Boys U9 & U11 & Girls U9

To be performed along a strip of mat approx 2 metres wide. The rules are the same for boys and girls.

Present to the Judge

1Forward roll to stand.

2Forward roll to straddle stand, hold,roll to stand

or Handstand forward roll to stand.

3 Step, join feet, Tuck jump, then step, join feet high straight 360 jump.

or one chasse step and Catleap , then 360 Spin on one foot.

4 Backward roll to straddle stand, hold.

5 Slide to straddle sit and 180 Circle roll.

6 Pike fold or Bridgeor Splits, (3 seconds).

7 Dish, turn to Arch, lever up to Front support (hold all three positions for 3seconds)

jump to crouch.

8 Tucked Headstand or supported Shoulder-stand (hold 3seconds).

9 Free ‘V’ sit, or Frog balance, or Tuck balance or Straddle half leveror Piked half lever

(3 seconds).

10 Step or steps into Catleap immediate Cartwheel. Finish facing sideways

Present to the judge

Notes:Walk on and off the mat with good posture. ‘Present’ to the judge (with eye contact).

1. Stand and show good posture. Then stretch arms above head before showing the squat position with a straight back and arms forward. Roll forwards showing straight legs, before tucking them to stand. Finish stretched with arms diagonally high in the air.

  1. a) Perform a forward roll to finish in straddle stand, hold 2 seconds, then place hands on the floor and without joining the feet first, forward roll to stand.

or b) Step and lift into handstand then forward roll to stand.

3. a) Step, join feet and Tuck jump – arms swing high, knees towards chest, back straight, finish move with arms high. Then step, join feet and 360 high Straight jump, arms optional, but finish diagonally high.

or b)One chasse step into immediate Catleap(no turn) knees to reach at least 90 degrees, take off and land one foot then the other. Arms should swing upwards and finish diagonally high. (Right chasse to spin on left foot orleft chasse to spin on right foot).Step forwards with the back foot andSpin 360 on the ball of the foot. The ‘free’ leg lifts up and wrapsin and around the ‘spinning’ leg, then finishes on the mat in front of the ‘spinning’ leg with foot turned out. Arms optional but finish diagonally high. Join feet for next move.

4. With legs tucked or straight,backward roll to straddle stand, arms finish diagonally high. (If straight legs are used, hands are allowed to touch the mat to aid lowering the body safely without any deductions, before swiftly moving under the shoulders). Hold position, and then lower arms to shoulder height before sliding legs apart to straddle sit. Hands should not touch the floor when lowering body from straddle stand to straddle sit.

5.Circle roll – 180 degrees only. (Arms start parallel to legs, hands not holding legs). Stay in straddle sit for splits. Close legs to long sitifperforming a bridge or pike fold.

6. a)With arms high, stretch forwards into Pike fold, with hands flat on the mat and hold.

or b) push up into Bridge and hold, then lower back only, to the mat , ready for the dish shape.

or c) from straddle sit use hands to push forwards into box Splits or turn shoulders to face the side and move into sideways splits, arms optional, but off the mat. Return to long sit after splits facing forwards.

7.Dish shape, hold with tension, turn over without allowing legs, arms, head etc to touch the mat. Hold the arch shape for 3 seconds with tension.

Lower the body to the floor. Lever as straight a body as possible to the front support position (showing strength) and hold 3 seconds with tension. Jump to crouch and balance.

8. Balance in the squat position showing a straight back and arms forwards before going into:

a) Tucked Headstand. The body should remain tucked and show a straight back. Return to feet; do not roll over forwards (deduction 0.5).

or b) Shoulder stand. From the held squat position, roll backwards onto bottom and shoulders taking legs and trunk upwards so that the body is held straight above the shoulders. Hands may support body at the waist / back. The body should not bend or pike at the hips – the feet should be directly in line with the chin.

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9. a) Free V sit from tuck sit. Hands may start on the mat first then should be lifted forward and either side of, but not touching, the legs. From sitting either kneel on one knee and stand or just stand.

or b) Frog balance from squat position – open knees outwards, place hands on the floor, press legs into elbows, lean forwards slightly , take feet off mat and balance. Return to feet and stand

or c) Tuck balance. Kneel, sit back on heels, place hands flat on mat either side of legs, thumbs must be in same direction as fingers and not facing backwards, push to straighten arms and lift a tucked body off the floor. Return to knees and stand.

or d) A Straddle half lever – from straddle sit place hands on the mat between legs, press and lift body off the floor in straddle position. Return to straddle sit and either kneel on one knee and stand or just stand

or e) A Piked half lever – from long sit place hands on mat either side of legs, press and lift body off the floor. Return to long sit and either kneel on one knee and stand or just stand.

9b,9c,9d,9e: Ensure that hands are placed on the mat with fingers and thumbs facing forwards in the same direction ie thumbs not pointing backwards (0.5 deduction).

10.Depending on the length of mat face forwards or turn 180 degrees. Gymnasts may step into or take a few running steps

before executing a catleaplanding on one foot. Reach forwards andstraighten second leg as high as possible and

immediately cartwheel. Finish sideways. Present to the judge.

Start→→→→→1→→→→→2 →→→→→→→→3

6 ←←5←←←← 4←←←←← 7→→→→8 → 9

10 ←←←←←←←←←← or →→→→→→→→→→ 10

Children should not repeat a move if they feel they have performed it badly. The second attempt will not be marked and a 0.1 deduction will be incurred.

ISA Set Floor Sequence Summary

‘Present’ to the judge / Or
Stand up straight – 3 seconds
1 / Forward roll to stand with feet together
2 / Forward roll to straddle stand, hold then roll forward to stand / 2. or Handstand forward roll to stand
3 / Step, join feet, Tuck jump then
Step, joinfeet,high straight 360jump / 3. or chasse Catleap
and then Spin 360
4 / Backward roll to straddle stand,
5 / Slide down to straddle sit
Circle roll
6 / Pike fold – 3 seconds / 6. or Bridge – 3 seconds
or Splits - 3 seconds
7 / Reach backwards to
Dish - 3 seconds
Arch - 3 seconds
Front Support - 3 seconds
Jump to crouch – 3 seconds
8 / Tucked Headstand - 3 seconds / 8. rock backwards into
Shoulder stand – 3 seconds
9 / Free V. sit - 3 seconds.
Stand at the end / 9. or Frog balance - 3 seconds
9. or Tuck balance - 3 seconds
9. or Straddle half lever - 3 second
9. or Piked half lever - 3 seconds
Stand at the end
10 / Catleap, immediate Cartwheel.
Finish sideways.
Turn and ‘Present’ to the Judge

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