Miss Smith’s Newsletter

Sept. 22-26th

Dates to Remember:
  • Sept. 8-22nd Yankee Candle Fundraiser
  • Oct. 1st- Early Release
  • Oct. 2nd- “Maroon Out” Day- Showing SCHS Bulldog Spirit!
  • Oct. 3rd- PTO Pay to Play- “Ties and Tutus”
  • Oct. 16th- Open House/Reading Night
  • Oct. 29th and 30th- Early Release Days/ Conferences
/ Homework:
  • Students will have Words Their Way (spelling) homework along with an assessment on Friday. Students will have spelling and sights words each week
  • Encourage your child to read to you and review high frequency sight words listed on the next page.
  • Practice counting to 200 or higher (goal for the end of the year is at least 1,200) each day by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s.
  • Practice math facts up to 20.
  • Practice writing letters and numbers often!
  • Reversing numbers and letters is common at this age, but do point out the reversals and show the correct way to write the letter/number.

What are we Learning About?
  1. Reading/Language Arts
  • Utilizing book clues to help with understanding – pictures and context clues
  • Retelling Stories – correct order, important details, setting, and characters
  • Daily Five Introduction (Read to Self, Working on Writing, and Read to Someone, Word Work) Students will build stamina daily while reading to self and we will begin working on components of writing a story.
  • Making Connections- Text to Text, Text to Self, Text to World
  1. Writing
  • Writing Conventions – left to ri0ght, complete sentences, capitals, and punctuation.
  • Brainstorming Ideas for writing. Small moments to create Personal Narratives.
  • How do writers write? Story writing routine with beginning, middle and end. “Just a Burger” writing.
  • Underlining words we are not sure are spelled correctly and moving on.
  1. Math
  1. Adding by place. Adding 2 digit numbers.
  2. Practicing addition problems with Result Unknown- 12+13=? , Change Unknown 12+?=25, and Start Unknown- ?+13=25
  3. Practicing automaticity of math addition facts up to 20.
  4. Practice doubles facts.
  5. Time, Today’s Number, Coins Review
  6. Greater than and less than Review
  7. Number sentences/equation creation
  8. Writing numbers in Expanded and Standard form (i.e. 122- 100+20+2)
  9. Using a blank number line, students are able to place numbers in the correct order and describe how they know.
  10. Adding 1/10/100 to a number and taking away 1/10 to solve an equation.
4. Science – Matter/Mass. We will add investigation about texture and flexibility of objects.
5. Social Studies – Continue United States Symbols, Declaration of Independence, and John Hancock. We will also discuss Patriotic Songs. / What can I do at home?
  • Reinforce what we are learning in the classroom by reading to your child and having them read daily.
  • Always practice retelling a story in the correct order and including all important details.
  • Students should be writing words that are legible and easily read (even if they are not spelled correctly). Encourage sentence writing utilizing correct punctuation and capitalization.
  • Students should be sounding out simple unknown words while reading.
We need:
~ All Sizes of Ziploc bags, zipper top
~Clorox Wipes
~Hand sanitizer
Important Reminders
  • Remember to have your children to school on time as often as possible. We begin instruction immediately after announcements (around 8:05 AM). Thank you for all your support!
  • Please send in the second grade activity fee. ($25)