Minutes of the TIRET Luncheon business meeting


Daryl Moss, president, called the meeting to order at 12:06pm. He mentioned a few agenda items, pointing out that bylaws and Vigor copies were available in the front.

Minutes: Luncheon Business meeting minutes from November 17 were read and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Gary Luckett, treasurer-elect for 2011, read the treasurer's report submitted by Mike.

HTA Account

Balance brought forward from November 2010 $ 2970.52

Income: 2011 Dues 170.00

Sub Total: 3140.52

Expenses: ( 74.31)

Total in HTA account: ( As of December 8, 2010) $ 3066.21

New TIRET membership for December is Antonia Aguirre.

Programs:. Daryl said we're looking for nominees to take over Programs and acquire

four speakers for future meetings. Lonnie would assist until someone steps up.

Membership: Tom spoke about the wonderful year we'd had with the recruitment of 27 new members. One individual, Lucy Salas, had brought in 9 of these and received from him a valuable gift card prize at the luncheon meeting. Tom felt that it would be a good idea to award a runner up prize as a motivation for other members to keep recruiting. The runner-up was Gwen Dickey with 3 new members. Normally a member bringing in five new memberships would receive a gift prize.

Daryl encouraged everyone who had not yet paid their dues for 2011 to do so now or at the Christmas party since we needed the dues by the end of December.

Vigor/eVigor: Daryl reminded new officers to write their short biographies soon for the Feb-Mar Vigor issue.

Calling Committee: Vivian Watkins asked members of the Calling Committee who were present at the luncheon to stand and be recognized for the job they do each month. Co-chair, Beverly Cayton, was not there this time, but was acknowledged.

Daryl presented Vivian with a Certificate of Appreciation (Outstanding Service) for serving as TIRET secretary for 10 months.

[Note: Vivian had missed the previous two meetings.]

Sunshine Committee: Daryl mentioned that Mary Lee and Howard Cameron had canceled their plans to attend the Christmas party because Howard had had surgery.

Lynn Stefan is still taking care of sending out cards to members who are ill.

Christmas Party: Brenda Moss, co-chair, passed out her little reindeer candy canes for everyone and thanked all members for their support. She reiterated all the details of the highly anticipated Christmas party,ie :the time= 6:30-10:30 pm; location= Crowne Plaza @ 9090 SW Freeway, and the DJ playing music for our dancing pleasure, the wonderful dining experience, the video of the last Christmas party provided by Israel Morales—Historian, the pictures of members and guests to be taken by Ralph Garcia and the gift prizes to be won. All in all it promises to be a great party!

Daryl encouraged all to be sure to dance, even if you don't know how .

Day trips: Lucy encouraged members and guests to sign up for the tour of 3 museums at Houston Baptist University. The cost per person is $10.50 which includes lunch. The date for this outing is Jan. 20, 2011. We will drive ourselves there and meet inside the Bible Museum, then be escorted to each of the museums. The cash or check payments are to be made to Lucy who will make the payment to HBU.

New Business: The passing of the Gavel….

Daryl Moss-President made the symbolic gesture of passing off a real gavel to incoming President for 2011, Lucy Salas, offering her congratulations. Lucy said she would do her best to keep the organization moving forward and recognized that she had some “big shoes” to fill. Pictures were taken (for the vigor and website). Then Lucy presented Daryl with a TIRET President’s framed certificate for 2010 from the Board (after which more pictures were taken). Daryl gave a parting speech saying how he had helped move the Club into the 21st Century with use of a first-class projector and screen, 5 days trips, 6 speakers, all with the support of the present Board. He predicted the new board would be ready to continue serving the Club next year. He also thanked his wife for her support, especially since she volunteered to serve on the Christmas Party Committee. He said he would still be on the Vigor committee, so he’d still be attending the meetings.

Birthdays: Lydia Barker celebrated her 90th Birthday! Tom Johnson also had a birthday this month.

Anniversary: There were none this month.

Door Prizes and Gifts: These were won by; Vivian Watkins, Nora Morales, Tom Johnson,

Israel Morales, Dorothy Wanza, John Farris, Lawson Cook, Jeanette Johnson, Gladys Price,

Susan Leigh, and Gladys Janczak.

Attendance at the meeting was 39.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm.

Respectfully yours,

Mary H. Gomez - secretary