Present: Cllr J Smith (Chair), Cllr A Higgins,Cllr J Edwarde and Cllr E Patry.

Absent: Cllr H Searle, Cllr M Colenutt and Cllr D Maher.

  1. To accept Apologies for Absence
    Cllr M Colenutt and Cllr H Searle
  1. To hear members’ declarations of interests in matters to be discussed
  1. To approve previous minutes as attached.
    Unanimously approved.
  1. Matters arising.

The beech tree quotes have been instructed and the Clerk will report in due course.

The youth hut base was still in situ the Clerk has chased the contractor but was asked to chase the matter again. Possible debris removal and cordoning off may be required if it is still in place for the fun run.

Eva Patry confirmed she was still chasing up options on the BT box sales.

  1. Correspondence.

Recent correspondence on Telephone boxes was noted.

The Church celebration in May with the beacon was noted.

The request of the tennis club to use the pavilion was reviewed. The Parish Council agreed access and keys could be arranged, however an additional contribution of £100 per year or £2 per week be requested to cover outgoings. The tennis club would also need to liaise re access via the Clerk to check when the Pavilion is in use to avoid clashes.
The fingerposts were discussed. Additional quotes were instructed and the Clerk would report back in due course. The earmarked reserves and current budget were reviewed.

The Clerk was asked to instruct works to maintain the fingerposts up to £1000 for basic maintenance. £1000 for extensive works and the planned works budget would be reviewed during the year to see if further works could be instructed.

  1. Financial Summary.

The Clerk reported an update since the full PC meeting on 2nd March 2015.

Some additional funds had been received from the football club but the arrears were still substantial.

The Clerk was asked to draft a letter outlining deadlines, a payment scheme and consequences to the club and to circulate to the Committee to approve.

  1. Reactive repairs report.

The Clerk reported the reactive repairs would be completed by Easter, including the repairs to the ladies tap in the pavilion and cricket net repair. All remaining repairs had been completed.

  1. Planned repairs report.

The Clerk reported all planned repairs for 2014/15 had been completed.

  1. Budget 2015/16.

The Clerk reported the balance of the planned repairs budget would be moved to the next year’s budget as agreed at the PC meeting.

The Clerk reminded the Council of the planned playground repair.

The Clerk was asked to instruct Bourne to do the grounds work and not cut back and review the position mid year and adjust planned repairs if the expected income was not forthcoming.

  1. CCTV quote / anti vandal review.

The Council agreed no further works were required at the present time.

  1. Telephone boxes – Update

There was interest from residents at Cansiron Lane and Colemans Hatch to maintain the boxes. This would be encouraged and maintenance undertaken if required.

The Clerk would keep contact information for the volunteers and would arrange a quote to disconnect the electricity from the Colestock Crossroad box.

  1. Bins – Update.

The Clerk reported on the error by the bin company. A new bin would be delivered shortly for the pavilion. The old bin and the bin by the tennis court would be removed.

The possibility of additional or movement of dog bins was briefly reviewed and then planned for a future meeting.

  1. Asset review.

This had been circulated to Cllrs and the Clerk had instructed the works for 2015/16 and updated the committee accordingly.

  1. Matters for Reporting and Inclusion in Future Agendas.

Sports Agreements.
Dog bins.

Cllr Higgins reported on possible plans for the Parish Council part of the Croft Barn which is used by the Fete Committee.

The Clerk was asked to write to the Fete Committee to ask them to provide any proposals to be considered.

  1. Date of next meeting at 14th July 2015 7:30pm.

Meeting closed at 9:35pm.