Old Town School
High Street
South Yorkshire
S75 4LR
Tel: 01226 792294
If for any reason a member of staff cannot account for a child’s whereabouts during a session, the following procedure will be adhered to:
- Initially practitioners would thoroughly search the area;
- Staff will be careful to ensure that a calm atmosphere is kept;
- The police, child’s parents and the Chair of Committee will be called immediately after the initial search if the child is not found;
- Staff will continue to search throughout all of this process;
- Once the incident has been resolved the manager will review all policies and risk assessments. Ofsted, Safeguarding Children’s Unit and the Committee will be informed of the incident on the same day.
Missing/Lost child during an outing
We take great care when organising any outing to ensure the safety of the children. Each outing is risk assessed before any outing takes place and all aspects of health and safety are considered before the outing. Regular headcounts take place throughout the outing and this is recorded on the risk assessment and high visibility jackets are worn. Staff/child ratios are adhered to at all times.
If a child is lost during an outing:
- Staff must be aware of the safety of the other children that are part of the outing;
- An initial search will be carried out by any extra staff members and the setting manager must be informed. During this time arrangements should be made to transport the other children back to the setting;
- A member of staff should stay behind (with a mobile phone) in case the child is found;
- After the initial search if the child has not been found, the member of staff should inform the police, the child’s parents and the Committee Chair;
A full written report of the incident should be made by the staff member involved and the setting manager. Copies of this report should be sent to the Committee Chair.
An internal investigation should be carried out to ascertain all the correct details and further appropriate risk assessments put into place.
Any incidents of lost children will be recorded in the ‘Incident’ file, Ofsted and the Safeguarding Children Unit will also be informed.
This policy was adopted at a meeting of Silkstone Pre School Playgroup Ltd
Held on 13 May 2015
Date to be reviewed May 2016
Signed on behalf of Silkstone Pre School Playgroup Ltd
Name of signatory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Role of signatory ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
I have read, understood and agree to abide by the ‘Missing or lost child’ Policy
Signed ______Date ______
Signed ______Date ______
Signed ______Date ______
Signed ______Date ______
Signed ______Date ______
Signed ______Date ______
Signed ______Date ______
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Signed ______Date ______