed outweighs a late ad. If you have a late one, email to make surethere is still time to get it in.

Meet / Date / Ad and Payment Submission Deadline
CW Holiday Invitational Meet / December 17-19, 2010 / December 14, 2010
MichiganSwimmingState Meet Hosted by CW / March 18-10, 2011 / March 15, 2011

You must submit all agreements, ads and payments by the stated deadlines to:

Janel Ehrman

CW Meet Ads

7892 Shire Lane

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

Home: 734-480-3424

Cell: 734-417-8212

Swim Meet Sponsorship Agreement

Agreement made on , 2010/11 between


(referred hereafter as ‘sponsor’)

Address (street, city, zip)______


and Club Wolverine Swimming, Inc., PO Box 130229, Ann Arbor, MI 48113.

The sponsor will make the following contribution(s) to Club Wolverine for the CW Holiday Invitational Swim Meet, Dec.17-19, 2010 at the Eastern Michigan University Jones Natatorium, Ypsilanit, MI AND/OR the Michigan State Swim Meet Hosted by Club Wolverine, March 18-20, 2011 at Eastern Michigan University Jones Natatorium, Ypsilanit, MI:

Ad size:$______full page ($75, $125/pkg.)$______Half page ($50,$90/pkg.)

$______Quarter page ($25, $45/pkg.)$______Business card ($20, $36/pkg)

$______Back cover ($200, $360/pkg.)

NOTE: You must design your own ad. Your ad may contain a coupon if desired.

‘pkg.’ refers to a package deal which will result in advertising at both CW meets.

$ Lane Sponsor: banner displayed for all attending meet to see

Circle your choice: $175/CW provides banner, $300/pkg. OR $125/sponsor provides banner, $200/pkg.

$ Session Sponsor Dec. Meet ($200 per): business name appears on session heat sheet and announced on loudspeaker at meet Circle your choice: Sat.a.m., Sat.p.m., Sun.a.m., Sun.p.m.

$ Session Sponsor March. Meet ($250 per): business name appears on session heat sheet and announced on loudspeaker at meet Circle you choice: Fri.p.m., Sat.a.m., Sat.p.m., Sun.a.m., Sun.p.m.

$ Meet Sponsors ($1000 for December meet and $2000 for March meet):business appears on all press and programming and announced throughout meet on loudspeaker; example: CW Holiday Invitational Sponsored by Widget Technologies, Inc.)

Total Payment: $______(checks only please payable to Club Wolverine Swimming, Inc.)

Agreed and Accepted:

Sponsor Club Wolverine Representative



Club Wolverine is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation and all donations are tax-deductible, except subtract $50 if CW produces a banner.

NOTE: make 2 copies of this agreement; 1 for CW and 1 for the sponsor

Club Wolverine Swimming, Inc.

Swim Meet Ad Invoice



For: Advertisement for the following Club Wolverine Swim Meet (check any that apply)

CW Holiday Invitational @ EMUJones Natatorium on December 17-19, 2010

State Meet Hosted by CW @ EMU Jones Natatorium on March 18-20, 2011

Both Meets

Ad Type (circle):Business Card¼ Page½ PageFull Page

Meet SponsorSession SponsorLane Sponsor

Inside CoverBack Inside CoverBack Outside

Invoice Total: $

Make Check Payable to: Club Wolverine Swimming, Inc.

If Mailing Payment Please Send Check to:Janel Ehrman

CW Meet Ad

7892 Shire Ln.

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

NOTE: Payment must be received by 12/14/2010 for the December meet and by 3/15/2011 for the March StateMeet to provide adequate time for ad placement. All payments that do not result in advertisement placement will be returned.

We Really Appreciate Your Support of CW Swimming!!

Banner Example:

Banner size is 3’ x 4’ and has rope ties in each corner

Made of strong vinyl to last for a long time

Business name and logo can be placed on the banner


PO Box 130229 | Ann Arbor, MI 48113 | 734.332.9440 |