Minutes of the Strata Council Meeting after Annual General Meeting of the Owners, Strata Plan BCS 3104 held on Monday, February23, 2009 at 7:00PM.in the Amenity Room of Stella, 2700 Sophia St., Vancouver, B.C.


Present: Avrum Pfeffer , Alexander Greig, Yvonne Miller, Huy Nguyen, Yolanda Ricketts, Brian Kelly, James Mollard.

Agent/Agent Assistant: Victor Chan /Charles Wong from Citybase Management Ltd.

1)Quorum was formed and the meeting was called to order at 7:05PM

2)Adoption of Financial Statement:

After some discussion, it was moved and seconded to adopt the financial statementsfor October 2008 to January 2009, all in favour.CARRIED

3)New Business:

  1. Hotel Style Rental:Council members reported that one owner has his unit advertised on rental web site for short term hotel style rental.After some discussion, the agent will check if City zoning allows this type of rental or not. Also the agent will check whether the grandfather rules will apply to this case or not.
  2. Flooring Issue: The developer confirmed that they will not attend the flooring meeting with owners but they will reply in writing regarding the flooring issue shortly.
  3. Security Issue: There was a discussion on improving the security of the building. After a long discussion, the strata council decided to proceed with the following:

1)The agent will inform ITC to repair the door closer at the stairway exit to Kingsway and the door leading to P2 parking.

2)The agent will ask Bill from ITC to quote on installing an additional plate at the P2 garage gate man door similar to the one at the dealership gate.

3)The strata council approved to install a frosted film to the glass in the bicycle room door. One of the council membersvolunteered to arrange the installation.

4)The strata council approved to have Citilok deactivate the lobby entrance door sensor and to remove the rubber hose for the P2 garage gate.

5)The agent to obtain quote from Valmart Door to install plexi-glass for the P2 garage gate.

  1. Deficiencies: Avrum and James prepared a list of deficiencies for the common area. The agent will forward this list to the developer accordingly. Regarding the cracks along the hallway ceiling on some of the floors, the developer confirmed that they will take care of these settlement cracks later in the year. This is general practice in order to wait for final settlement of the entire building.
  2. ITC Relations: The council reported that they do not have the contacts of ITC due tochange of personnel. The agent will follow up with the contacts and inform the council.
  3. Honda Relations: The council would like to invite Honda dealership to attend the next council meeting. The management reported that all exterior ground floor areas,including landscaping, are to be taken care of by the dealership.
  4. City of Vancouver Pathway Report: The strata council noticed that the pathway in front of the residential building is too close to the entrance door.Many vehicles drive thru this pathway as a shortcut, causing a dangerous situation to the residents. The agent had contacted City of Vancouver traffic control department regarding this issue, since this pathway is a right of way for City access.They need the strata to submit a proposal to close off this pathway and then they will review to see if the proposal interferes with their underground services. After some discussion the strata council concluded to install post to both sides of the “PATH” with two removable posts to keep the area accessible for loading and City access.It was moved and seconded not to exceed $2000 for this project, all in favour. CARRIED
  5. Signage for Gate: The agent presented quotes for the signs to remind drivers to wait for the gateto completely close before driving away. These signs will be installed at the garage gates. After some discussion, it was moved and seconded to approve the quote as presented. One of the council membersvolunteered to do the installation. CARRIED
  6. Communications: The council would like to inform owners that strata council email address is: is temporary until the Web Site is up and running.
  7. Web Site: The web-site for Stella residents is under construction and will be ready by March 15, 2009 once approved by the council. The web site address is: A notice regarding access and use of this website will be sent to all owners.
  8. Email List: The agentsubmitted the updated email list of all owners of Stella to the strata president.
  9. Fitness Equipment Maintenance: There was a discussion on the leasing of the fitness equipment in the amenity room. It was moved and seconded to sign the maintenance contract in order to keep the equipment in good condition. CARRIED The council reported that some owners requested more equipment like benches, mirrors and more weights. The council suggested that other owners may prefer to have a media corner or library set up in part of the fitness room. This is a topic to look at in the future months.
  10. Reimbursement for Table and chairs – web siteexpenses:The agent has purchased the table and chairs for the strata council meeting usage, Huy also volunteered to setup the Stella Residents Website and purchase the domain for the strata. It was moved and seconded to reimburse to the agent and Huy, all in favour. CARRIED
  11. Front Door Mat: The agent presented two quotes for door mats, with logo and without logo. After some discussion, Sandy and Yolanda will take over the mat issue once the lobby furniture is in place.
  12. Furniture arrivals: The agent will contact the developer to deliver the couch and place in the main lobby.
  13. Landscape: The agent reported that there are 3 quotes received. After some discussion, Avrum and Brian volunteered to take up the landscape service for the courtyard area on the 3rd level.The agent will obtain the quote for the maintenance of the tree at the top of the tower. The council will purchase the lawn mower for landscape maintenance.
  14. Elevator Notice Board: One council member volunteered to purchase notice boards to be installed inside the elevators.
  15. Cigarette Butts at the Main Entrance: The council reported that there are cigarette butts scattered all around near the main entrance driveway. One member reported that they are thrown by staff of Honda dealership and they should be responsible for keeping the area clean and tidy.This will be discussed with Honda and the next Strata meeting.

4)The Next Council Meeting Date:

The next council meeting is on April6, 2009 at 7:00PM.


There are being no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting, all in favour. The meeting was adjourned at 9:04PM.

Please keep these minutes as a legal record. You will need to provide copies to a potential purchaser should you decide to sell your unit. Copies will be provided at a cost to the owner and not the strata corporation.

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