The Board of Trustees met on Monday, September 14, 2015, at the Butler Township Government Center, 3780 Little York Road, Dayton, Ohio, at 7:00pm for a Regular Session to transact the business of the township.

Doug Orange, President, called the meeting to order.


The Minutes of August 10, 2015, Regular Session, were submitted for approval. Nick Brusky made a motion to approve the Regular Session Minutes of August 10, 2015, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the motion.


Resolution #15-067 was submitted Appointing Anna Reed, Jenna Kesler and Michael Whitecar to the Position of Volunteer Firefighter with the Township’s Fire Department. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #15-067, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the resolution.

Resolution #15-068 was submitted Authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with ODOT for the LPA Federal Signage Upgrade Project. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #15-068, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the resolution.

Resolution #15-069 was submitted Authorizing the Township Administrator to Solicit Bids and Provide Legal Notice for the Butler Township HVAC Renovation Project. Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #15-069, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the resolution.

Resolution #15-070 was submitted Declaring Jackson, Furnas, and Dog Leg (Airpark Boulevard) Roads “No Parking Zone” Per ORC Section 505.17(A). Nick Brusky made a motion for approval of Resolution #15-070, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the resolution.


Assistant Township Administrator, Erika Vogel reported that the Zoning Commission will meet and it will be the first meeting of the year on September 21st. The case is a rezoning from R-1 to LC/S-1 at 3706 Little York Road submitted by Moor Partners. Also, to be discussed is the Zoning Code updates and in hopes to have a draft for the board by the September 28th meeting. Ms. Vogel noted that the Cruise-In had a little over 50 cars that were registered which was a smaller number than last year. But overall a good day and a wonderful turn out for all that came.

Chief Cresie had no further business to report at this time.

Chief Alig reported status that they are still short 500 hours for the month. He stated with board approval he would like to start an eligibility list to speed up the hiring process, this way we will have something ready in case we would like to hire full-time. He also noted that in addition one of our full time people may be leaving.

Administrator, Kimberly Lapensee reported on behalf of the service department that the County indicated that they would start paving next week. She also reported on behalf of administration that meet the candidate night will be Thursday, October 15th at 6:00pm at the Christian Life Center and the Chamber Business Expo will be Tuesday, October 13th from 5:00pm to 7:30pm. She noted a couple more items that just came up that one of our police officers will be deployed for a year to Africa on Military Leave and we will need to have a discussion about the police department while we talk about the budget. Finally, there was an annexation petition that was submitted for 189 acres north of Old Springfield and east of Dog Leg Road. She mentioned that they are just one property away from touching the City of Dayton.

Mark Adams, Fiscal Officer had no further business to report at this time.

Trustee, Nick Brusky had no further business to report at this time.

Trustee, Michael Lang reported that the County has been out striping the areas of Kinmont and Meeker Roads out in the western part of the township, which was nice to see. He stated that something to look at in the future would be enabling the website for mobile devices.

Trustee, Doug Orange had no further business to report at this time.


Danny Armstrong, 1921 N. Sunnyridge had a concern regarding the officer leaving for a year. Ms. Lapensee indicated that he is part of the Reserve and he can be pulled at any time for deployment. Doug Orange stated that this has happened before and we have enough time to plan for a solution. Mr. Armstrong confirmed the zoning meeting for next Monday. He also questioned the bridge at Little York Road at I-75, that needs to be fixed and it was noted to contact the City of Vandalia and Montgomery County for repair.

Nick Brusky reported that the trustees have reviewed the financial statements and made a motion for approval to pay the bills of the township, as submitted, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the motion.

Nick Brusky made a motion for approval to adjourn the meeting at 7:15pm, with Michael Lang seconding and Doug Orange approving the motion.
