MOCC Agenda
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
1:00 to 3:00 pm, CST
605-773-2323; password = 5502#
Minutesrecorded by Rose Ann Lennon
Main Agenda:
1.Introductory items:
Roll call
Present: Pam Thomas, Sandy Anderson, Barb Dolan, Matt Aschenbrener, Don Ticknor, Rose Hansen, Sharon Sopko, Trudy Zalud, and Julie Pier for Sharon Kienow.
Agenda modifications
Item #7 will be deferred until our May meeting.
Review of minutes from our March meeting
The minutes were distributed, and several members contributed suggested changes. These were incorporated, and the revised minutes were distributed and posted to the MOCC website.
2.Technology update: Don
Please see DA/Technology agenda. (I will send the minutes in the near future.) Pay close attention to these particular items:
UI Web: Web UI 3.1 has been installed in Test mode. The new version works better than the old version did.
Desktop UI: the upgrade to 2.3 will impact Desktop UI. Users will be prompted to refresh scripts upon initially logging into Colleague (test or prod). After this happens, the old version of Desktop UI will expire in 45 days.
Pierre network downtime: The system will be down on Sunday morning, May 17th – starting at 2:00 am and continuing to about noon. The impacted applications are listed on the agenda.
3. MCR 12B (Application Fee – Readmission); please see attached
As mentioned in an earlier email, Rose and I discussed the scenario of the student who attends a regental institution, transfers to a school outside the system, and then returns within three terms. For example, consider the student who attends DSU in the fall, transfers to UNL in the spring, and then returns the very next fall…is this student eligible for the fee waiver? On one hand, he/she returns within the three-term limit established by BOR policy. On the other hand, additional work of processing transcripts is required; this ties to the rationale Monte used for changing the policy. We needed an executive decision from Monte. I conferred with him; Monte gave approval to waive the admission fee for such students. I tweaked the MCR, and asked Rose to review it. In addition to this change, she and I also incorporated verbiage into the procedural guidelines that specifically addresses waivers granted to military students and non-degree seeking students. The current draft of the MCR is attached. In addition, I sent it to the Admissions Module for questions and comments. So far, I have not received any responses, but it is early yet. We also need to finalize revisions to the streamlined form for readmission…more to follow.
4.MCR 27 (Second Major versus Second Degree); please see attached documents (3)
As you know, the revisions to MCR 27 were approved by the AAC members at their meeting last week! Following the vote, one final question was raised. Consensus was reached, and I tweaked the three attached documents. I plan to touch bases one more time with the Registrars’ module and then post the MCR – and all related documents – to the MOCC website. Our implementation date is fall 09.
5.MCR 37 (Red Flags Rules Program); please see attached documents (MCR and FTC Business Alert)
Our deadline to demonstrate compliance is May 1st. That date is rapidly approaching! Since our last MOCC meeting, Monte asked me to get involved with this project. Andy and I formed a work group which is comprised of Larry Youngren (AR), Pam Thomas (AR) and Julie Pier (FA) plus the two of us. We have benefitted from two very productive meetings. This MCR is the end result of our collaborative efforts. It delineates our program aimed at detecting identity theft in conjunction with covered accounts and then mitigating the results of this crime. At this point, our logical next step involves review by key groups. The Financial Aid Module discussed and approved the content on Tuesday. Our MOCC group and the Security/Networking Committee will review today, and the AR Module will critique one week from today. What is the impact to the other modules?
Rose: I see no relevance to the Admissions Module.
Sandy: The registrars wondered about credit card transactions attached to transcript requests.
Pam: This will fit with PCI compliance; I just had a similar conversation with Jerry Swarts, the guru at BH.
Julie: For transcript requests, do you require verifiable signature?
Sandy: Yes; however, we have no frame of reference to detect fraudulent signatures.
Pam: Do you ask for other pieces of personally identifying information?
Sandy: Yes.
Trudy: Transcript requests do not fall under the umbrella of covered accounts. So although detection of identity theft is always a positive, this particular scenario does fall outside the parameters of the Red Flags program.
Don: I can see application to the Technology Module. For example, the authentication process is one area that enables us to spot identity theft. I would like to review this MCR with the Technology folks; our next meeting is scheduled for two weeks from yesterday.
Trudy: After we reach consensus on the MCR, it will be submitted to Monte/BAC for final approval. In addition, we will draft a corresponding BOR policy for consideration at the May meeting. The policy will convey what we will do, while the MCR will delineate how we will do it.
6.ESC Consultant Report : Rose
Please refer to this link:
The tone of the report is favorable and supportive of ESC! Rose, could you please explain the Executive Summary in more detail?
Rose: In September 2008, Dr. Paul Jones from Georgia was hired to evaluate the operations of ESC - to determine our viability and provide direction for our future. The process he employed is spelled out in the first part of the Executive Summary. His ultimate recommendations are featured in the second part. As indicated, Dr. Jones’ strongest recommendations are as follows:
Maintain presence of the Enrollment Services Center with the possibility of enhancing services
Continue to give campuses flexibility of follow-up with applicants
Increase automation; this is particularly significant. Our technology is woefully outdated; the result is that our processes are much more labor intense than they should be.
Trudy: Regarding the additional recommendations, please tell us more about #6, 8, and 18.
#6: Consider implementing a differential application fee for paper and electronic applications to encourage students to apply on-line.
Rose: The task force assigned to this recommendation has not initiated its work yet. I don’t know whether this change – if approved – will be considered for implementation for the upcoming academic year (09-10) or the following year (10-11).
#8: Investigate the feasibility of centralizing the SDOS program through ESC.
Rose: My understanding is that this transition would entail establishing initial – not continuing – eligibility for this scholarship.
Julie: Yes, the following question has been raised: would moving the initial review from the individual campuses to ESC prove advantageous to all parties?
#18: Investigate the feasibility of the ESC performing a larger role in the articulation of course equivalencies, especially at the 100 and 200 levels.
Rose: This recommendation originated with Sam…I’m confident that more information will be coming. At ESC, we are not qualified registrars; consequently, we must proceed with caution.
To address the consultant’s specific recommendations, a number of task forces have been created; see Monte’s email (attached).
Rose: As Monte’s email indicates, we have formed three work groups plus an overall steering committee. As ESC Director, I look forward to moving ahead and embracing the many opportunities that await. All ideas are welcome!
Matt: Has a time line been established?
Rose: No, not yet. At this point, none of the groups have convened.
7.Economic Stimulus Package/Impact to Financial Aid – Julie Pier for Sharon Kienow
8.Special Tuition Programs: Pam
As you recall, we initiated discussion on this topic at our meeting last month. Since that time, Pam has launched the fact-finding phase of the project by creating a survey for the AR Module members. She has also created a good foundation for response/discussion by inserting comments into BOR policy 5:5:1. Pam, what else should we know at this point?
Pam: As a note, the comments reflect my experiences and viewpoints. Hopefully, they will invite meaningful discussion. In addition, I highlighted established procedures; there’s no need to address them a second time. Larry anticipates a lively discussion at our upcoming module meeting – his interest and support is appreciated. I’m confident that investing time and effort in this project will prove beneficial. Some of these tuition programs are so rare that we AR folks are taken aback when presented with students’ requests. Increasing awareness and creating structure will assist. Another conceivable outcome to deliberation involves recommending discontinuation of certain programs; possibly, the relevance of some has diminished over time. I will report back to MOCC next month.
9.MOCC summer schedule
Group consensus: do not schedule a meeting for June. Consider a live meeting in August. Trudy will send out a list of potential dates for group review.
Supplemental Agenda:
- Campus Contacts; see attached spreadsheet
Trudy will check with Jen Jost to determine whether this spreadsheet is the most current. Group consensus: following resolution, post to MOCC website.
- SSN Policy Proposal
We discussed Andy’s proposal at our March meeting. I shared our feedback with Andy; he considered our input and incorporated a number of changes. He then submitted the revised draft to TAC for review at the April meeting. Ultimately, the group opted to defer consideration until the group’s summer retreat (scheduled for June). Andy will keep us posted.
- Collection of SSN/1098T’s
- Registration Counts by the Hour – see email sent previously
- Next meeting: Thursday, May 21st from 1:00 to 3:00 pm CST
This falls just before the Memorial Day week-end.
- System Processing Calendar:
End of April:
23 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS24 / Universities complete their review of information received from the SDA - STC.COURSE.NAME does not equal STUDENT.ACAD.CRED. Then Suzanne runs cleanup per Answernet Doc 7874.04. / SDA/Reg/Suzanne / EOT
28 / [Future term] Term begins [start day of future term] – Main campus classes starting at 4:00 p.m. or later meet [start day of future term]. University Center classes meet all day [start day of future term]. Contact your home university for details. / RIS / After pre-reg
30 / AM / Run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2009SP) / SDA / Prior to BILL
30 / PM / Run Email Update (XCDE) for 2009SP / SDA / After XIBU
30 / Increase WA time-out from 15 to 30 minutes to facilitate grading / Suzanne / EOT
30 / Run Recalculate Term Standing (RTSL) and Class Level Update (CLUP) for 2009SP / SDA / EOT
30 / Add 2008SU to FIWP and remove prior terms / Suzanne
30 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
30 / Add 2009SU to the university records in FACTINFO in the WW account. If the BILL term is fall, replace the previous fall term with the new fall term; if the BILL term is spring, replace the previous spring term with the new spring term; if the BILL term is summer, replace the previous summer term with the new summer term. / RIS / Prior to BILL
30 / Verify that the future term has been added to FAWP / RIS / Prior to BILL
30 / Change valcode table XH.TERM.ECOMM to 2009SU / Suzanne / Prior to BILL
30-May 7 / NSLC 2009SP End of Term Submission with deadline of 5/9. This provides one day per University to submit End of Term submission. / FA/Registrar Modules
Beginning of May:
CoColleague data copy from PROD to TEST / RIS1 / BILL executed centrally / Shelley / BILL
1 / Marking of MI Sioux Falls Billing students / RIS / BILL
1 / Reminder to create a Registration Day contact list for Summer 2009 / MOCC
11 / GRWP - Remove 2008SP (previous spring term) from GRWP & remove HS terms
Add 2009SU to GRWP (Web Grading Parameters). / RIS / EOT
1 / Run Enroll Status Update (XUES) for 2009SP in Audit Mode / SDA
2 / XRST posted for 2009SU / Universities
2 / XATR/XATP to apply aid for summer students first attending summer in the May session beginning May 12 / FA
4-8 / Final Examinations / EOT
6 / End of Term extract frozen / Biying / EOT
7 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
8 / End of 2009SP term / All
8 / Official Graduation Date for Academic Transcripts and Diplomas for 2009SP / Registrars
9 / XATR/XATP to apply aid for summer students first attending summer in the May session beginning May 19 / FA
11 / XATR/XATP to apply aid for summer students first attending summer in the May session beginning May 21 / FA
11 / Update the Equivalencies in preparation for Pre Gen Ed & Gen Ed restrictions / UDAs
11-12 / Two XML file runs for integration of Colleague to D2L course sections, users, memberships / RIS
5/11-8/28 / Official Summer 2009 Term / All
12 / Run PADU (Pending Address Update) / SDA / BOT
12 / FAWP - Remove from Field #2 2008FA and 2009SP / Suzanne
12 / 12am / Final pull for Grading Integration from D2L / RIS/Univ / final grades
13 / Grades are due in from faculty (either entered via WA or turned into the Registrar's Office) no later than midnight. / Registrars / final grades
14 / First Commitment Letters Run / ESC
14 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
15 / SDOS Auto E-mail Open / SDOS
15 / AM / Clear STU.MISC1 and then run Home Location Update (XIBU) for 2009SU for those student not in 2008SP / SDA / BOT
16 / NSLC 2009SU first of term submission for USD / USD
18 / by 3:00pm / Grades entered and/or verified by Registrar's by 3:00 p.m. It is the responsibility of the universities to determine missing grades (running the MIEG process) and to populate missing grades either with a grade, as received from the instructor, or the app / Universities / EOT
18 / 3:01pm / CACS run in update mode. / SDA / EOT
18 / Decrease WA time-out from 30 to 15 minutes now that grading is completed / Suzanne
19 / 2009FA XML files loaded from PROD Colleague to PROD D2L / RIS
19 / 8am to 2:30pm / Minimum Progression edited for accuracy by Registrars and necessary changes made to SACS. / Registrars / EOT
19 / 2:31
pm / Run paragraphs to create saved lists for communication management to enable universities to send academic standing letters. Run paragraphs that create the saved lists for suspension status to be used for SAP. / SDA / EOT
19 / Saved list created for 2009SP Dean's List and 2009SP Academic Recognition for Undergraduate, Part-time Students before Home Location Update / SDA / EOT
20 / Term needed to add in progress courses to prerequisite class checking - term should be set to 2011FA / Suzanne / EOT
21 / Manual Home Loc changes can occur for 2009SU Between University Transfers / Universities / After 1st XIBU for term
21 / RIS File Maintenance 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. / RIS
Module reports:
FA: Julie: I see that some processes are missing; I will follow up with the module at our next meeting.
Trudy: As you know, we recently adopted the color coding strategy to communicate which items have been reviewed/approved by the impacted modules. I noticed that a number of FA items remain black; could you also review these at the upcoming FA meeting?
Julie: Yes, definitely.
AR: Pam: As with FA, a number of AR processes are missing. Hopefully, we can identify these at our next meeting and apprise Carla. We have BILL coming up on May 1st; that pivotal process triggers many others, such as fee payment. Summer is unique; consequently, the number of processes common to all schools declines.
Trudy: The BOR just approved changes to tuition and fees. What must happen to make these effective?
Pam: The tables were updated last week-end. Pre-registration information is held in a pending file until after tables are updated. Student billing is timed accordingly with updating of tables.
Registrars: Sandy: Early registration ended last Friday, April 17th.
Trudy: Did moving pre-registration back one week create any issues?
Sandy: Yes, it created a crunch for loading transfer work. Not all schools were able to complete this project prior to the start of pre-reg.
On May 8th, the spring semester concludes. Final grades are due on Wednesday, the 13th. We will complete our clean-up efforts and then run minimum progression on the 19th. Our module will review processes for the remainder of the summer and inform Carla.
Admissions: Rose: No report
Julie: Rose, when do commitment letters go out?
Rose: Starting on May 14th.
Technology: Don: Every Thursday night, RIS does Colleague maintenance. On May 6th, the end-of-term extract will be frozen; this may require advance clean-up efforts. Watch for emails on this.