Miracles in Unexpected Places

Author: Stanley Maxwell

©2014 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 7.2 / Points 10

159 Pages /Word Count: 52,000

1. / Why had the Ghosts threatened Lee’s family?
a. / They had removed the paper ghost house
b. / They had not made sacrifices.
c. / They had listened to a Christian preacher
d. / They never knew
2. / Why was Eduardo asked to leave the Lacy house?
a. / He told Marguerite that he was going to marry her.
b. / He stole some of their money
c. / He got involved with spiritualists
d. / He was a fugitive from his government
3. / Who untied Mr. Wong’s ropes?
a. / One of the other prisoners
b. / One of the prison guards
c. / It must have been an angel
d. / His second wife
4. / Linh was put in prison because the soldiers thoughthe .
a. / Was a spy
b. / Was a French Loyalist
c. / Was a thief
d. / Had sabotaged their camp
5. / Why did the ghost come back to Noi’s teak house?
a. / She had given the book back to Pastor Lek
b. / She hadn’t read the book
c. / She pretended she didn’t have the book
d. / None of these
6. / How old was Asher when he was arrested?
a. / 12
b. / 22
c. / 32
d. / 82
7. / Why was it a good thing that Mr. Brown’s Model T stopped?
a. / The bridge was out
b. / He met a stranger who gave him some money
c. / He found a can of gas by the road
d. / He found a wad of money under the car.
8. / What did the judge ask Mr. Schwartz to do?
a. / Testify against the gangs
b. / Give him a bribe
c. / Admit he was wrong
d. / All of these
9. / Why were Eric’s shoes worn out?
a. / He needed to use them to stop his bike
b. / They were worn out by his older brothers
c. / They got them that way from a second hand store
d. / None of these
10. / What rare item did Lute find on his potato plant?
a. / Potato butterflies
b. / Potato flowers
c. / Potato seeds
d. / Potato roots
11. / How did Stan get the former Communists to attend his meetings?
a. / He taught them English
b. / He provided snacks
c. / Get religion so people would be less suspicious
d. / All of these
12. / Why did Stan drive into a snowbank?
a. / He was going too fast
b. / He was on black ice
c. / His brakes were out
d. / All of these
13. / What did the angel of the missionary push out of the way in the river?
a. / Alligators
b. / Logs
c. / Hippos
d. / Boats
14. / What animal did Dr. Maxwell use to explain to little Stan about Jesus?
a. / A dog
b. / A cat
c. / A fish
d. / A bird
15. / How did Nelly know Ellen was really in vision?
a. / She sort of floated to the ground
b. / She did not breathe or blink
c. / She could not be made to move her arms
d. / All of these
16. / Who were the maize patties supposed to kill?
a. / Salomon and Isaiah
b. / The dogs
c. / The witchdoctor
d. / The village chief
17. / Stan threw up when he ate some .
a. / Chicken
b. / Lobster
c. / Tortoise soup
d. / chocolate
18. / What hazards did Minh have to avoid as he escaped?
a. / Barbed wire bombs
b. / Land mines
c. / Stakes
d. / moats
19. / When Samson Lionslayer was a teen the village men with a sword.
a. / Pierced his big toes
b. / Tattooed his chest
c. / Cut out his lower front teeth
d. / Cut off his little fingers
20. / What was so unusual about the inn by the bridge near Sichuan?
a. / It didn’t exist
b. / It was abandoned
c. / The innkeeper spoke English
d. / None