CITRIS 1st Annual Founding Corporate Members Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
Wozniak Lounge, 430 Soda Hall
8:00Continental Breakfast
8:30WelcomeRuzena Bajcsy
Goals for the day
Funding summary (private individual funding sheets)
Mention PCM & adding more partners
Additional possible corporate relationships
Building summary and interim space plans
Research agenda summary
9:00Research Engagement PlanRichard Newton
Organization chart/committee structure
Role of where do FCM/ACM’s Founding and Associate Corporate members (FCMs and ACMS)fall?
Engagement model
What projects can an FCM or ACM engage in?
List of all Present and planned centers and, projects—present and planned
Paragraph describing each and Kkey players
Indicate Pprojects to be described later
How do they go about itFCMs and ACMs engage? To wWhom do they talk to? What documents are involved?
What does an engagement “look like”(Retreats, web, research reviews, etc.)?
Communicating with among FCMs, ACMs and FCMs - communicating with UCBand UCB
CITRIS Web and Calendar
Account managers
10:00Update on the Current Research Agenda and Progress to Date: Existing, Jim Demmel
Research highlights from ongoing programs
10:15Smart Buildings and Energy Conservation, Ed Arens
10:45Opportunities and Challenges
CITRIS Networking and Micro/Nano Technologies, Roger Howe, Ben Yoo (15 min)
The CITRIS Education Plan, Paul Wright, Pat Mantey, Jeff Wright (30 min)CITRIS Infrastructure—Buildings and Networks, Roger Howe, Ben Yoo (15 min)
Intellectual Property—UCB & CITRIS, Gary Baldwin (15 min)
11:45Introduction to Posters, Jim Demmel
Lunch & Poster Session
12:45Societal-Scale Civil Infrastructure, Gregory Fenves
1:00SensorNets (Smart Dust, PicoRadio, TinyOS), David Culler
1:30Update on the Research Agenda and Progress to Date: Future
Societal-Scale InformationIT Systems, Jim Demmel (15 min)
Mining the Deep Web, Hal Varian (15 min) (SIMS)
Nanostructured Optoelectronic Materials: Catalysts for a New Era of Information Processing, Connie Chang-Hasnain(15 min)
Berkeley Institute of Design, John Canny(15 min)
CITRIS-related recent results and key efforts (new NSF’s etc.)
Future/new centers: Embedded systems, BID - John Canny, Nano - Connie Chang-Hasnain, Networking
2:45Digital Library: An update, Robert Wilensky
3:00Other CITRIS Research Programs, Jim Demmel
3:15Feedback, Discussion, and Action Items, Ruzena Bajcsy
Feedback from FCMs
- CITRIS organizational structure and engagement model
- “Platinum Partner” concept & future fundraising from industrial sources
- Initial feedback re: plans for IP and multi-sponsor research projects
- What are the Industrial expectations from interaction with Berkeley
- Advice on CITRIS organization - based on past experience, world-wide
- Discussion: plans for driving engagement and interaction; reviews
4:30Calendar for 2002-2003, Ruzena Bajcsy
5:00Reception Seaborg Patio - Berkeley Men’s Faculty Club
6:00Dinner in the Seaborg Room - Berkeley Men’s Faculty Club