Coventrians RFC AGM, July 12th 2014

Minutes of meeting

  1. Matters arising from 2013 AGM

Minutes presented from last meeting and agreed.

  1. Chairman’s Report – Steve Springate

Thanks Volunteers, committee officers, Mike Groves, Bar and team captains, coaching staff, Dad’s army.

Success of the U17’s team, with a full team being played for the whole season, with 30 players (26 registered).Congratulations to the players and coaches and the junior section committee for all of their hard work.

U17’s will progress to U18’s colts in a formal league setting.

Recruitment of 14 – 19 year old players to sustain the junior section.

Senior section started out with a poor start to the season, with low availability and lots of injuries. Success on Barton-Under-Needwood on VPs day was excellent, with a great performance.

First and second team need to recruit and have greater commitment to training.

Communications, selection and sports committee needs to be stronger and better organised.

Natwestrugbyforce was a huge success for the club. We saw 40+ volunteers over the weekend with a great amount of work being done to the clubhouse and grounds, which couldn’t have been done without the volunteers.

Next year we would like to continue the good work started this season with sports and volunteers and build a bright future for the club.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Trevor Lyon

See notes attached.

Bar ran at net profit of 28%, total £18769.00 for 2013/14

200 club – net profit of £2293.00

Juniors Account – Net profit £128.00

Games account – Net loss £8663.00

-poor uptake of players match fees/subs standing order. More effort must be made by the captains to ensure all players are paying the correct amount in order to ensure the financial stability of the senior game.

General Account – Net Loss £16988.00

Net loss of £7587 which includes depreciation of furniture and fittings.

Total assets less liabilities = £231,807


Questions raised included where RugbyForce money for June 2014 went – included in 2014/15 accounts, so not visible in these accounts.

Query as to the reasonability of charging the FC section rent. This will be discussed after the meeting as included in the 2014/15 accounts.

Dispute re the presentation of the 200 club account – the international tickets are included in this account and are not visible as much as the membership would like.

Mike Groves suggested a short commentary should be included with the accounts to assist non-account savvy members to navigate the various balance sheets etc.

Terry Mosey offered thanks to Trevor Lyon for all of his exceptional work on the accounts.

Accounts proposed to be accepted by Steve Springate, accepted by the floor.

  1. CASC – Mike Groves

Proposal for Coventrians RFC to make a formal application to become a Community Amateur Sports Club

Following the Committee resolution dated 10th July 2012, the President's statement at the 2012 AGM and a recent consultation with members, the Committee unanimously recommends to the membership that an application is made for Coventrians Rugby Football Club to become a Community Amateur Sports Club. Background information was provided in the Spring 2014 newsletter and posted on the Club website. A further copy of the newsletter is attached with this notice for the 2014 Annual General meeting.

CASC – Community Amateur Sports Club

Has been discussed and proposed as an action to take at previous AGMs.

2015/16 sees the discretionary rate relief (approx. £5k) will be withdrawn by Coventry City Council. CASC will mean than we will be allowed up to 80% discretion. See newsletter for more info.

Benefits – rate relief, gift aid, better positioning for grants and financial awards, PPL Licence will also be reduced in cost.

  1. Changes to the club rules – Mike Groves

Proposed changes to Coventrians RFC club rules

The existing Club rules state that "no alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except by a majority of at least two thirds of the members present at a General meeting, the notice of which shall have contained particulars of the proposed alterations or additions"

The proposals for changes to the Club Rules were agreed by the Committee during a meeting on 20th May. Two membership consultations took place on 12th and 14th June when a total of approximately 30 members were present. As required by the existing Club rules, a set of the proposed new rules is attached with this notice for the 2014 Annual General Meeting.

Questions – in regards to participating/non-participating membership implications. Understanding of what constitutes both.


  1. Membership pricing 2014/15 season – Steve Springate

The membership applications for the 2014/15 season will open on 12th July after the AGM.

All current members are to renew their membership subscriptions before 1st September 2014.

All Participating members aged 18+ years will be entitled that have honoured the 2014/15 season’s subscription fee will be entitled to vote at the 2014/15 season AGM (in alignment with CASC)

Participating Members Costs

Senior Players

Standing order options – 12 monthly payments

£21 per month – includes annual subscription, match fees and monthly entry to the 200 club (gift aid optional)


£16 per month – includes annual subscription and match fees


£40 annual fee plus £5 per game (Pay as you play option)

Junior Players (U18’s)

£10 per annum and £2 per game

Non Playing Participating members (e.g. committees, volunteers etc)

£40 annual subscription

Appropriate concessions to be offered to 18+ members who are NUS/OAP/Unemployed at the discretion of the general committee.

VPs Club

£25 annual fee – no concession available.

-Available to all. Does not include participating membership rights.

Non-Participating members (no voting rights)

£10 per annum social membership – available to non-RFC members upon discretion of general committee

Proposal for updates to membership fees proposed by Steve Springate and approved by the floor

  1. Election of Officers President,Secretary,Treasurer

President– Steve Springate proposed by Rebecca Halliwell

Seconded by Terry Mosey

Agreed by the room

Hon. Secretary – Rebecca Halliwell proposed by Steve Springate

Seconded by Terry Mosey

Agreed by the room

Hon. Treasurer- Paul Taskerproposed by Steve Springate

Seconded by Malcolm Freemantle

Agreed by the room

  1. Election of the general committee and sub-committee members

Membership Secretary/match fees collection–Sean Stanton

200 club draws master – Carl Thornton (proposed by T Roberts and P Tasker)

Grounds committee - TBC

Social committee – RhianneFarndon & Emma Ashby

Compliance officers – Danielle Kirwan and Terry Mosey for fire/health and safety/licensing/hygiene etc (proposed by Steve Springate and seconded by Lee Pegler)

  1. Ratification of Sports Captains

Club Captain – Jimmy Tague

1st XV Captain

Carl Thornton

1st XV Vice Captain

To be nominated by Carl Thornton

2nd XV Captain

Jimmy Tague

2nd XV Vice Captain

To be nominated by Jimmy Tague

