2016-17 ABTBL Player/Parent Code of Conduct

Player Responsibilities: I understand that as a member of an Avon Boys Travel Basketball Team that I am expected to behave in an appropriate and responsible manner; I understand that I will be held accountable for my actions. I understand that if I do not behave in an appropriate and responsible manner that I may be suspended and/or dismissed from the league. To that end, I will…

1.  Display good sportsmanship in victory and defeat;

2.  Avoid fighting, physical contact, and/or “drama” before, during, and after games/practices;

3.  Refrain from using vulgar/obscene language to teammates, coaches, opponents, officials, and fans/spectators;

4.  Treat facilities and equipment being utilized with care and respect;

5.  Wear appropriate team uniform in the appropriate manner; refrain from wearing jewelry or other inappropriate items;

6.  Treat my coaches with respect and notify them in a timely fashion if I can not attend practice or games;

7.  Hustle and Focus in practice and games;

8.  Be a good TEAMMATE!

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities: I understand that as a parent of a player on an Avon Boys Travel Basketball Team that I am expected to behave in an appropriate and responsible manner; I understand that I will be held accountable for my actions. I understand that if I do not behave in an appropriate and responsible manner at games that I may be ejected from the facility and barred from attending league games. To that end, I will…

1.  Help my child achieve items #1 through #7 listed above by modeling the appropriate behaviors;

2.  Behave rationally and responsibly towards all players, coaches, officials, site directors, etc., even if I’m not sure others are behaving accordingly;

3.  Watch the game – I won’t coach from the stands;

4.  Understand that my child is part of a team;

5.  Refrain from distracting my son during games;

6.  Discuss concerns with coaches at an appropriate time and place and in an appropriate manner (not immediately after a game or before a practice is about to begin);

7.  Extend common courtesy to everyone involved in our town program and in our league: at home, be a nice host and on the road, be a nice guest;

8.  Avoid undermining team morale;

9.  Learn the rules of youth basketball;

10. Reinforce what my son has been taught on this team- I will not undermine his development by introducing conflicting skills or ideas;

11. Practice positive reinforcement whenever possible; and

12. Fulfill my responsibility as a snack table worker, scoreboard operater and/or scorekeeper, as needed.

I understand that I, as a player and/or a parent, am responsible for my actions/my child’s actions as they are presented in this document. I understand that Avon Boys Travel Basketball has the right to suspend and/or dismiss (or even bar from various facilities) coaches, players, or parents for conduct/behavior that it deems inappropriate or detrimental to the league. My affixed signature below indicates that I have read and understand the Player/Parent Code of Conduct and have shared this information with my child so that he might similarly understand exactly what is expected of him.

Your son’s development is important to us. Quality Preparation in practice and Competitive Follow-Through in games are keys to his development. We will do our best to Accurately Evaluate his performance and script our practices and his development accordingly. His focus and effort in practices, along with production/execution in games are used to determine playing time in games.

Player’s Signature:______Date:______

Parental Signature:______Date:______

(or Guardian)

Parental Signature:______Date:______

(or Guardian)

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