20 OCTOBER 2009
The Meeting commenced at 4pm and concluded at 5:10pm
Councillors Chandler, and Mrs Moore and Rampton
Also attending:
Steve Cattle, Legal and Democratic Services
Clare Freeman, Leisure Services
Richard Nicholson, Leisure Services
Andy Osborne, Leisure Services
RESOLVED that Councillor Chandler be elected Chairman of the Tree Management Review Working Party for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs Moore be elected Vice-Chairman of the Tree Management Review Working Party for the ensuing Municipal Year.
There were no apologies for absence received.
There were no declarations of interest received.
Steve Cattle, Legal and Democratic Services, reported that the Terms of Reference for the Working Party had been devised as follows:
- To review the current workload and resources allocated to arboricultural work.
- To undertake any necessary visits to obtain evidence as part of the Tree Management Review.
- To receive any necessary evidence from Officers and Partners/Stakeholders, which may be necessary to inform this Review.
- To take into account the Motion put to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 26 February 2009 (attached).
- To make any recommendations to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet, as necessary, following this Review.
RESOLVED that the above Terms of Reference be agreed for the Tree Management Review Working Party.
Clare Freeman, Leisure Services, reminded Members that an informal site visit had already been held which had shown some of the issues and opportunities facing Leisure Services in relation to the Management of the Council’s Tree Stock in the Borough. The main aim of the Working Party was to review the Tree Management Policy and it was essential for Members to be aware of the current workload and resource issues relating to Arboricultural work. In October 2008 Leisure had allocated additional resource from existing budgets to ensure that extra capacity was dedicated to arboricultural work in recognition of its importance.
Richard Nicholson, Leisure Services, presented a summary of the number of inquiries logged onto the Tree Management System, which showed the following:
2006 – 401
2007 – 400
2008 – 450
2009 (to date) – 366
He emphasised that each application for tree work equated to 90 minutes work for Officers and that this was a huge workload, especially in 2008. This was causing a problem and there was a need to look at this so that the Council was more proactive in respect of Woodland Management rather than the present situation, which was reacting to complaints and inquiries. If there was proper Management of the Tree Stock and a Programme devised of work to be carried out then this would hopefully reduce the number of inquiries etc and issues with residents. The budget for Arboricultural work was limited and there was therefore a need to look at priorities and affordability. The current position meant that the statutory work was receiving less officer time and therefore increasing the liability to the Council.
Councillor Mrs Moore felt that if there was a programme of work to be carried out to Woodlands then residents would be able to see when work to their particular property was going to be carried out nearby and if this was not acceptable then they could pay for the work themselves to trees which affected them.
Clare Freeman, Leisure Services, felt that the Policy should clarify whether the Council should be subsidising tree work if it was individual householders who would benefit from tree work being undertaken. It was felt that information on work carried out in each Ward would be helpful for Members to consider at the next Meeting.
The Chairman agreed that a Programme for the whole Borough would be of great benefit so that if enquiries came from the public they would have information as to when tree work was going to be carried out.
Richard Nicholson felt that to reduce the workload it could be possible to just concentrate on the edges of woodland to take account of boundary issues within, say, 2 metres of a property as this seemed to be one of the main problems for residents. If this was included in the Policy there would obviously be budget implications and some reactive work would not be carried out. In recognition of the number of enquiries that some ward Cllrs received about tree issues a member training session could be organised when the new policy was adopted.
Clare Freeman stated that a workable Policy needed to be achievable within the Budget. And managing the boundaries and woodland was a good way forward. This would also assist Planning and Regeneration Services. She also drew attention to the Health and Safety issues which were an obligation on the Council and could not be avoided. A more proactive approach to Arboricultural work was a way forward. She undertook to report back at the next Meeting with an update schedule of Leisure Services Arboricultural Officer roles and responsibilities to not only include the percentage of time available but to include information on the balance of time which could be achieved by being more proactive under a new adopted policy
RESOLVED that the Report on the current workload and resource issues be noted and that further information on this be considered at the next meeting and also information on the possibility of including Proactive Tree Management.
Richard Nicholson, Leisure Services, presented a copy of the draft Tree Management Policy Document which was a point of reference for the public, Members, Officers and professionally interested people to enable informed discussion and to establish a clearer, consistent and more structured approach to the issues affecting trees in the area. Information on specific Policies were highlighted and he undertook to update the document to include a statement on Boundary Trees as mentioned in the previous item.
Councillor Mrs Moore felt that proactive Management and a boundary Policy would be a good way forward, which would resolve some of the problems experienced by residents. She also referred to the Motion considered by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee in February 2009 relating to the current Policy of leaving dead wood which needed to be applied in a sensitive fashion, particularly when a tree was in close proximity of residential properties.
Clare Freeman stated that there was a need to include this in the Policy document and that this would be updated for the next Meeting. Additionally, issues relating to Sustainability and reducing the Council’s Footprint should be included in the Policy document as this was now a priority of the Council and was a positive opportunity to demonstrate the value of planned arboricultural work
RESOLVED that the draft Tree Management Policy Document be noted and updated taking account of the points raised above, for discussion at the next Meeting of the Working Party.
RESOLVED that the next Meetings of the Working Party be held on 17th November 2009 at 4pm and also on 14th December 2009 at 4pm.