Green Hills Hospital Case Study
Following the Guidelines of the American Psychological Association
The case “Green Hill Hospital: Leading Change Management” presents a change initiative at a large health care facility that aims to maximize shareholder value by introducing lean health care.While change management performance can be measured in financial terms, what happens when a mishandled change initiative starts to endanger the lives of patients? I will write a case report based on the following criteria: what is the case about? I will provide facts about the case. I will discuss main factors/forces driving the need of change. When identifying these issues, I will use relevant information provided by the case. In the second part, I will do a diagnosis of problems and case analysis. I will identify and analyze problems, challenges and issues specific to change management as found in the case. I will identify the enablers and block of change. I will apply relevant theoretical frameworks and scholarly literature to analyze the case. For the third part of this report I will discuss recommendations. I will discuss how to manage changes as a manager. I will discuss how the change process could have been managed better. What kinds of organizational intervention? The recommendations will be based on key issues as identified in my analysis and supported by key themes in change literature. I may apply Kotter’s 8 steps change process as well as Toyota’s lean manufacturing methods for this case. I may mention problems, causes, symptoms and provide alternative solutions for each.
Mishandled Change Initiatives
What happens when a mishandled change initiative starts to endanger the lives of patients? Lee’s wife had complications with dealing with the cultural tensions amongst the nurses, as well as problems with the medical insurance and being overcharged for her services at the Green Hills Hospital.
About the Case
What is the case about? The case is about Lee’s wife who required medical assistance and travelled out of her home country for that medical attention. Lee had an aversion to the medication treatment in his own home country. However, the hospital that Lee and his wife selected was not up to the standards of Change Management and many problems occurred that are good example of avoiding these situations in order to have a better run hospital.
Many factors driving the need for change was the inadequate medical care that Lee’s wife received.
Organizational Intervention
What kinds of organizational intervention? First of all, there would need to be cultural sensitivity training amongst the staff so that there are not any tensions amongst the nursing staff or any of the staff. As well, there would need to be a better billing policy concerning to how insurance is calculated from out of the country. The billing department at the hospital would also need to calculate the charges for being in the hospital accurately and double-check their figures so there would not be any overcharging of the medical expenses.
The Green Hills Hospital case study requires major Change Management strategies in order to be a more effective hospital not just only on a local, national scale, but also on an international scale as well.
Kayalar, J. (N/A). “Green Hill Hospital: Leading Change Management,” Richard Ivey
School of Business. London, Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario.