There will be a meeting of the Sherwood League Executive Committee on Tuesday 11th November 2014 at the Kirk Hallam Community Centre, Kirk Hallam commencing at 1930pm.
Those present:
P. Viles, B. Taylor, M. Shaw, P. Sprengel and R. MItchell
1. Apologies for absence:
These were received from L. Cierech R. Pacey, L. Hall and M. Simpson
2. Minutes of the last meeting:
The minutes of the meeting held on July 8th July were accepted and signed as a true record.
3. Matters arising:
There were no matters arising.
4. Correspondence:
Spondon Flames (attached)
The condition of Spondon Flames court was the cause of some concern. J. Wroe the Spondon Coach explained that due to its position it is effected by the cold weather. They are trying to find ways to cure the problem and will and will keep the league up to date with their progress.
As the game was abandoned midway through a quarter it was agree that the scores stands. So this means that as Redhill were in front at the time that are awarded the
i. Winter League 2014 - 2015
a. Division 2 after Christmas
This would be arranged in too two groups after the last games have been played on Wednesday 10th December or earlier if possible. R. Mitchell would prepare the fixtures ready for the January Executive meeting.
b. Fixtures
The first division’s fixtures have already been issued at the start of the season. the second division standings were beginning to become clearer the final decision need not be taken until the January Executive as there five weeks of cup games. The Executive would be scheduled for the first week in January.
The cup fixtures have already been circulated.
c. Refereeing Appointments
The meeting would be early December for the cup fixtures. The second division may have to be arranged after Christmas and which starts in February may have to be added in a separate meeting.
II. Youth League 2014 - 2015
a. Amendments to league rules.
These were in the process of been amended and were being circulated.
III. Cup Competitions 2014 - 2015
The pools had been arranged on league positions from last season. They had been circulated at the start of the season. The quarter final and semi-final draws have been arranged from the results in the groups. All that remains is to set the date and venues for both the cup and shield semi-finals and finals.
It was discussed that the semi-finals could be in March and the finals take place after Easter.
Possible venues were Wildcat Arena, Noel Baker and there was a suggestion that the league approach the Derby City council to see if the velodrome was available and how much it would cost. R. Mitchell to enquire.
5. Treasurers report:
The league is ticking over nicely and there are no problems.
6. Registrars report
The Registrar was unable to attend but had send R. Mitchell a comprehensive list of all teams and their registered players. This would be available for circulation if teams require a copy to check against a teams list of players.
So far there have been 121registrations for teams playing in Derbyshire and 145 in Nottinghamshire. Only Nottingham Trent University have only one player registered at the present. P. Viles would look into this.
7. Disciplinary Action
There is one case pending the player was awarded two technical fouls and ejected from the court. R. Mitchell had circulated the paperwork for comments from the two teams involved. He had also decided that as the player was ejected he should miss the next scheduled game this being on the 12th November against Racing Ockbrook. This he reported to the executive and wanted to ensure that he had made the right decision. Ilkeston Outlaws had stated that their player would only coach the team and not play. It was pointed out to Ilkeston that a new ruling had been passed following a situation last season. This ruling does not allow the player to have any contact with the team on the day from 20 minutes before the tip-off.
A discussion that followed it was decided that the player had been ejected and that was sufficient punishment. It was noted that there was a difference of opinion between FIBA and BE.
It was also agreed that referees who award two technical fouls to a player in a game must send in a report. Then if the player is a regular offender then some action might be taken against them. R. Mitchell to contact as many referees to make sure that this will happen
8. Any other business
I. Website
The website had been completed to a greater degree and was functioning at the start of the season.
II. Jack Shepherd
Jack Shepherd who had been the league’s Treasurer form 1964 until 1992 had died in October. Several officers attended the funeral and a donation was made to to the Rainbow Children’s Hospice. It was noted that he was the person mainly responsible for the sound financial state the league is in today
III. Duncan Smith
Duncan Smith who had served on the committee since 1967 had retired at the end of last season. A gift had been purchased with the intention of presenting it to him at the AGM. He was not present then or at the September general meeting. R. Mitchell had sent the gift through the post. D. Smith had thanked him for the gift which had already been put to good use.
There being no further business them meeting closed at 2015.
Minutes2014nov 2