November 2008IEEE P802.11/1449r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2008-12-03
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Donald E. Eastlake 3rd / Motorola / 155 Beaver Street Milford, MA 01757 USA / +1 508-333-2270 /
Minutes were taken and edited by Donald Eastlake 3rd, Chair.
The Chair convened the call at 17:05 EDT and announced that it would not run longer than one hour.
- IPR and other relevant IEEE policies
The teleconference announcement included the following informational pointers:
IEEE Patent Policy
Patent FAQ
LoA Form
Affiliation FAQ
Anti-Trust FAQ
IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures
The Chair reminded everyone that we are operating under the IEEE 802 Patent Policy. The Chair inquired if anyone on the call was personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of TGs and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance:
Such persons must either speak up now or provide the Chair with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or cause an LOA to be submitted.
In response, no one spoke up.
3. Agenda
The Chair reviewed the proposed Agenda with the addition of discussion of 11-08/1448r0 and updating the revision of 11-08/493 to r29:
- Attendance
- IPR and other relevant IEEE policies (see pointers above)
- Agenda for this call
- Status of TGs Draft, comment resolution spreadsheet (11-08/0493r29)
- Upcoming meetings
- Los Angeles, California, Meeting 11-08/1443r0
- Comment Resolution
- “Selection of a Mesh Authentication Protocol”, 11-08/1448r0, Steve Emeott
- Adjourn
There were no objections or suggested additions to the Agenda as updated.
4. Status of TGs Draft, comment resolution spreadsheet (11-08/0493r29)
Kazuyuki Sakoda (TGs Editor) reviewed the status of the recent Drafts and comment resolution spreadsheet versions.
11-08/493r28 is synchronized with Draft D2.02.
11-08.493r29 is synchronized with Draft D2.03
D2.03 is updated through the July meeting.
D2.04 will be completed soon and will show resolutions through the end of the September meeting except for the Terminology update (which is a massive Editorial change).
The Chair thanked the Editor for all the work he is doing.
5.a Los Angeles, California, Meeting 11-08/1443r0
The chair apologized for not having gotten the 11-08/1443r0 skeleton agenda power point prepared and uploaded yet. The main different from the TGs agenda for previous 802.11 Interim meetings will be that the first TGs meeting will be Monday evening.
6.a “Selection of a Mesh Authentication Protocol”, 11-08/1448r0, Steve Emeott
Steve Emeott presented 11-08.1448r0
There were no questions or comments.
Kazuyuki Sakoda asked the following questions:
Kaz noted that some of the changes from the September (Waikoloa) meeting, particularly those from the Lihue ad hoc, did not have clear enough Resolution Notes that he could figure out how to implement the resolution. How should this be resolved and how should it be noted in the spreadsheet?
Chair: If there are any resolutions that the Editor feels are not clear enough, the Editor should come back to the Task Group and ask for clearer instructions. In order to preserve information, it was decided to leave Columns P, R, and S (Resolution Status, Submissions, TGs Approval Date) alone but the Editor should note this situation in Column Y (Edit Status).
Kaz pointed out that the big terminology change adopted at the September meeting in Waikoloa, submission 11-08/1120r3, does not list all the changes but has general instructions that would require going over the entire draft and asked if there was any way to ease this burden.
Chair: In the members area on 802.11 web site there is a “Draft P802.11s_D2.01-proposed-terminology-changes.0.13.doc” document that was uploaded in August, which may help. Unfortunately it is out of date, since it is based on Draft D2.01. It will be a large and difficult editorial change. People can be asked to be extra careful when they check the Draft after that change and you could ask Guido Hiertz, author of 11-08/1120r3, who may be willing to help.
Kaz asked if people would mind if he edited in the resolutions from the November meeting before putting in the big terminology change.
Some indicated that they had already incorporated the terminology change in their November submissions so it might be confusing.
Others indicated that they may have incorporated the terminology changes in some July submissions that were now in the Draft and didn’t see any confusion.
Chair: Inconsistent terminology in the Draft does not seem to be a big problem if there is an Editorial note pointing it out and if it will be fixed in another draft soon. So the Editor can go ahead, if they want, with incorporating November meeting changes before the terminology change.
The Chair pointed out that there was only 25 minutes left in the time he had allotted for this call and there is some amount of overhead time in getting into actually doing comment resolutions. Therefore, the Chair suggested that we not do any comment resolving on this call but that we do some next teleconference, in two week.
Kaz asked people to review the current Draft and comment resolution spreadsheet and tell him if they find any problems.
The Chair suggested that the Editor update the comment resolution spreadsheet to show the comments where the Editor felt the Resolution Note was unclear and that we work on those comments first during the next teleconference. This met with general agreement.
The Chair asked if there were any further comments or announcements for this call.
There being no response, the Chair adjourned the call at 17:35.
- Donald E. Eastlake 3rd – Motorola
- Steve Emeott – Motorola
- Tony Braskich – Motorola
- Malik Audeh – Tropos
- Youko Omori – NEC
- Kazuyuki Sakoda – Sony
- Rene Purnadi– Research in Motion
Submissionpage 1Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Motorola