Minutes of the State Bridge Crossing Elementary (SBCE) School Governance Council
August 3, 2015
The SBCE School Governance Council met on Monday, August 3, 2015 at SBCE, 5530 State Bridge Road in Johns Creek, GA.
Members present:
Kathy Hogan
Amy Rice
Betsy Trawick
Mary Justice
Cheri Skop
Ashley Black
Bridgette Marques
Jonathan Adel
Freda Hardage
Member Absent: Ed Pepper
Council Chair Amy Rice called the SBCE SGC meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
Amy Rice introduced SBCE new principal, Bridgette Marques and assistant principal, Jonathan Adel as well as new teacher representative, Ashley Black and our NELC facilitator, Kina Champion along with Samuel Wakefield, facilitator for the South Learning Community.
Amy Rice called for a motion to approve the agenda with one addition, to review the norms. Betsy Trawick made the motion to approve agenda and Cheri Skop seconded.
Amy Rice called for a motion to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015meeting. Kathy Hogan made the motion to approve the minutes and Cheri Skopseconded.
Amy Rice reviewed the norms for the meetings.
Next on the agenda was to vote on Principal appointments.
Bridgette Marques nominated Betsy Trawick to complete the second year of the school employee position vacated by Jaclyn Krulia. SGC members voted. 6 in favor, none opposed. Betsy Trawick was approved.
Bridgette Marques nominated Jonathan Adel to the 2 yearschool employee position. SGC members voted. 6 in favor, none opposed. Jonathan Adel was approved.
Next, was the election of officers for the 2015 - 2016 school year.
Kathy Hogan nominated Amy Rice as Chair, Mary Justice seconded. A vote was taken, 7 in favor, none opposed. Amy Rice will serve as Chair.
Betsy Trawick nominated Kathy Hogan as Vice Chair, Amy Rice seconded. A vote was taken, 7 in favor, none opposed. Kathy Hogan will serve as Vice Chair.
Bridgette Marques nominated Freda Hardage to serve as a community member on the SGC. SGC voted. 7 in favor, none opposed. Freda Hardage was approved.
Amy Rice nominated Freda Hardage to serve as Parliamentarian, Cheri Skop seconded. A vote was taken, 7 in favor, none opposed.
Then, the SGC Committees were determined:
Budget Committee: Jonathan Adel (Chair), Bridgette Marques, Betsy Trawick, Mary Justice, Amy Rice, Freda Hardage and Anne Branan (Bookkeeper)
Outreach and Communications Committee: Cheri Skop (Chair), Kathy Hogan, Ed Pepper, Ashley Black
The SGC selected Betsy Trawick as the coordinator for the RFF process and Jonathan Adel as the coordinator for the SEED fund process.
Amy Rice reviewed the Strategic Plan with the SGC members.
Mary Justice reported on the Media Center. Selections have been made, she shared the layout and is going to notify Angela Young, Contracting of the change of vendor.
Betsy Trawick reported on the RFF. On 9/4/15, the Rigor Books will be part of the morning professional development and TAG Strategies will be in the afternoon. Artist Days are being planned and scheduled for October 14th for 3rd – 5th grade, and February 17th for K – 2nd grade. 8 artists have confirmed to date. The STEM Lab is funded for this year. Betsy has a number of field trips planned during the 2015-16 school year that all tie into our Strategic Plan.
Item IX, Determine need for RFF for 2016-17, was tabled until the September meeting. September 21st is the deadline for the interest form.
The next SGC meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, September 16th at 7 a.m. A Budget meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, September 2nd. Outreach Committee will design communication for the September 4th – no school for students at SBCE.
Freda Hardage made a motion to adjourn, Cheri Skop seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 3:23pm.