Minutes of the Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District Synod held on September 13th 2014 at Trinity Methodist Church, Codsall.

Worship was led by members of the Wolverhampton circuit and synod was welcomed by Revd David Lavender (Circuit Superintendent).

The local MP, Gavin Williamson, the Leader of South Staffs Council and parish councillor in Kinver, Councillor Brian Edwards and the Revd. Mike Fox – Associate minister at St Nicholas C of E Church were welcomed to Synod, and brought greetings to us.

Other welcomes and acknowledgements were made to Gill Dascombe (Key note speaker), new ministers in the District, those new to synod, those who have moved within the district and new Lay Workers. Synod acknowledged the following who had taken on responsibilities within the district:

  • Assistant Chair of District: Neil Richardson
  • MDR officer: Mark Sherman
  • Co-ordinator Church and Society Unit: Revd Seija Wallace
  • Fund for Support of presbyters and Deacons: Mrs Ruth Owens
  • Secretary to Family Committee: Mrs Pearl White
  • MWiB General Secretary: Mrs Claire Harmer
  • MWIB President: Mrs Jean Woodland
  • Sabbaticals: Revd Neil Adams

Dispensations for synod were given to Revd’s Caroline Wickens, Jemima Strain, and Steve Singleton. Apologies were received from Brian Oakley, Norma Bryan, Liz Hemingway, Revd Derrick Lander, Revd Gordon Morton, Rod Worthington, Barry Welch, Pamela Lavender, Keith Rothery, John Eadie, Sue Harris, Bill Mash (pm), Andrew Evans and Ward Davis.

Synod administration

The times of synod were agreed, Superintendent Ministers confirmed that they have either recorded all changes to authorised persons or that they are in process, Scrutineers and letter writers appointed and letters were sent to those agreed by synod. (Steve Singleton, Caroline Wickens, Ruth Grewer, Brownen Finch, Shirley Southall, Deacon Sue Hibberd, Ron Hughes, Rosemary Killick and Jemima Strain)

Chair’s Nomination Committee

John Howard informed the synod that he would stand down as Chair of District in 2016. The District part of the nomination committee made up of Beatrice Cloke (convenor), David Lavender (Chair), Derrick Lander, Andrew Champley, Andrew Roberts, Angela Evans, Helen Cook, Chris Reed and Andrea Sheppick with Denise Williams & Kate Cook (substitutes) and Graham Sturdy (Chaplain) were appointed. The other 5 members of the committee are elected by the connexion and the meeting would be chaired by the president, or their representative.

Mental Health and the Church

Gill Dascombe, current vice president of conference, was introduced to synod along with the theme of today (Mental health). Gill addressed the synod and spoke on “Understanding Mental Illness” - one of her themes during her vice presidency. With a medical background, and a primary carer for her son who had a mental illness, she explored this issue which is currently attracting attention of the churches, politicians’ and the NHS.

Gill spoke about the meaning of the term mental illness, gave a glimpse of its history, had a look at the brain; illness and medicines and reflected on some thoughts on attitudes speaking of the fear that has always since the start of history around people with mental illness.

Giving a summary of her talk, she said “We began by considering what we understood by mental illness. We have travelled via demon possession, humours, anatomy, electric shocks, prefrontal lobotomy, psychoanalysis, euro transmitters and modern drugs to name a few. It is simply something that can happen to anyone at any time. It deserves love and outreach, not fear and recoil. It has a negative effect on life”

Gill offered the following quotations from the royal college of psychiatrists regarding mental illness:

Mental illness is: “Any illness experienced by a person which effects their emotions, thoughts or behaviour … and is producing a negative effect on their life or the lives of their families and friends”

“Research has shown that religious and spiritual involvement leads to good mental health outcomes”

“Good quality spiritual care leaders to easier and speedier recovery’

Gill reminded us that Jesus said “I have come that you might have life – life in all its fullness” and said that as his church, those who seek to be his body on earth in this time and in this place. We must challenge our prejudice, remedy our lack of knowledge, avoid stigmatising language, increase our compassion and be advocates for political change.

Members of synod were then invited to attend two of the following workshops on mental health issues: exploring the myths, pastoral care and mental health, Christian healing and mental health - a group study / reflection, Dementia and Building emotional resilience.

Other business

  • Replies to the memorials that synod and the Cannock Chase had sent to the last conference, were printed on the synod notices.
  • Neil Richardson recommended his forthcoming book entitled “Who on earth is God (making sense of God in the Bible) to the members of synod.
  • Yvonne Gough spoke of the summer trip to Rwanda, which was very different as the 8 adults who went worked on individual projects - Bible study, chaplaincy work, hospital work, teaching, maintenance and mechanics. 2015 Calendar to raise funds for Rwanda charity, are available now.
  • Representatives for Conference were elected as followers:

Presbyters: David Lavender and Denise Williams (reserve: Helen Roberts)

Lay representatives: Brenda Shuttleworth (3yrs), Beatrice Cloke (2yrs) Keith Walton (1yr)

  • Chris Reed (circuit treasurer) reflected on finance. He spoke of the money that was received by the district each year (from Circuits and the Connexion) and also the money that the district paid the connexion – commenting that only 2p of every pound of the circuits’ assessment, is kept within the district. Chris also reminded people of the District Advance Fund and training fund, which were available for people, churches and circuits to apply for. At a connexional District treasurers meeting, concern was expressed about the pressure that is being put onto circuit and Church treasurers. At the same meeting, the connexion expressed their thanks to all districts for paying their full assessment, and Chris then thanked the circuit for the same. He also encouraged synod to look after, support and prayer for the treasurers at this time. Synod thanked Chris for all his hard work.
  • Ken Collins launched an appeal from Darlington Street following the fire earlier this year. This will give them the opportunity to transform the building to be more users friendly and leaflets are available for those who are willing to help.
  • Brenda Shuttleworth spoke of the Palestinian Christmas Churches report called Kairos, and advised that members of the British Methodist Church has written a reply to this called a response to the report called Kairos – time for action. At this year’s conference, Methodists were encouraged to engage and support this. World Council Churches have designated 21st September as an international day of prayer for peace.
  • John Howard spoke regarding the West Midlands JPIT Paper, which is to help people look at the question of what type of society we want to live in. Further to the consultation a more detailed questionnaire is available and each church in the district is asked to be involved. The results will be available for December and will help churches in the run up to the next general election, but also sent to all candidates standing.
  • John Howard thanked Gill Dascombe, all those who lead workshops and the people of Codsall for their hospitality.

Synod finished with a communion service led by John Howard; during the service and at lunchtime an offering was taken for the Mission alongside the Poor fund.