4K Advisory Council
June 28, 2010
Present: Sheila Briggs, Jolene Ibeling, Joanna Parker, Emilie Sondel, Daithe Wolfe, Lynn Edlefson, Eve Degen, Jeani Meehan, Meg Niesen, Jolitifa Jo Meyers (guest), and Mimi Block.
Sheila reviewed the agenda and the group went around with introductions for our guest. We then began with sub-committee updates:
Professional Development
Information about all the PD options has gone out and is posted on the website. Surveys about interest in the UW program are coming in from centers. There is a meeting next week to finalize plans for an informational meeting and application process for this program. It was shared that the UW program was approved for tuition reduction, and the NSF grant looks almost 100% that it will be received—so tuition should be free for participants. A question was asked about those needing recertification, and the group was reminded that a chart with all the PD choices was put together and is posted on the website. The committee is asking what next steps should be. One suggestion was that the committee develop a list of other courses that could be suggested for tuition reduction. The committee was also asked to come up with a way to find out what kind of PD is needed, and to email Lynn with suggestions.
This group hasn’t met, but they are in the process of scheduling a meeting this week. Their main focus will be to put together a committee to review the RFPs sometime in August and to begin work on program evaluation. The final piece of work for this committee will be student registration. Sheila shared that the process for this has been changed a bit since the committee last met, to hold a central registration process, to attempt to help monitor transportation needs. Details are still being worked out, but families will be able to list the center they are currently enrolled in and preferences they have for attendance. The Advisory Committee mentioned they hadn’t received a copy of the latest round of emails retracting and reposting the RFP, so Sheila said she would have the emails sent to them. Jolene mentioned that, although in the answers to questions the district mentioned accreditors were a potential reference, the City would not be giving individual references for centers in the RFP process.
This committee has been focusing their efforts on student assessment. It was shared that they are working on a universal screener that would be used at the beginning of 4K. One potential screener would be the ASQ, which the district is already using in Play and Learn and Early Childhood. This is a parent questionnaire, so a question was raised about the timing of the screener—before, during, or after registration? These are all questions the committee will need to address. It was discussed that ASQ (or whatever screener was selected) would most likely not be used in any type of program evaluation. Instead, one small part of program evaluation may include kindergarten screener results, done at the end of 4K. A question was raised about when PD around Creative Curriculum would take place. Jolene mentioned that the City is working on training around Creative Curriculum in August and October. Sheila mentioned that the district would most likely provide training next summer after teachers for 4K were in place.
Family Outreach
This committee held a small meeting last week to reconnect and come up with questions to bring to this meeting. They felt strongly they need an MMSD person on their committee. They want a person connected with partnerships and outreach. Sheila will talk with Ken Syke and/or Kathy Price to determine who would be best for this committee. An MMSD person on the 4K committee should also be a part of this subcommittee, and Sheila will talk with Judy Ballweg and/or Lisa Wachtel to see who might be the best person. This group is investigating the best type of format for the family forums in the fall. They want to be able to give information about 4K, but also want to solicit information from families as well. They have received some initial input on the flyer sent out last month. They will update that and send it out one last time. Sheila will make sure all appropriate people in MMSD see it and approve it for distribution.
Jolene shared that Bill Clingan, although initially turning down a request for additional funding for accreditation support, has reallocated a 1.0 allocation to the child care unit to begin in 2011. Jolene encouraged folks to email him if you feel this was a positive move. This relieves the current over-capacity issue, but does not deal with any expansion. The funding committee still needs to work toward outside funding to increase accreditation.
Director of Early and Extended Learning
Sheila reported that the posting for this position closed at the end of May, and interviews for the position have been scheduled in mid-July. By August, there should be an announcement of the person filling the position. This position will be in charge of 4K, Early Childhood Special Education, Play and Learn, Summer School, and After School.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30. Future meetings have not been scheduled at this time, but the group expects to reconvene in late August or early September.