______- Estimate That Is Less Than the Exact Answer

______- Estimate That Is Less Than the Exact Answer


______- answers that are close to the exact answer but are easier and faster to find

______- numbers that are close to the numbers in the problem that work well together to help you find the answer mentally

______- estimate that is less than the exact answer

______- estimate that is more than the exact answer

Example 1 Estimating a Sum or Difference by Rounding

Estimate the sum or difference by rounding to the place value indicated.

A. 12,345 + 62,167; ten thousands:

Round 12,345 ______.

Round 62,167______.

The sum is about ______.

  1. 4,983 – 2,447; thousands:

Round 4,983 ______.

Round 2,447______.

The difference is about ______.

Example 2Estimating a Product by Rounding

Chelsea is planning the annual softball banquet for the 8 teams in the region. Each team has 18 members. Estimate how many plates she will need to buy if all the members attend.

8 x 18 ______; this is an ______of the number of plates.

The actual number of plates is ______than 160.

If Chelsea buys ______cups, she will have enough for each person.

Example 3Estimating a Quotient Using Compatible Numbers

Mr. Dehmel will drive 243 miles to the fair at 65 mi/h. About how long will his trip take?

243 ÷ 65 ______240 and 60 are ______numbers.

Underestimate the speed.

Because he underestimated the speed, the actual time will be ______

_____ hours.

Think and Discuss

  1. Suppose you are buying items for a party and you have $50. Would it be better to overestimate or underestimate the cost of the items?
  1. Suppose your car can travel between 20 and 25 miles on a gallon of gas. You want to go on a 100-mile trip. Would it be better to overestimate or underestimate the number of miles per gallon your car can travel?


______- tells how many times a number called the base is multiplied by itself

______- number that is multiplied by itself

______- a number form written with a base and an exponent

Example 1Writing Numbers in Exponential Form

Write each expression in exponential form.


______5 is a factor 4 times.


__________ is a factor of ____ times.

Example 2Find the Value of Numbers in Exponential Form

Find each value.



Example 3: Problem Solving Application

A phone tree is used to contact families at Paul’s school. The secretary calls 4 families. Then each family calls 4 other families, and so on. How many families will be notified during the fourth round of calls?

Step 1: Understand the Problem

The answer will be the number of families called in the 4th round.

List the important information:

• The secretary calls 4 families.

• Each family calls 4 families.

Step 2: Make a Plan

You can draw a diagram to see how many calls are in each round.

Step 3: Solve

Notice that in each round, the number of calls is a power of 4.

1st round: 4 calls = 4 = 41

2nd round: 16 calls = 4 x 4 = 42

So during the 4th round, there will be 44 calls. 44 = 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256

During the 4th round of calls, 256 families will be notified.

Step 4: Look Back

Drawing a diagram helps you see how to use exponents to solve the problem.

Think and Discuss

  1. Read each number: .
  2. Explain which has the greater value, oror neither.

Lesson Resources:

  • Interactivity


______- mathematical phrase that includes only numbers and

operation symbols (no = sign)

______- find the value

______- the order in which you must do the

operations in an expression (PEMDAS)

Example 1: Using Order of Operations

Simplify each expression.

A. There are no parentheses or exponents, so divide first.


______final answer

B. Perform operations within ______.


9 + ______add

______final answer

Example 2: Using the Order of Operations with Exponents

Simplify each expression.

A. Find the value of numbers with ______.


16 + ______add

______final answer

B.Perform operations within ______.

Find the value of numbers with ______.




______final answer

Example 3: Consumer Application

A. Mr. Kellett bought 6 used CDs for $4 each and 5 used CDs for $3 each. Simplify the following expression to find the amount Mr. Kellett spent on CDs.

6 x 4 + 5 x 3



B. Ms. Nivia bought 4 new CDs for $8 each and 6 used CDs for $4 each. Simplify the following expression to find the amount Ms. Nivia spent on CDs.

4 x 8 + 6 x 4



Think and Discuss

  1. Explain why but.
  1. Tell how you can add parentheses to the numerical expression so that 27 is the correct answer.


Example 1: Using Properties to Add and Multiply Whole Numbers
  1. Simplify .

Look for sums that are multiples of ______.

Use the ______Property.

Use the ______Property to

______+ ______make groups of ______numbers.

______Use ______math to add.

B.Simplify . Find numbers that are compatible.

Use the ______Property.

Use the ______Property to group


______Use ______math to multiply.

Example 2: Using the Distributive Property to Multiply


“Break apart” 35 into ______+ ______.

Use the ______Property.

= ______+ ______Use ______math to multiply.

= ______Use ______math to ______.


“Break apart” 87 into ______+ ______.

Use the ______Property.

= ______+ ______Use mental math to ______.

= ______Use mental math to ______.

Check It Out: Example 2A

Use the Distributive Property to find the products:

4 x 276 x 43






Computation methods:

paper and pencil (done with paper and pencil)

mental math (done in your head)

calculator (done with a calculator)


Simplify the expression and state the method of computation you used.

4 + 3 + 2 + 10 + 8 + 2 + 5 + 1 method: ______

______final answer

Simplify the expression and state the method of computation you used.

4,562 – 397 method: ______

______final answer

Simplify the expression and state the method of computation you used.

9,288 ÷ 24method: ______

______final answer

Think and Discuss

  1. Give an example of a situation in which you would use mental math to solve a problem.

When would you use pencil and paper?

  1. Tell how you could use mental math to solve 867 + 59.


______- an ordered set of numbers

______- a number in a sequence

______- a sequence with terms that change by the same amount

each time

Example 1: Extending Arithmetic Sequences

Identify the pattern in each sequence and then find the missing terms.

48, 42, 36, 30, ____, ____, ____, … ______from each term to get the next term.

So, ______, ______, and ______will be the next three terms.

Example 1B: Arithmetic Sequences in a Table

______from each term to get the next term.

So, ______and ______will be the next two terms.

Example 2: Completing Other Sequences

In nonarithmetic sequences, look for patterns that involve multiplication or division. Some sequences may even be combinations or different operations.

Identify a pattern in each sequence. Name the missing terms.

24, 34, 31, 41, 38, 48, ____, ____, ____, … ______to one term and

______from the next

So, ______, ______, and ______will be the next three terms.

Example 2B: Other Sequences in a Table:

______one term and ______the next

So, ______and ______are the missing terms.

Think and Discuss

  1. Tell how you could check whether the next two terms in the arithmetic sequence 5, 7, 9, 11, … are 13 and 15.
  1. Explain how to find the next term in the sequence 16, 8, 4, 2, …
  1. Explain how to determine whether 256, 128, 64, 32, … is an arithmetic or nonarithmetic sequence.

Lesson Resources:

  • Interactivity:

Example 1A: Extending Geometric Patterns

Identify a possible pattern. Use the pattern to draw the next figure.

next figure: ______

Example 1B: Extending Geometric Patterns

Identify a possible pattern. Use the pattern to draw the next figure.

next figure: ______

Example 2A: Completing Geometric Patterns

Identify a possible pattern. Use the pattern to draw the missing figure.

missing figure: ______

Example 2B: Completing Geometric Patterns

Identify a possible pattern. Use the pattern to draw the missing figure.

missing figure: ______

Check It Out: Example 3

Nancy is designing a plate. Identify a pattern that Nancy is using and draw what the finished plate might look like.

finished plate: