CalACES JPA Special Board Meeting Agenda 12-21-17


Thursday, December21, 2017
9:30a.m.– 10:00a.m.

BodieConference Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

CONVENE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS –All scheduled items will be heard in Bodie conference room at 11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. This meeting shall also be accessible via webcast and teleconference.

  • To join the webcast meeting and be automatically dialed in, please use the following URL:
  • The call-in number for teleconference (audio-only) access is 1-866-297-5635. After dialing in, please enter conference code 3926551374, followed by #.

Due to a limited number of webcast and teleconference ports, please consolidate webcast and teleconference participation if possible.

The following Board of Directors may attend via webcast or teleconference from the following locations:

Susan von Zabern / 4060 County Circle Drive, Riverside, CA 92503 / Riverside / 1
CaSonya Thomas / 385 N. Arrowhead Ave, 5th floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415 / San Bernardino / 2
Sanja Bugay / 1400 W. Lacey Blvd. #8 Hanford, CA 93230 / Kings / 3
Kathy Harwell / 251 E. Hackett Road, Modesto, CA 95353 / Stanislaus / 4
Scott Pettygrove / 2115 W. Wardrobe Ave., Merced, CA 95341 / Merced / 5
Mike Dent / 950 Maidu Avenue, Nevada City CA 95959 / Nevada / 6
Shelby Boston / 202 Mira Loma Blvd. Oroville, CA 95965 / Butte / 7
Sheryl Spiller / 12860 Crossroads Parkway South, City of Industry, CA 91746 / Los Angeles / 8
Antonia Jimenez / 12860 Crossroads Parkway South, City of Industry, CA 91746 / Los Angeles / 8
Michael Sylvester / 12860 Crossroads Parkway South, City of Industry, CA 91746 / Los Angeles / 8
Brandon Nichols / 425 Shatto Place, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90020 / Los Angeles / 8


Public Comment: Public opportunity to speak on any Item NOT on the Agenda.Note: The public may also speak on any Item ON the Agenda by waiting until that Item is read then requesting recognition from the Chair to speak.

The meeting facility is accessible to persons with disabilities. If an assisted listening device or other service will be needed in order to participate in the public meeting, a request should be made through the Secretary of the Board at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting.TheSecretary's telephone number is (916) 851-3195. The Secretary’s office is located at 11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150 Rancho Cordova, CA 95670.In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, this meeting agenda is posted at least 72 hours prior to the regularly scheduled meeting date in the lobby of the locations noted above. The agenda and supporting documents are available for review during regular business hours at 11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670.

9:30 A.M. – Convene Meeting of the Board of Directors (‘Board”) of the California Automated Consortium Eligibility System (“CalACES”)

Agenda Topic / Facilitated By
  1. Call Meeting to Order
/ Scott Pettygrove
  1. Public opportunity to speak on items not on the Agenda
/ Scott Pettygrove
  1. Confirmation of Quorum, Webinar/Conference Call Logistics/Protocols and Agenda Review
/ Karen Rapponotti
Action Items
  1. Approve the Minutes of the December11, 2017JPA Board Meeting and update of Action Items
/ Karen Rapponotti
  1. Approve Accenture C-IV Contract Amendment No. Ninety-Six (referencesthe Amended and Restated Revised System Agreement and updates to Exhibit A)
/ Karen Rapponotti
  1. Approve Accenture County Purchasefor Los Angeles Countyand authorize the addition of funding to the FY 17/18 LRS Project Budget
/ Karen Rapponotti
  1. ApproveAccenture LRS Contract Amendment No. Seven (references the Agreement for a LEADER Replacement System and updates to Exhibit C)
/ Karen Rapponotti
  1. Approve First Data LRS Amended and Restated Agreement Contract Amendment One
/ Karen Rapponotti
Informational Items
  1. Migration D&I Project Update
/ Tom Hartman
Hayward Gee
  1. Adjourn Meeting
/ Scott Pettygrove

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