August 8, 2016
Regular meeting held at the Wing School at 8:00 p.m.
Present: Also Present: Jeff - ND United
Richard Koski Summer Hoverson
Sheri Fischer Julie Hein
Karen Kershaw Jeanette Fox
Greg Fischer
Lacey Schlafmann
David Goetz, Supt.
Becky Bernhardt, Bus. Mgr.
Meeting called to order byPresident.
Jeff from ND United introduced himself and stated that he was at the meeting for Summer Hoverson when she discusses her Principal contract.
Motion made by Kershaw/Schlafmannto approve the agenda with additions. MC
July minutes were amended to include motions made during the annual meeting. Motion was made by
S. Fischer/G. Fischer to approve the July minutes as amended. MC
Business Manager's financial reportwas approved in motion by G. Fischer/Kershaw. MC
Accounts payable were approved in motion bySchlafmann/G. Fischer. MC
Mr. Goetz received a proposal from Dakota Heating and Air for a non-duct AC system for the school.
We purchased 6 of Wilton's old lunchroom tables. We still have our old ones to use or sell.
ITV Room, Library and Math Room are completed.
Bus garage floor Is finished. The dirt still needs to be moved.
Close-Up is hosting a lock-in at the school on Friday, August 19, 2016.
Dave Weber will be giving a presentation at the community building in Steele on Wednesday, August 17, 2016 from 8:30-11:30. Steele school will be provided lunch afterwards. Everyone at the Wing School is expected to attend.
Julie Hein has accepted the AD position.
There was no report.
Becky B. explained what the letters stand for behind the required policy numbers from the School Board Association.
Policies were reviewed. Motion was made by Schlafmann/Kershaw to approve the 2nd reading of the School Board Association Personnel Records Policy. MC
Motion was made by S. Fischer/G. Fischer to recind Wing's Open Enrollment policy. Motion was made by Kershaw/Schlafmann to approve the 1st reading of the School Board Association Open Enrollment Policy. MC
Motion was made by S. Fischer/Kershaw to approve the 1st reading of the School Board Association School Assignment & Choice Policy. MC
Motion was made by Schlafmann/G. Fischer to approve the 1st reading of the School Board Association Records Retention Policy. MC
Final test policy was discussed. Mr. Goetz will write a policy for the next meeting.
School Board Self-Evaluation was compiled by Richard Koski and reviewed by the Board. Richard would like members to pick 4-5 areas that they feel the Board should work on and bring to the next meeting.
Elementary Principal Salary was discussed. Summer Hoverson would like to keep her teaching contract of $39,300.00 and have the Elementary Principal contract of $10,950.00.
At 9:15 motion was made by S. Fischer/Schlafmann to move into Executive Session pursuant to
NDCC #15.1-15-04. MC
At 9:40 motion was made by S. Fischer/Kershaw to adjourn the Executive Session. MC
A 5 minute break was taken by the board.
9:45 - Meeting called to order by President.
Principal's contract was discussed. At 10:00, Summer and ND United Rep. left to discuss offer to reduce the Principal Salary by $3285.00 since Summer will not be doing the JH Principal position.
10:02 Summer and ND United Rep returned and Summer stated that she would not take a reduction. Board offered Summer a Principal Contract of $50,250.00 and no teaching contract. Summer stated that she still wanted the teaching contract.
At 10:13, Summer and ND United Rep. left the meeting to discuss this offer.
10:22 ND United Rep. returned to the meeting and stated that Summer was sick and went home. He stated that she would take the 14 days to consider the offer.
Motion was made by S. Fischer/Schlafmann to offer Summer Hoverson a K-6 Principal contract of $50,250.00. MC Motion was made by S. Fischer/Schlafmann to amend the original motion and recind the teaching contract. MC
Motion was made by G. Fischer/Schlafmann to hire Brittany Quale for the Kindergarten teaching position. MC
Mr. Goetz stated that two people had been interviewed for the cook position and both turned down the position.
Preliminary budget was discussed.
Motion was made by Kershaw/S. Fischer to approve the consolidated Application. MC
Mr. Goetz received two bids to replace the roof on the gym. Capital Roofing Systems from Underwood came in with a bid of $68,817.00 and Jessen Roofing, Inc. from Minot came in with a bid of $89,976.00.
Motion was made by S. Fischer/Kershaw to table the roofing bids. MC
Business Manager job description was reviewed. The board would like to add under the Assisting School Board: "Tracks and Maintains Official Record of the District Policy Manual". Motion was made by Koski/G. Fischer to approve the amendment. MC
Motion was made by G. Fischer/Schlafmann to approve the Business Manager job description. MC
Back to school night picnic was discussed. I was agreed that Wednesday night would work better than Thursday night. Board is allowing Mr. Goetz to purchase beans, hot dogs, chips, watermelon and Kool aid for the picnic. Motion was made by S. Fischer/Schlafmann to approve the gathering. MC
Hot lunch prices were discussed. Motion was made by Kershaw/Schlafmann to raise the hot lunch prices by $0.10. K-6 students would pay $2.20, 7-12 students would pay $2.30, and adults would pay $2.95. MC
Odysseyware Program was discussed. The cost would be $750.00/license and we would need two licenses. Motion was made by Schlafmann/Kershaw to purchase the program. MC
Motion was made by Kershaw/G. Fischer to approve Julie Hein as the new Activities Director. MC
Next meeting will be Monday, September 12, 2016at 8:00 a.m.
The meeting adjourned at 11:27 p.m. in motion by G. Fischer/Schlafmann. MC.
A list of the bills approved for payment Is available for your inspection at the school.