The Board of Trustees met on Monday, December 29, 2016, at the Butler Township Government Center, 3780 Little York Road, Dayton, Ohio, at 5:00pm for a Regular Session to transact the business of the township.

Michael Lang, President, called the meeting to order.


The Minutes of November 14, 2016, Regular Session, were submitted for approval. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve the Regular Session Minutes of November 14, 2016, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.


A brief presentation was made by the Vandalia American Legion presenting Police Chief Porter with a donation of gloves to the Police Department. Nick Brusky made a motion to accept the donation from the Vandalia American Legion and commend them on their service to the community, with Joe Flanagan seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.

Michael Lang noted no one was present with questions regarding the public hearing for Energy Aggregation. He also welcomed back Ms. Vogel from her maternity leave.


A request was submitted to make a motion to set a public hearing for ZC-5-16 for January 9, 2017 at 7:00pm ZC-5-16 is a proposed amendment to the Butler Township Zoning map, for the rezoning of approximately 6.10 acres at 7919 & 7929 N. Dixie Drive )Parcel ID#’s A-01-003-13-0016, A01-003-13-00014, A01-003-136-00015, A01-003-13-0041) from “CM” Cemetery to “PD-1”, Planned Residential Development, for a 60 unit multi development. The applicant is Spire Development, LLC, 629 N. High Street, 4th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215 and owner of the property is Dayton Memorial Cemetery. Joe Flanagan made a motion to set a public hearing for ZC-5-16 for January 9, 2017 at 7:00pm, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Ms. Vogel gave a brief description of the project. No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Motion was approved, 3-0.

A request was submitted to make a motion to authorize the Fie Chief To Enter Into an Automatic Mutual Aid Response System (AMARS) Guideline Agreement with the City of Dayton. Joe Flanagan made a motion to authorize the Fire Chief to enter into an Automatic Mutual Aid Response System (AMARS) Guideline Agreement with the City of Dayton, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Chief Alig noted the concerns Michael Lang questioned about the agreement which outlines the protocol and guidelines for mutual aid response with the City of Dayton for mutual aid. The area covered by this agreement includes the area along National Road, south of the airport, where Spectrum, the new manufacturing facility is being constructed.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Motion was approved, 3-0.

A request was submitted to make a motion to Elect Board Members to the Volunteer Firefighter’s Dependents Fund. Joe Flanagan made a motion to Elect Board Members to the Volunteer Firefighter’s Dependents Fund, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang noted that this year Joe Flanagan be appointed the Chairperson and himself as Secretary to the Volunteer Firefighter’s Dependents Fund.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Motion was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-70 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion to approve Resolution #16-70, Amending Resolution #16-69 for Revisions to the Police Budget & Appropriations in the TIF Budgets, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang noted that since the township budget has a reduction it reduces the statutory pay for the elected officials.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-70 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-71 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Authorizing the Township Administrator to Contract with Stoops Freightliner and Henderson Truck Equipment for the Purchase of One (1) Dump Truck and Accessories for the Road Department, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang confirmed that the total price of $148,539.00 was through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program Bids.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-71 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-72 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Authorizing the Township Administrator to Enter into an Agreement with Final Touch Janitorial Cleaning for the Purpose of Cleaning Services for the Township Government Center and Township Hall, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Nick Brusky stated that the board needs to look into hiring an additional person in the Service Department for the cleaning and maintenance of township owned buildings at a later date. Joe Flanagan also noted he would like to look into the matter further to bring the Service Department back to full staffing levels. Michael Lang added that the reason for contracting out the service for cleaning was for costs savings.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-72 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-73 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Adopting An OPERS Annual Conversion Plan for 2017, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-73 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-74 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Authorizing Cost of Living Lump Sum Payments for Non-Union, Non-Probationary, Regular Full-Time and Salaried Township Employees for 2017 and One Negotiated Salary Adjustment in the Fire Department, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-74 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-75 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Authorizing the Transfer of $200,000 to the Police Fund as Appropriated for 2016 From the General Fund, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-75 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-76 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Entering Into an Agreement with the City of Dayton to Provide Ambulance Service to the Dayton International Airport, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang questioned Fire Chief Alig if the call volume has been the same since 2010. Chief Alig indicated that the volume of calls has stayed around the same. Ms. Vogel also added that the contract amount has not changed from previous years.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-76 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-77 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Granting Permission for the Montgomery County Auditor to Advance Real Estate and Estate Taxes for the Tax Year 2016 to be collected in 2017, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-77 was approved, 3-0.

Resolution #16-78 was submitted. Joe Flanagan made a motion Approving the Final Revenue and Appropriations Budget for FY2016, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Resolution #16-78 was approved, 3-0.

Administrator, Erika Vogel mentioned recently there were some questions bought up about some rezoning that occurred on property located in Singing Ridge and one (1) parcel on Benchwood Road. The parcels were rezoned from PD-commercial zoning back to residential zoning in 2012. She noted that there was a lawsuit regarding this and the township had agreed to maintain the PD zoning. She would like to recommend that the board initiate this case to rezone the parcels back to the original PD zoning from residential. Parcel ID’s include A01-003-07-0045(6.324 acres) owned by American Crossroads, A01-003-07-0166 (9.446 acres) owned by American Crossroads and A01-003-14-0017 (2.99 acres) owned by Harson Investments.

Joe Flanagan made a motion to initiate a rezoning Case ZC-1-17, which includes the parcels previously discussed by the Township Administrator, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

No additional discussion was made from the board on this item.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. Motion initiating Case ZC-1-17 was approved, 3-0.


Police Chief Porter noted that immediately after the meeting the new cruiser with the new markings will be outside for display.

Fire Chief Alig had no further business to report.

Fiscal Officer, Mark Adams was not present for this portion of the meeting.

Trustee, Joe Flanagan had no further business to report.

Trustee, Nick Brusky wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He noted that recycling was not the week of Christmas and he would like to look into the matter if recycling could be the week of Christmas, since that is when most of the recycling is generated. He noted that he had met with Mary McDonald, the Mayor of Trotwood to discuss the fairgrounds development.

Trustee, Michael Lang stated that he was unsure where 2016 went however he indicated that he is optimistically looking forward to 2017.

Administrator, Erika Vogel had no further business to report.


A request was submitted for approval to recess into Executive Session at 5:23pm to discuss a pending real estate matter. Joe Flanagan made a motion for approval to recess into Executive Session to discuss a pending real estate matter, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. The motion was approved, 3-0.

Joe Flanagan made a motion for approval to reconvene into Regular Session at 5:43PM, with Nick Brusky seconding the motion.

Michael Lang called the roll for a vote: Joe Flanagan – Yes, Nick Brusky – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes. The motion was approved, 3-0.

There was no action taken as a result of the Executive Session and no further business to discuss at this time.

Joe Flanagan reported that the trustees have reviewed the financial statements and made a motion for approval to pay the bills of the township, as submitted, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.

Joe Flanagan made a motion for approval to adjourn the meeting at 5:43pm, with Nick Brusky seconding and Michael Lang approving the motion.
