7 JANUARY 2010

The Meeting commenced at 09.30am and closed at 11.10am.

Persons present:

Councillor Burden (Chairman)

Councillor Chandler (Vice-Chairman)

Councillors Mrs Rampton, Mrs Stribley, Trent and Miss Wilson (from 09.45am)

Councillors Leverett (from 10.10am), and White, as Portfolio-Holder for ‘Delivering Major Projects (including Schools for the Future) and Transportation’.

Members of the public present: 1

Officers present:

Julian McLaughlin - Head of Transportation Services

Steve Tite - Principal Manager, Transportation Services

Robert Pickernell - Assistant Parking Services Manager

Tracey Mitchell - Democratic Support Officer


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs Long. Apologies for late arrival had been received from Councillor Miss Wilson in advance of the Meeting.


Councillors Mrs Stribley and Miss Wilson both declared a Personal Interest in the Item discussed at Minute TAG38.09 and TAG41.09 below, by virtue of their membership of Dorset Police Authority.

Although not a Member of this Group, Councillor Leverett declared a Personal Interest in the Item discussed at Minute TAG40.09 below, by virtue of his current appointment as a Governor of Poole High School, when, with the permission of the Chairman, he spoke to clarify the council’s position in respect of an issue raised by a Committee Member.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held 26 November 2009, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


There were no items of urgent business.


At its last Meeting, the Transportation Advisory Group had considered the Report of the Head of Transportation Services on the officer findings of the next and final stage of the review of speed limits on classified roads in Poole, Minute TAG31.09 refers). After a lengthy discussion, Members had concluded that they had received insufficient information on the nature of the accidents occurring to enable them to make informed Recommendations on the new speed limits proposed in the Report. Consequently, the Report was withdrawn and revised to include additional accident information, together with responses to a number of points raised by the Group during that Meeting. The Principal Manager, Transportation Services, introduced the revised Report of the Head of Transportation Services that incorporated the additional information that had been requested by Members.

During his introduction, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services, highlighted that: -

  • Essentially, the three Recommendations remained the same as those proposed in the original report presented to the Transportation Advisory Group Meeting of 26 November 2009. However, in line with suggestions made at the last Meeting of this Group, it was now proposed that the existing 30 mph speed limit in the downhill section of the dual carriageway section of Old Wareham Road near the Ryvita factory be increased to 40mph;
  • Details of collision numbers, the severity and speed-related causation factors for each section of road concerned had now been included in the Report as Appendix D and the location of speed related accidents had been marked with stars on Appendices F to M to the Report. (For ease of reference, the Group had received colour copies of these maps prior to the Meeting).

During the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised: -

  • A Member stated that although he was broadly in favour of changing the 50mph limit along Dorset Way/Canford Way from 60mph/70 mph to 50mph, he did not support the principle of installing ‘Speed Over Distance’ enforcement cameras.

In response, another Member reported that Dorset Police was to begin gradually introducing average speed cameras, rather than Fixed cameras as, nationally, police authorities had recognised the greater danger involved with vehicles travelling short distances at 40mph, then suddenly switching to 30mph for a short stretch, then back to 40mph again.

In addition, he expressed concern that the existing 40 mph speed limit that had been applied to the lowest section of Gravel Hill next to Poole Grammar School should be reduced to 30 mph.

In response, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services agreed to arrange for the Councillor concerned to be provided with the relevant information that had informed the Decision on Gravel Hill to introduce this speed limit.

  • A Member suggested that in respect of the short stretch from the roundabout to the A31 in the Oakley Hill area, more ‘left turn’ markings were required and that, in the longer term when the necessary funding might become available, an additional lane should be created to avoid the problem of vehicles ‘stacking up’ in queues from Oakley Hill.

In response, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services, reported that the Highways Agency had not proposed any changes here as part of its plan to deal with the large volume of traffic expected to be generated during the Olympics in 2012. However, he reported that an improvement scheme here was included in the list of Transportation Services future schemes.

  • A Member proposed that a 40mph limit be introduced along Canford Way, to lessen the dangers involved with residents of the adjacent Alderney Estate allegedly regularly crossing the busy dual carriageway from Tower Park. However, this Proposal was not seconded.

In response, another Member stated that Dorset Police had previously indicated that it did not support such a proposal as there was a lack of evidence to support the suggestion that this alleged pattern of behaviour by pedestrians was common-place.

  • A Member suggested that the speed limit on Old Wareham Way should be kept to 30mph on both sides.
  • With regard to a Member’s concern raised in respect of paragraph 6.8 of the Report referring to Creekmoor ‘Park and Ride’, the Head of Transportation Services clarified that this should have read ‘Park and Share’.
  • The Principal Manager, Transportation Services, referred to comments submitted by a Resident a perceived need to make improvements to the road layout at Gravel Hill. In response, he confirmed that Transportation Services was already looking into this possibility. In addition, he re-iterated that road traffic schemes were a continuing process and that more schemes would be coming forward on an individual basis for consideration by this Group shortly.

RECOMMENDED that the Portfolio-Holder be requested to approve the advertisement of changes to speed limits in the following roads, as listed in Appendix A of the Report:

i) Upton Road (part), Canford Way, Dorset Way, and Yarrow Road slip road: change from 60 mph/70 mph to 50 mph

ii) Old Wareham Road (dual carriageway section only):

change from 30 mph to 40 mph

iii) Canford Heath Road (part), Oakley Hill (part), A31 slip road: change from 40 mph to 30 mph

(It should be noted that any objections received in response to the advertisement of changes to speed limits in the above roads would be brought back to a future meeting of the Transportation Advisory Group for consideration. If no objections were received, the Orders would then be made as advertised).

For - Unanimous


The Principal Manager, Transportation Services, introduced the Report of the Head of Transportation Services seeking approval for the procurement of a new joint contract for the provision, installation and maintenance of traffic signal equipment throughout the Borough in partnership with Dorset County Council and Bournemouth Borough Council from 2011. The Report explained that this process was necessary as the current Traffic Control and Information Systems Maintenance contract, let jointly between Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth and which had been in place for 6½ years was scheduled to expire on 31 March 2011. Therefore, to ensure continuity of service delivery, it was necessary to let a tender for a new 10-year contract starting on 1 April 2011.

In particular, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services highlighted that: -

  • It had been proposed that this principle of joint arrangements continued for the purposes of the procurement of the new contract, on the basis that this would achieve the most favourable terms available through economies of scale. It was also noted that, under this arrangement, Dorset County Council was to lead on the procurement process;
  • The value of contract required advertisement through the Official Journal of the European Union ( OJEU ). Whilst it was being procured essentially for the three partner authorities, it had included an option for Somerset County Council to join the Partnership if required, on terms to be agreed, during the term of the new contract.
  • Traffic Control and Information system equipment currently included Traffic Signals, Pedestrian and Cycle Crossings, School Crossing Signs and many other highway electronic information systems. He also explained that Variable Message Signs, Vehicle Activated Signs, and Real Time Information Systems were currently maintained under separate contracts.
  • The majority of traffic signal systems operated on the main road network, providing control for the benefit and safety of all road users. He also explained that these operated in ‘hostile environments’ where severe weather, on-street incidents such as burst water mains, road traffic collisions or vandalism can result in damage or malfunction. It was noted that when this occurred, it was essential that repairs were undertaken as quickly and efficiently as possible, thus making a robust contract to ensure timely compliance by the contractor at an affordable cost essential.

In response to questions raised by the Group during the ensuing discussion, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services, responded that: -

  • The Tender Evaluation was to be conducted on the basis of an established 60% Quality : 40% Price split.
  • The main savings made through the proposed partnership arrangement centred upon not having to duplicate procurement processes across all three local authorities involved.

RECOMMENDED that the Portfolio-Holder be requested to approve the procurement of the contract for traffic signal equipment in partnership with Dorset County Council and Bournemouth Borough Council, as detailed in the Report of the Head of Transportation Services.

For - unanimous

TAG40.092010/2011 SCALE OF CHARGES

Following the Group’s consideration of car parking and permit charges for 2010/11 at its last Meeting, (Minute TAG29.09 refers), the Head of Transportation Services introduced his Report that was seeking Approval for the proposed scale of charges for 2010/11 listed in Appendix A to the Report relating to the following services delivered by the Transportation Unit in respect of: -

(i) Miscellaneous fees and licences;

(ii) Adoption Agreements;

(iii) Poole Community Transport Service;

(iv) The Concessionary Travel Scheme;

(v) Route ONE Fares.

In addition, the Group was also being asked to consider the Recommendations on the proposals for fees for Hackney and Private Hire Licences for 2010/11 listed in Appendix B to the Report, which was ultimately to be set by the Licensing Committee during 2010.

With regard to Appendix A, the Head of Transportation Services highlighted that: -

  • With regard to Item 5 listed under miscellaneous fees and licences concerning ‘Road closures and ‘Other Temporary Traffic Regulation Users’, the proposed fee for 2010/11 was £880 and that the charge for 2009/10 of £840 compared favourably with the current £900 fee charged by Dorset County Council and the approximate £1400 currently charged by Bournemouth Borough Council;
  • With regard to the section relating to ‘Poole Community Transport Service’ the proposed cost per journey for Zone 1 – Poole Town, Hamworthy, Oakdale, Lower Parkstone, for 2010/11 was £1.00, an increase of £0.20 over the existing fare;
  • With regard to proposed ‘Route ONE’ fares effective from 1 June 2010, it was proposed that the single ride (adult) fare should increase from the existing 50p to 60p, which represented only the first increase since the service was introduced during 2004. He also explained that income derived from the Route ONE service fares was provided to ‘Wilts and Dorset’ and that it had been the company concerned that had requested an increase in the fare. In addition, it was also noted that the proposed fare charged for the ‘Hop On & Hop Off all day (Adult) Service’ increased from the existing £1.00 to £1.20, again the first increase since the introduction of the Service in 2006.

During the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised in respect of the proposed scale of charges for 2010/11 listed in Appendix A: -

  • A Member stated that he considered that the proposed increases relating to ‘Education Transport Charges’ that were made by the Children and Young People’s Integrated Services were excessive, as compared with the 5% proposed for other charges elsewhere in the Report, in terms of a proposed increase from £171 to £201 per annum.

The Member concerned then proposed that the charge for ‘Concessionary Spare Places’ for 2010/11 be set at £180, rather than the proposed £201. This Proposal was Seconded. (However, this Proposal was not put to the vote, by virtue of the Group’s first Recommendation made below).

Another Member pointed out that Appendix A had included a note explaining that the proposed charge for ‘Concessionary Spare Places’ was being increased in line with other local authorities, in terms of Dorset County Council currently charging £240 per annum and Cheshire West and Chester Councils currently charging £245 per annum.

  • A Member suggested that more background information should have been included in the section of the Report relating to ‘Education Transport Charges’ and that it would have been more appropriate to have compared ‘Concessionary Spare Places’ charges with those for neighbouring Bournemouth Borough Council.

The Leader of the Council, having sought permission of the Chairman to address this concern at that point, reminded the Group that this issue had been discussed at length by the Children’s Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee and was part of the larger financial consideration in respect of the Children and Young People’s Integrated Services.

  • The Portfolio-Holder stated that he did not feel comfortable about making a decision on the proposed’ Education Transport Charges’ when he was not in receipt of the full background knowledge at this Meeting. He indicated that he had been reasonably keen with a Member’s suggestion that it might be more appropriate for these charges to be set by the Children and Young People’s Integrated Services in future.

In response, the Head of Transportation Services advised that if it was not possible for this to happen when setting the proposed scale of charges for 2011/12, a representative from Children and Integrated Services, or from the Passenger Transport Team, should be involved in this Group’s discussion.

RECOMMENDED that the Portfolio-Holder be requested to approve: -

  1. The Scale of Charges in Appendix A of the Report to the Transportation Advisory Group, including the Education Transport Charges;
  1. The Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee to make Recommendations to Cabinet, or the Portfolio-Holder for Supporting Children and Young People, on Education Transport Charges with effect from 2011/12;
  1. The proposals for taxi licensing in Appendix B be set by Licensing Committee during 2010.

FOR : - Unanimous


The Principal Manager, Transportation Services, presented the Report of the Head of Transportation Services on five proposed improvements along Wimborne Road between the new Emergency Services Centre and the George Roundabout. The Report included plans of the Proposals as Appendix A to the Report.

To aid the Group’s discussion, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services, gave a presentation showing the plans and included a power-point guide to Zebra, Pelican, Puffin, Toucan and Pegasus crossings.

At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr Peter Du Lieu, representing cyclists, who had registered his wish to speak at this Meeting, addressed the Group, during which he raised concern over the lack of CLAG consultation in general and the detail of this scheme, in particular the choice of putting cyclists on pavement which should have been last resort.

During the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised: -

  • A Member questioned why Transportation Services was proposing this Scheme as there was no problem with the way it operated at present and that there were more pressing needs elsewhere in her Ward area. She cited the example of the Zebra Crossing along Ringwood Road as being of greater need for an upgrade due to it being on a busy road, making it highly dangerous, especially for older people trying to cross the road via that facility;
  • With regard to the section of the Proposal relating to the combined footway/cycleway on the eastern side of Wimborne Road, a Member suggested that only a minority of cyclists used such shared schemes inappropriately, in terms of causing friction with pedestrians;

He also suggested that a seminar on safe cycling should be held for this Group to enable it to better understand the considerations behind the development of such schemes;

  • A Member suggested that formal consultation should take place with Poole High School over the Proposal concerning the combined footway/cycleway on the eastern side of Wimborne Road and that a leaflet should be distributed to all cyclists explaining how to use the new facility safely and courteously in respect of pedestrians users;

In response, the Head of Transportation Services advised that as an automatic process, neighbouring schools were consulted once a Scheme was approved for advertisement, together with an automatic leaflet drop to schools.

  • A Member requested that the timing of proposed works near the Emergency Services should not be in school time.
  • The Head of Transportation Services emphasised that the scheme was geared towards linking the local cycling network together to encourage local residents to cycle instead of using their car and highlighted the recent example of the recently installed Cabot Lane/Waterloo Road scheme as a successful scheme of this type.
  • In response to a Member’s question, the Principal Manager, Transportation Services, confirmed that the timer on TOUCAN crossings was controlled by a Sensor, thus enabling wheelchair users and visually impaired people to cross the road at that point in sufficient time.
  • In response to a Member’s concern over pedestrians running across the crossing when the pedestrian signal was on red, Transportation Services could put up signs reinforcing that pedestrians/cyclists should only cross when the ‘Green Man’ was showing, as at the facility at Holes Bay Road.

RECOMMENDED that the Portfolio-Holder be requested to approve: -