
2014 - 2015

MISSION STATEMENT: Honesty, Attitude, Work Ethic, Knowledge, Success

Houston High School will ensure every day is a HAWKS day. We will exhibit Honesty and integrity in everything we do. We will model a positive and supportive Attitude as we face the challenges of life. Our strong Work ethic will enable everyone to reach their potential. These actions will provide the foundation for the Knowledge and skills that will be learned, all of which will lead to Success as an individual and school.


·  Continue to provide a safe, caring and healthy environment for our students and staff.

·  Make continuous effort to increase HHS attendance to 93% or higher.

·  Continue to address math, reading, literacy, and critical thinking skills (Levels 3 & 4 Depth of Knowledge Matrix) across the curriculum.

·  Continue to insure that all students are meeting the GLE’s in each content area.

·  Reduce HHS’s dropout rate and provide interventions to support students through the use of RTI and PBIS.

·  Improve our use of DATA in decision making and guiding instruction to increase student learning.

·  Meet our Title I goals by increasing SBA scores by 10% in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics and in the sub categories of Math SWD and Math ED.

·  Ensure that our students graduate prepared for college, the armed forces, or vocational training.

·  Embrace NMSI and build our capacity for AP offerings.

·  Embrace daily improvement with the goal of become a 5 Star School.


§  In the interest of the health safety of students and employees tobacco use by students, parents, all district employees, contractors, and all other visitors is prohibited on all school district property (owned or leased), including vehicles. Tobacco possession is prohibited for all district students and visiting students.

For the purpose of this policy, “ tobacco is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette, electronic cigarette, cigar, pipe, bidi, clove cigarette, and any other tobacco, spit tobacco, also known as smokeless, dip, chew, snuff, or in any other form.

§  Students have a right to attend school in an environment conducive to learning. Since drug, alcohol and tobacco use is illegal, contagious and interferes with both effective learning and the healthy development of children and adolescents, the school has a legal and ethical obligation to prevent drug use and to maintain a drug free educational environment.

§  In compliance with U.S.P.L. 101-226 (Drug Free Schools and Community Act, 1989), the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District will not tolerate the possession, selling, use or influence of tobacco, alcohol and other illegal and harmful drugs (illicit drugs, non therapeutic use of prescribed drugs, misuse of solvents and other dangerous substances) in the schools, on school grounds or during school sponsored activities including athletic events, dances, field trips, etc.

§  While drug, alcohol and tobacco use is dangerous in all segments of American society, it poses a special risk to young people by denying them the opportunity to develop physically and psychologically. The district is committed to drug free schools and intends to send an absolute and clear message that alcohol, drug, and tobacco use is illegal and will not be allowed in the Matanuska-Susitna School District or during school sponsored events and activities.

§  Appropriate disciplinary sanctions for violation of the drug/alcohol policy will be determined by the building principal.

ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE/BANNED SUBSTANCES No student may be under the influence or in possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or any other intoxicants. Under the influence is presumed from consumption and the standard is set at zero tolerance. Refusal to take a drug test is considered failure to comply with a reasonable request and the presumptive sentence is set at a full semester suspension in support of a drug free school. Possession shall include lockers, backpacks, and vehicles.


AFTER SCHOOL RESTRICTIONS: All students must exit the school building within fifteen (15) minutes after the p.m. dismissal time unless involved in a sanctioned school activity or directly supervised by a sponsor, advisor or coach. (Examples of sanctioned school activities include: school clubs, sports, intramurals, detention, or tutoring from a staff member). Students are not allowed in either the academic wings or the gym area without adult supervision. Students who do not leave the building according to this rule will be subject to disciplinary action. Students waiting for transportation should remain in the main foyer. If their transportation is more than 10 minutes away, they need to remain under the supervision of a staff member until their transportation arrives. Doors leading to the academic wings and the gym will be closed and locked by 2:45 pm.


PERFORMANCES ETC: Students who are suspended or expelled from Houston High School will not be allowed to attend after school activities until they are reinstated back in school. If they are found on the premises during these events they will be directed to leave immediately, and parents will be notified. Failure to do so will result in the civil authorities being called.


Guest list will be made available in the front office for 7 days prior to the dance. Students will have until 2 pm on the 7th day to sign up their guest. Any changes to the guest list must be made by that time. Guests must turn in the permission form prior to being approved for the guest list. All guests are subject to administrative approval. One guest 19 or under may be invited. Guests must arrive with their host student. Middle school students may not attend. Appropriate dress is required for all dances.

All students and guests may be checked for illegal or controlled substances prior to entering the dance. Security and/or chaperones may conduct bag/purse searches. No beverages of any kind are allowed. Any student who refuses to comply will be denied entry without refund. Students suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol after entering will be subject to evaluation.

Dancing guidelines (on and off the dance floor)

Lewd dancing such as “freaking” may result in student and/or couple being asked to leave the dance floor for a 10 minute break and after the second infraction being asked to leave the event and he/she will be ineligible to attend the next dance. Parents/Guardians will be notified.

Students are not allowed to leave the dance and return. All students and guests must leave the dance location within 20 minutes of the end of the function. No loitering in the parking lots. If students are not picked up 20 minutes after the dance, future dance rights may be suspended.

See the MSBSD Student Handbook for more information.


Prom tickets will only be sold to a Junior or a Senior student. One guest who is not older than 19 years of age may be invited. Juniors or Seniors must first purchase their ticket before purchasing a ticket for their guest. Prom guests are subject to administrative approval. Prom attendees must arrive with their guest. Guests must be signed up by the deadline date established in the front office. All prom tickets must be purchased prior to the deadline date.


High school students visiting the Houston Middle School campus are expected to abide by the following procedures:

1. No high school students will be allowed on the HMS campus during school hours unless previous arrangements have been made by a middle school administrator.

2. High School students picking up siblings must wait in their vehicle, in the parking lot. No high school students will be allowed to wait in the building or in the bus loading zone for siblings.

3. High School students may not check their siblings out of school for any reason.

4. High School students wishing to visit a middle school teacher need to make prior arrangements with the teacher. After prior arrangements have been made, the high school student may check in at the front office no earlier than 2:15 pm.

5. High School students who have parents that work at HMS must wait until 2:15 to enter the building to be in direct supervision of their parents.

6. High School students who are visiting the middle school campus to participate in high school extracurricular activities may not be in the building unless accompanied by their coach. Those athletes need to leave the middle school campus before the coach.

7. Exceptions to this policy will only be made between the High School and Middle School administrators.

8. High School students riding the bus are expected to load at the high school and stay on the bus until their stop. They will not be allowed to get on or off the bus at the Middle School. Failure to do so will be considered trespassing and subject to school discipline with potential legal action.

ASSEMBLY BEHAVIOR: Assemblies are called for various reasons and require different behaviors. Behavior interfering with the progress of an assembly or interfering with other's enjoyment of the assembly warrants removal. Booing and other negative acts do not contribute to a positive school spirit and are therefore prohibited. Disciplinary consequences may be assigned.

SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS: Students are expected to contribute to our positive school climate. School spirit is shown through building up and supporting your class or activity. Negative actions such as tearing down banners and decorations or banners with negative or inappropriate slogans are prohibited. The administration and student government will determine appropriate consequences.

DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR/WILLFUL DISOBEDIENCE: Disruptive behavior is student conduct which materially and substantially interferes with the educational process. Examples of disruptive behavior include insubordinately talking out, moving around the classroom without permission, uncomplimentary gestures/speech, threats of harm, noncompliance with school/class rules, refusing to acknowledge a school employee's direction, and behavior that jeopardizes the welfare, and/or safety of other students and staff. Behaviors that have not been modified by normal classroom management programs will result in additional disciplinary consequences.

DRESS AND APPEARANCE: Student dress and general appearance is a shared responsibility among students, parents/guardians, and the school. The Board of Education requires students to attend school in appropriate dress that meets health and safety standards and does not interfere with the learning process. Certain classes may require students to wear appropriate protective gear. Attire bearing expression or insignia which is obscene, libelous, or which advocates racial, religious, or other prejudice is prohibited. Attire which advertises illegal substances for school age students is prohibited, as are items which suggest sex, alcohol, or tobacco products. Clothing which does not cover undergarments is prohibited. Students wearing prohibited attire will be asked to cover it, change it, or go home until proper attire is worn. The school district recognizes that “gang apparel” will not be allowed. It is the responsibility of school administration to determine what constitutes “gang apparel”.

The following minimum standards will be enforced:

a. Prohibited clothing includes revealing clothing that is transparent or extremely low cut (i.e. shows cleavage); visible undergarments including attire with holes above the knee; shirts or tops that do not cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or skirts, (i.e. no portion of the midriff is to be visible); and shorts, dresses, and skirts higher than three inches above the knee. At each principal’s discretion, students may wear approved team uniforms for spirit days or other events.

b. Clothing and accessories (e.g. notebooks, patches, tattoos, and jewelry) must not display racial or ethnic slurs or symbols, gang affiliations, vulgar, subversive, sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate language or images; promotion of products that students may not legally buy such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs; or anything that promotes harm to another or to one’s self.

c. Prohibited items include hats, hoods, headbands, studded jewelry or chains, sunglasses (unless medically required), sleep-wear or clothing resembling sleepwear.

DRIVING A VEHICLE TO SCHOOL: Although the School District provides bus transportation for students with certain exceptions, it recognizes the necessity for some students to drive automobiles to school. All students who drive their own or their family's car to school regularly or part-time are to register the car and obtain the necessary parking permit. As a condition to driving a vehicle to school, each student vehicle owner/operator shall be required to consent to the search of the vehicle by school authorities if the school authorities wish to determine whether the vehicle contains drugs, alcohol, weapons, or evidence of any activity which is illegal or in violation of school policies or procedures. Driving a vehicle of any kind to school is a privilege - not a right. Students who drive are expected to adhere to all laws pertaining to the operation of vehicles. This means, for instance, that ATV's and snow machines are illegal on campus. Students are to operate their vehicles in a safe and prudent manner. Student’s who do not, will not be allowed to drive a vehicle on the school grounds. This applies to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and all other vehicles.

1.  All vehicles must possess a current parking permit to park on school grounds. Parking permit decals can be obtained from the school during lunch, or after school only. The official sticker is to be placed on the driver's side of the dashboard.

2.  All cars will be parked in the spaces designated.

3.  The speed limit, as prescribed by state law, is (5) MPH.

4.  Reckless driving shall be grounds for suspension of driving privileges on school property.

5.  "No Parking" areas will be posted when possible. Common sense "no parking" areas (sidewalks, bus loading zones, lawns, etc) will not necessarily be posted. Students and staff are expected to comply with the parking rules of posted areas and to use common sense. Improperly parked vehicles will be warned first, and then towed at the owner's expense if the parking violation is repeated.

6.  Vehicles should remain locked; the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

7.  Students will not park in the faculty or visitor parking spaces, bus loading areas, fire lanes, traffic lanes, or non paved areas.