Official Application

Miss Piute County Rodeo Pageant

Sponsored By the Piute County Fair & Butch Cassidy Days

(Please type this application)


NameBirthday Telephone


AddressCity Zip


Parents NameParents Address

Background Information: Please list your interests, accomplishments, schools you are attending, community service, clubs, work, honors, you have received, hobbies, sports, previous queen titles, and anything else interesting about yourself. This information may be utilized in pageant publicity and program materials. Please attach a separate sheet if additional space is needed.

______Please write a short paragraph expressing why you desire to be the Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen:______

Mail Application To:

Miss Piute Co. Rodeo Queen Pageant

Att: Chris Jessen - Pageant Director

P.O. Box 393

Kingston, Utah 84743

Deliver To:

Piute County Fair DirectorPageant Director Att: Georgie Dalton Att: Chris Jessen

125 North 300 WestPiute Co.Ext. Service - Courthouse

Junction, Utah 84740Junction, Utah 84740

PHOTOS: Please attach a 5X7 photo with this application. The photo will be required for publicity purposes.

SPEECH: During the pageant competition you will be required to deliver a 2 ½ to 3 minute speech ( their will be a one point penalty for every 5 seconds short or long on the speech) The speech topic can be on anything EXCEPT RODEO.

MODEL: You will be required to model before the other contestants and all guests for a period determined by the pageant judges. (approximately30 seconds to a minute)

APPLICATION / CONTESTANT SIGNATURE: I hereby attest to the fact that as a contestant in the Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen Pageant I am NOT less than 14 years of age and not more than 24 years of age as of Janurary 1st of the current year. I have never been married; and, if I should attain the Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen title, I will remain unmarried during the official title reign or release my title to the Miss Piute Rodeo 1st Attendant.

I promise to comply with all rules and regulations pertaining to the Miss Piute County Rodeo Pageant / Miss Rodeo America Pageants. See the following web site for all rules and regulations. I will hold harmless the County of Piute; Butch Cassidy Days, and pageant officials, blameless in the event of any injury occurring during my participation during any and all events pertaining to the Piute County Fair.

I will conduct myself in a manner befitting a contestant and / or the Miss Piute Co. Rodeo title and hereby agree to adhere to the pageant official’s directions and requirements. If I achieve The Miss Piute Co. Rodeo Queen, or 1st or 2nd attendant titles, I agree to fulfill the appearances and obligations of the title as determined by pageant officials. I will also accept the responsibility to represent the Miss Piute Co. Rodeo Queen title in competition at the Miss Rodeo Utah Pageant (If age requirements are met).

Should I win, I agree to represent the Miss Piute County Queen title from the time of acceptance of the crown until the selection of the new Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen. (approximatelyone year) I also understand that I am not free to schedule my own appearances and that all appearances as the Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen at any civic affairs, rodeos, clinics, or any other public appearances will be approved by the Pageant Directors.

I attest to the fact that I am a legal resident of the State of Utah and no member of my immediate family is affiliated with The Miss Utah Pageant Committee.

I understand and agree to provide and utilize my own horse for the pageant and understand other contestants could ride the same horse and will not hold harmless any contestant or pageant official in the event of injury of the same horse.

I hereby attest that I have read the aforementioned pageant conditions and agree to all conditions as stated:


Contestant’s SignatureDate


Parent’s Signature (This is required if contestant is presentlyDate

under18 years of age.)

Release of Liability

I, the undersigned, being of a non-paid contestant, applicant, and participating in The Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen Pageant, which is jointly sponsored by Piute County and The Butch Cassidy Days Rodeo and recognizing that said sponsors are non-profit organizations; and recognizing the non-profit nature of the pageant, and as an express consideration for being allowed to enter the contest, I hereby release said Piute County and The Butch Cassidy Days Rodeo and their representatives, from any and all claims or demands of liability for accidents or any other liabilities and makes said agreement for herself, her heirs, and executors, and states that she is of a lawful age and legally entitled to make this complete release.

All activities associated with The Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen Pageant officially ends at the point that the new queen has been crowned, after that time, the Miss Piute County Rodeo Queen Committee, Piute County, and the Butch Cassidy Days Rodeo, or any of their representatives, shall have no responsibility, whatsoever, in directing or overseeing any of the activities or affairs of any of the contestants.


Contestant’s SignatureDate


Parent or Guardian’s Signature (This is required if contestantDate

is presently under 18 years of age.)