Meeting: / Inaugural Queensland Society for Vascular Nursing
Day and Date: / Thursday 4th August, 2011 7pm
Venue: / Meeting room 1.4.a PA Hospital
Chair: / Theresa O’Keefe
Secretariat: / Theresa O’Keefe
Cheryl Franks
Jayne Houston / RN Vasc Unit PAH
Fay Gough / CN OT GCH
Sini Siby / RN Vasc Unit PAH
Jacki Marytn / RN Vasc Unit PAH
Rosie Bonnin-Trickett / RN Vasc Unit PAH
Verona Begadon / RN Vasc Unit PAH
Nikki Marr / CN Vasc OT PAH
Renea Collins / VTE CNC PAH
Sarah McLennan / Nurse Researcher UQ
Theresa O’Keefe / NUM Vasc Unit PAH
Kate Fullerton / CNC Bookings CNC Vasc Unit PAH
Leisa Huxley / RN Vasc Unit PAH (Vasc Rehab Coord)
Kylie Stringfellow / RN Vasc Unit PAH (Wound Clinic)
Lise Lord / RN Vasc Unit PAH (Wound Clinic)
Megan Henry / CN Vasc Unit (Wound Clinic)
Heather Williams / NUM Vasc Unit RBWH
Maree Francis / CN Vasc Unit RBWH
Kerry Jensen / CN Vasc Unit RBWH
Rose Ngo / RN Radiology PAH
Nicola Morley / A/NP GCH
Cath Saddler / A/NE RBWH
Lyn Oldfield / RN Vasc OPD RBWH
Trish Rogers / Smith & Nephew
Briony McDonnell-Baum / Smith & Nephew
Special Guest Presentation: / Trish Rogers: Smith & Nephew
1. Welcome and apologies
Welcome and note apologies by Theresa O’Keefe
2. Conformation of previous minutes
Not applicable as inaugural meeting of Queensland Society of Vascular Nursing
3. Minutes of meeting
Theresa O’Keefe welcomed all to the inaugural meeting of the QVSN and thanked Smith & Nephew for their generous support of our newly formed QSVN.
This is exciting times for Vascular nurses in Queensland to formalise our own state group. It is important to improve the education and research for vascular nursing.
  1. QSVN Logo
The QSVN logo was designed and tabled for discussion and accepted by all members as the logo for QSVN
  1. QSVN Constitution
QSVN constitution – which is titled ‘Queensland Society for Vascular Nursing Bylaws’ was tabled and accepted by all members as the QSVN constitution
  1. Mission statement and Goals of QSVN
Mission statement and goals of QSVN presented and accepted by all members. They are:
Mission Statement
The QSVN is a professional nursing organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the nursing care of individuals with vascular disease by providing quality education, fostering clinical expertise, supporting nursing research and contributing to the prevention of vascular disease.
The Objectives of the QSVN shall be to:
  • Represent Queensland Vascular Nurses as a professional body and assume a leadership role in the advancement and promotion of the specialty of vascular nursing.
  • Promote a Queensland network of vascular nurses through a website, newsletters, conferences and the facilitation of regional groups
  • Liaise and collaborate with national and international professional bodies and individuals who share concern and interest for people with vascular disease.
  • Enhance public awareness of vascular disease and encourage members to be active within the field of vascular health education and health promotion.
  • Assume the leadership role in defining and advancing the evidenced-based education of nurses involved in the care of patients with vascular disease.
  • Facilitate and encourage vascular nursing research.
  1. QSVN Membership
Cost of membership to the QSVN was discussed agreed that the membership costs would be the same as the ANZSVN.
New members $60
Existing members $50
$10 of each person’s membership goes directly to the ANZSVN when the QSVN is financial beyond $3000
With our QSVN membership arranged we can ensure our financial members benefit through cheaper registration to the national ANZSVN conference
The membership form was tabled and accepted by all members
  1. ANZSVN AGM minutes
ANZSVN AGM minutes were tabled for information to all new QSVN members
  1. ANZSVN treasurers report
ANZSVN treasurers report was tabled for information to all new QSVN members
  1. ANZSVN newsletter
ANZSVN newsletter was tabled for information to all new QSVN members
  1. Dates of future QSVN meetings
The meetings we have will be educational run by nursing staff whether it be:
  • Ward nursing staff
  • Operating Theatre nursing staff
  • Angio suite nursing staff
  • OPD nurses
  • Research Nurses
  • Allied Health
  • Medical staff
We can also have other invited speakers to improve our education and research needs. So it is important that everyone thinks of what they want out of our meetings
Venues must be shared around especially with interest from Gold Coast and nursing staff travelling to Brisbane we should all travel to the Gold Coast when necessary
Future dates for 2011
  • Thursday 13th October – venue RBWH
Perhaps the presentations can surround anyone presenting at November conference for experience and confidence
  • Thursday 15th December
Venues TBC perhaps as a XMAS get together for the QSVN
2012 dates will be confirmed but will be quarterly to meet quarterly newsletter requirements
  • April
  • June
  • September
  • December
  1. Vascular 2011 Conference
Dates: Sat 12th November – Tues 15th November
Venue: Brisbane Convention Centre
Costs: (early bird)
ANZSVN/QSVN Member with conf dinner: $610
ANZSVN/QSVN Member without conf dinner: $560
Non member ANZSVN/QSVN Member with conf dinner: $700
Non member ANZSVN/QSVN Member with conf dinner: $650
Early bird registration closes: Wednesday 21st September2011
Abstract application closes: Thursday 18th August 2011
  1. Election of Office bearers
The function of president is to promote the purpose and goals adopted by the QSVN, act as chief elected office of the Society, preside at all business meetings officially held by the Society, act as an ex-officio member of all committees, and perform such duties as prescribed by the Committee.
Theresa O’Keefe
Voted for: Kate Fullerton
Seconded: Megan Henry
Accepted by: Theresa O’Keefe
The function of the vice-president is to fill the office of president should that office become vacant, and assist the president to perform the duties pertaining to that office or as directed by the committee.
Maree Francis
Voted for: Maree Francis
Seconded: Theresa O’Keefe
Accepted by: Maree Francis
The function of the Secretary shall be to record and distribute minutes, maintain records for the QSVN, and complete correspondence as delegated.
Megan Henry
Voted for: Kate Fullerton
Seconded: Theresa O’Keefe
Accepted by: Megan Henry
Treasurer & Membership Officer Role:
The functions of the treasurer shall be to assume responsibility for the financial affairs of the QSVN, manage and control the funds and present a written report of the financial status of the QSVN at meetings of the Committee.
Membership Officer
The functions of the membership officer shall be to assume responsibility for the membership affairs of the QSVN, manage the database and notify members when fees are due, and perform such duties as prescribed by the Committee. This position may be combined with the treasurer position at the discretion of the QSVN committee.
Kerry Jensen
Voted for: Kerry Jensen as both treasurer and membership officer
Seconded: Heather Williams
Accepted by: Kerry Jensen
Newsletter coordinator
Kylie Stringfellow
Voted for: Theresa O’Keefe
Seconded: Megan Henry
Accepted by: Kylie Stringfellow
Executive Committee
President: Theresa O’Keefe
Vice President: Maree Francis
Secretary: Megan Henry
Treasurer: Kerry Jensen
Newsletter Coordinator: Kylie Stringfellow
Committee members: Mary-Jane Lawes, Kate Fullerton, Heather Williams, Nicola Morley, Rose Ngo, Cath Saddler, Leisa Huxley, Kylie Stringfellow
Signatories for banking purposes:
Theresa O’Keefe: President
Megan Henry: Treasurer
Kate Fullerton: Committee Member
  1. Presentation by Smith & Nephew
Presentation on the PICO© device by Trish Rogers
4. New Business
5. Correspondence In
6. Correspondence Out
7. Meeting closed
Meeting closed at 8.30 pm
8. Next meeting
Thursday 13th September 2011 7pm
Venue: RBWH room to be confirmed

Signed – Chairperson …………………………………. Date: 11th August, 2011

Theresa O’Keefe

QSVN Meeting minutes 04.08.11