Cheer 2016
Welcome to the 2017 Bryant cheerleading squad! I am hoping to have a fun cheer season this year. Below you will find the cheer schedule and expectations. If you have any concerns you can reach me through email or through remind (see attached directions).
Practice Schedule (tentative)
Monday-Thursday 3:10-4:15pm (cancelled practices 10/11, 11/8, 12/6, 1/10)
Game Schedule (tentative)
*Cheerleaders will be traveling to and from away football games with parent volunteers* Please sign and return permission slip.
10/06 Football Home vs. Stout10/27 Football Away vs. Unis
10/13 Football Away vs. Smith11/1 TBA
10/20 Football Home vs. Stout11/3 Football Away vs. Lowrey
10/25 Volleyball Home vs. Salina11/10 TBA
Attendance to games and practices are mandatory. If a cheerleader is absent from three practices she may be dismissed from the team. Cheerleaders should be dressed and ready for practices at 3:10pm. If late to a practice they may sit for part of the next game. If late three times they may be dismissed from the team. Practice ends at 4:15pm everyday please have a ride ready at this time each day, if you are waiting past 4:30 more than three times you may be dismissed from the team (5:15pm on game days). On game days cheerleaders need to be dressed in the Bryant cheer uniform and in the lobby by 3:15pm. Games usually end my 5pm.
Cheerleaders should be a role model in the school for other student athletes. Cheerleaders need to keep a positive attitude while at practice and at games but also in the classroom.
Grades and Behavior
Cheerleaders are student athletes. They are students first and must keep at 2.0 gpa or higher to remain on the team. If a cheerleaders falls below a 2.0 they will be put on probation and expected to bring their grades up in a timely manner, if they do not bring their grades up they will be released from the team.
Cheerleaders should not have any behavioral issues in any class.
You must provide
-Cheer shoes (Payless)-Royal blue spankies (Dance World in Westland)
-Cheer midriff (Dance World in Westland)
Bryant provides but cheerleaders must return at the end of the season
-Cheer bag-Poms-Skirt
-Pants and Jacket-Vest
Cheer Transportation Permission Slip
When traveling to away football games, the school will not be providing transportation for the cheerleaders. We will be using parent volunteers to travel to and from the football games. Please fill out the below form.
I ______(parent/guardian) understand that private drivers, the parent of another student participating in the activity, may be used to transport students to and from the activity. The District’s insurance does not cover damages arising from, or related to, the operation of any private vehicle, failure to follow the directed driving route, or any personal negligence related to this activity. Any damages/harm resulting from a parent/guardian/or other designated driver (including student-drivers), arising from the operation of a motor vehicle in relation to the above listed activity, is hereby waived.
______Athlete Name
______Parent Name
______Parent Signature ______date
Snack and beverage schedule
Game date / Breakfast / Breakfast drink / Game day snack / Game day drink10/06 / Madelyn / Madelyn / Ainsleigh / Ainsleigh
10/13 / Kirstyn / Kirstyn / Alexa / Alexa
10/20 / Madison / Madison / Mona / Mona
10/25 / Gretchen / Gretchen / Sydney / Sydney
10/27 / Hanna / Hanna / Madelyn / Madelyn
11/1 (TBA) / Jenna / Jenna / Ainsleigh / Ainsleigh
11/3 / Layal / Layal / Kirstyn / Kirstyn
11/10 (TBA) / Sam / Sam / Alexa / Alexa
(We still have basketball)
Parent Drivers
THANK YOU! In order to be a parent driver, drivers must before EACH game
-Check in with the office with a valid license
-Check in with your license, insurance and registration.
2017-2017 Basketball Cheer Schedule
Game Date / Breakfast / Breakfast Drink / Game Snack / Game Drink12/12 v. Lowrey / Madison / Madison / Mona / Mona
12/19 v. Woodworth / Gretchen / Gretchen / Sydney / Sydney
12/21 v. Stout / Hanna / Hanna / Jenna / Jenna
1/11 v. Unis / Layal / Layal / Sam / Sam
1/16 v. Salina / Madelyn / Ainsleigh / Alexa / Madison
1/18 v. Woodworth AWAY / Mona / Gretchen / Sydney / Hanna
1/23 TBA / Jenna / Layal / Sam / Madelyn
1/25 TBA / Ainsleigh / Alexa / Madison / Mona
1/26 SPIRIT DAY / Gretchen / Sydney
1/31 TBA / Layal / Hanna / Sam / Jenna
2017-2017 Basketball Cheer Schedule
Game Date / Breakfast / Breakfast Drink / Game Snack / Game Drink12/12 v. Lowrey / Madison / Madison / Mona / Mona
12/19 v. Woodworth / Gretchen / Gretchen / Sydney / Sydney
12/21 v. Stout / Hanna / Hanna / Jenna / Jenna
1/11 v. Unis / Layal / Layal / Sam / Sam
1/16 v. Salina / Madelyn / Ainsleigh / Alexa / Madison
1/18 v. Woodworth AWAY / Mona / Gretchen / Sydney / Hanna
1/23 TBA / Jenna / Layal / Sam / Madelyn
1/25 TBA / Ainsleigh / Alexa / Madison / Mona
1/26 SPIRIT DAY / Gretchen / Sydney
1/31 TBA / Layal / Hanna / Sam / Jenna