1420 Ogden St.
Minutes, prepared by Victoria Brunner
Staff: Victoria Brunner, David Navas, Stephanie Salazar-Rodriquez, Dede de Percin
In Person: Nikki Brezny, Jason Vitello, Lin Browning, Ashley, Robb Benjamin
Phone: Rob Bremer
Agenda Item / Discussion / Decision/Follow-UpWelcome/Introductions
Minutes Review
Update – Working groups / Updates – Stephanie has been going out to the community to meet as many key people as she can. Today is an important meeting where she is talking to CREA Results and others.
Sample ENSW/SIM Documents /
- Guide for completing – Stephanie has enclosed in the packets the SIM documents
Review of Health Data and Surveys / Selection of three health priorities
- April 3, 2017- Local Priority Alignment tools – Stephanie sent out a survey and received back 30 responses, out of over 400 sent out. Access and cost of health insurance, mental health, substance use, healthy living were all named as key SDoH‘s . She is looking at the RHC charts to compare to the survey – Mental health and cardiovascular seem to match the needs and concerns of the group the most. Milestone forms – Stephanie needs to know the priority for cardio tool as well. However, from the CHINO’s, survey, and talking to communities, Stephanie has ideas around what should be targets.
Dede says we are heading in right direction for first box – but will need a lot more detail for other 2 priority areas and the decision on those topics. Stephanie asks Ben about the optional boxes. He says if you find it’s not applicable for social determinant of health or it’s too large you don’t need to put anything, the RHC is not beholden to the initial choice if they find it won’t work later on. Education and screening – Stephanie asks if that’s ample for local priority communities?
2nd box is behavioral, and Stephanie thinks the big one is substance use. Speak Now Colorado has a media campaign geared towards opiotes/alchol/tobacco. A medical campaign has been identified as a local priority for that topic. Lin says she sits on a workgroup for the governor and can be a resource; there is a website takemedsseriously.com. Dedes says what’s our value add as there’s a lot of people working on this topic. How do we find our slice that we can be effective, for instance drilling down into just ONE community. Ashley says that ties in well with Peer Assistance’s campaign on alcohol and their online training for providers and the general population. Steph says they got into communities with the CREA van through safety and THEN talked about screenings. She thinks it’s a great way to get into communities that work with DH to get blood pressure machines when doing check-ups. Dede mentions intervention of older parents and younger adults. Ashley says they are doing that in an online module. Stephanie ask Ben if that seems good for local: campaigns, education, media and he says yes.
The Third box is the most difficult. Anxiety and Depression seems to be a big one - stigma around mental health, and there is a campaign that SIM is funding. Jason says there are 2 campaigns: one around the patient themselves, and one around friends/family. Ben says you have to be careful that you are not duplicating efforts and you need to be able to complement the work and prove you are adding something new to open it up to more people. Dede mentions primary care providers that Stephanie is in contact with could provide information to help with that idea.. Jason mentions Male mental health is also what DH is looking at and bringing back Male Therapy, but he is not sure what funding is available. Stephanie says in the communities she’s talking with but a lot of it revolves around the housing situation and its large impact. Lin mentions mental health first aid training program that they work with. They can provide materials for providers. Stephanie says all clinics are looking at mental health first aid.
Jason says he initially thought that general pop would be first target and then 2nd primary. But hasn’t seen it anywhere – especially when most people’s only touch point is their primary care provider. There is some brainstorming around getting information to providers and getting them to use the materials. Stephanie doesn’t want to overwhelm the providers.
Dede says we should send out an email to members to make a decision on the 3rd box. Stephanie can drill down on data with Denver Public Health to use as a benchmark and to back up choices. Rob says there is room for a stigma campaign for providers. They are asking if they are screening for substance use – do they even check the medical charts when they fill them out? An electronic form is ideal. Stephanie Anti-Stigma Mental Health Panel – April 18th. Jason asks to send that out because he wants a network for providers to be able to refer to. It’s crucial that providers are comfortable with it. The best intervention is often housing or gainful employment; life stressors are much more contributing factors to depression than other reasons. Amber says they can provide a report from Peer Assistance
- April 3, 2017- Selected Local Priorities Form
Next Steps / Discuss the possible additional Marchmeeting - Stephanie asks about March 24th – for next meeting and decision. Ben says they can fill out draft form for now.
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