Minutes of the
Reliability Committee Meeting
Doubletree Hotel, Westborough, MA
December 17, 2014
Members Present / Sector / AffiliationD. Gates / Chair / ISO New England Inc.
M. Lyons / Secretary / ISO New England Inc.
W. Fowler / Vice Chair / Exelon, EquiPower, Granite Ridge
J. Martin / Transmission / New England Power Company
B. McKinnon / Publicly Owned / Connecticut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative
J. Dannels (ph) / Supplier / Con Edison Energy
C. Liu / Publicly Owned (26) / Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company, and representing some 26 publicly owned Participants
D. Cavanaugh (ph) / Publicly Owned / Energy New England
T. Kaslow / Generation / GDF Suez
F. Plett / End User / Massachusetts Attorney General Office
C. Beveridge / Transmission / Central Maine Power Company
A. Mitreski / Supplier / Brookfield Energy Marketing
C. Bowie / Transmission / Northeast Utilities Service Company
A. Scarfone / Transmission / Northeast Utilities Service Company
J. Jones (ph) / Transmission / Emera Maine
F. Ettori / Transmission / Vermont Electric Power Company
D. Hurley / Alternative Resource / Synapse
R. Hart (ph) / Generation / Dominion Energy Marketing
J. Fenn / Transmission / Emera Maine
A. Boutsioulis / Transmission / United Illuminating Company
J. Ginnetti / Generation / Equipower Resources Management
B. Stein / Supplier / Footprint Power/PSEG Energy Resources/HQ Energy Services
B. Killgoar / Supplier / Long Island Power Authority
T. Brennan / Transmission / New England Power Company
Guests Present / Affiliation
D. Mullett / Vermont Public Power Supply Authority
R. Gagion / Northeast Utilities Service Company
J. Norden / ISO New England Inc.
M. Gonzalez / ISO New England Inc.
B. Koropey / New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
C. Fraser / Massachusetts Public Utilities Commission
S. Kaminski (ph) / New Hampshire Electric Cooperative
G. Elliott / ISO New England Inc.
A. McBride / ISO New England Inc.
E. Runge / Day Pitney
T. Paradise / ISO New England Inc.
D. Nallan / ISO New England Inc.
D. Capra / NESCOE
B. Anderson (ph) / New England Power Generator Association
S. Kirk / Exelon Generation Company
A. Krich (ph) / Boreas Renewables
J. Simonelli / ISO New England Inc.
S. Garwood (ph) / New Hampshire Transmission
M. Valle (ph) / New Hampshire Transmission
P. Vallejo (ph) / NextEra Energy Resources
P. Bernard / ISO New England Inc.
B. Oberlin / ISO New England Inc.
C. Sedlacek / ISO New England Inc.
R. Kowalski / ISO New England Inc.
T. Bissette / Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities
Item 1.0 – Chair’s Remarks
Mr. Don Gates welcomed the committee and reviewed the day’s agenda. Mr. Gates reminded the committee that the 2014 Proxies are expiring. Mr. Gates requested that company proxy renewals be sent to Marc Lyons, RC Secretary, prior to the end of the year. Mr. Gates reminded the committee that the January 2015 RC and TC dates have been swapped. Please refer to the ISO-NE Calendar page for additional information. There were two agenda changes, the November 19, 2014 RC Meeting Minutes have been pulled for further review. Also, the Level 0 PPA Borrego West Boylston Solar Project has been removed from consideration at the request of the project sponsor.
Mr. Eric Runge (Day Pitney) announced to the committee that Mr. Bob Stein has been elected as Vice-Chair of the Reliability Committee effective December 17, 2014. Mr. Runge asked that the committee vote to affirm those results.
A motion to approve Mr. Stein as RC Vice-Chair was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion Approved.
Item 2.0 – Meeting Minutes
The RC meeting minutes from November 19, 2014 were pulled from the agenda for additional review and editing. The minutes will be reviewed and voted on at the January 27, 2014 RC Meeting.
Item 3.0 – December 4, 2014 OP 4 Event Summary
Mr. John Norden (ISO) provided an overview of the event surrounding the OP 4 event on December 4, 2014.
Mr. Tom Kaslow (GDF Suez) asked if HQ has contingency coverage for the loss of the two lines in question.
Mr. Norden replied that the loss was outside of the criteria for contingency protection.
Mr. Frank Ettori (VELCO) asked how was the communications were with HQ during the event.
Mr. Norden replied that given the severity of the event, the communications with ISO-NE were pretty good. Yes, it could have been somewhat quicker but HQ was dealing with a major event up there. The communications with NPCC was excellent.
Mr. Aleks Mitreski (Brookfield) asked if the emergency transaction was counted as 10 minute reserves.
Mr. Norden replied that is true.
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) asked what was the percent of fast start that responded to initial dispatch to come on line.
Mr. Norden replied that it was very good. Probably in excess of 95% of the fast start units that were asked to come online, responded to the dispatch instructions.
Mr. Kaslow asked if a redacted, non-CEII presentation could be provided.
Mr. Norden replied that he will consult with the ISO lawyers to see if we can provide that.
Item 4.0 – Operating Procedures
Item 4.1 – OP 14 - Technical Requirements for Generators, Demand Resources and Asset Related Demands
Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 14.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the revisions to OP 14 was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion Passes.
Item 4.2 – OP 14G - Technical Requirements for Generators, Demand Resources and Asset Related Demands - Explanation of Terms and Instructions for Data Preparation of ISO New England Form NX-12G, Alternative Technology Regulation Resource Technical Data
Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 14G.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the revisions to OP 14G was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion Passes.
Item 4.3 – OP 22 – Disturbance Monitoring Requirements
Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 22.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the revisions to OP 22 was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion Passes.
Item 4.4 – OP 17C – Instructions for the ISO Power Factor Survey
Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 17C.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the revisions to OP 17C was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion Passes.
Item 4.5 – OP 3 – Attachments 1 – 9 – Transmission Outage Scheduling
Mr. Jerry Elliott (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to OP 3 Attachments 1-9.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
As this was a notification to the committee, no vote was required regarding the changes.
Item 5.0 – Proposed Plan Applications – Level II/III
Item 5.1 – Framingham and Mystic Jet AVR Replacement Project - EXE-14-X01 & EXE-14-X02
Mr. Bill Fowler (Exelon) provided an overview of the Framingham and Mystic Jet AVR Replacement Project.
There were no questions from the committee regarding this topic.
A motion to approve the project was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion Approved.
Item 6.0 – Proposed Plan Notifications – Level 0/I
Item 6.1 – Barton Solar Project – VELCO-14-GNF10
Mr. Frank Ettori (VELCO) provided an overview of the Barton Solar Project.
There were no questions from the committee and no objections to the Level 0 classification. Project approved.
Item 6.2 – SEC CRSD Solar One Solar Project – NEP-14-GNF21
Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) provided an overview of the SEC CRSD Solar One Solar Project.
There were no questions from the committee and no objections to the Level 0 classification. Project approved.
Item 6.3 – Solar City Williamsburg Solar Project – NEP-14-GNF22
Mr. Jack Martin (NEP) provided an overview of the Solar City Williamsburg Solar Project.
There were no questions from the committee and no objections to the Level 0 classification. Project approved.
Item 6.4 – Eliminate 3rd Path of Section 396 SPS Project – CMP-14-X01
Mr. Curt Beveridge (CMP) provided an overview of the Eliminate 3rd Path of Section 396 SPS Project.
There were minor clarifying questions from the committee and no objections to the Level I classification. Project approved.
Item 7.0 – Transmission Cost Allocations
Item 7.1 – 345 kV Northfield Mountain to Berkshire 312 Line Structure Replacement TCA – NU-14-TCA-07
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the 345 kV Northfield Mountain to Berkshire 312 Line Structure Replacement TCA.
Mr. Bruce McKinnon (CMEEC) asked what type of poles will NU use to replace the existing wooden poles.
Mr. Scarfone replied that they will be steel H Frames.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 7.1 – 345 kV Northfield to Ludlow 354 Line Structure Replacement TCA – NU-14-TCA-08
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the 345 kV Northfield to Ludlow 354 Line Structure Replacement TCA.
Mr. Ettori (VELCO) commented that we should make a change to PP 4 to have TCAs come before the RC for review prior to the projects going into service and the project costs being included into the rates.
Mr. Scarfone apologized for the delay. He agrees with Mr. Ettori’s comments and they will work hard to bring the TCAs to the RC in a more timely manner.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 7.3 – 115 kV 1421 Line Structure Replacement TCA – NU-14-TCA-09
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the 115 kV 1421 Line Structure Replacement TCA.
Mr. Curt Beveridge (CMP) commented that his organization rates the poles on a cycle from worse to best condition. Does NU have a similar program?
Mr. Ray Gagnon (NU) replied that NU does have a similar program as part of pole inspections. We often use hole-filler to repair them, but it doesn’t improve the structural integrity of the pole.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 7.4 – 115 kV 1512 Line Structure Replacement TCA – NU-14-TCA-10
Mr. Al Scarfone (NU) provided an overview of the 115 kV 1512 Line Structure Replacement TCA.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
A motion to approve the TCA was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 8.0 – Status of Non-Price Retirements and De-List Bids
Mr. Peter Bernard (ISO) provided a status overview of the existing Non-Price Retirements and De-List Bids.
There were no questions from the committee on this topic.
Item 9.0 – Planning Procedures
Item 9.1 – PP 10 – Planning Procedure to Support the Forward Capacity Market
Ms. Mariah Winkler (ISO) provided an overview of the revisions to Planning Procedure 10 – Procedures to Support the Forward Capacity Market.
Mr. Bruce McKinnon (CMEEC) stated you did not put the N-1 characterization into Table 2 of the document.
Ms. Winkler replied that we will look into that and provide more clarification into the next set of PP 10 revisions into Table 2.
A motion to approve the revisions to PP 10 was moved and seconded. A vote was taken by show of hands with none opposed and no abstentions. Motion approved.
Item 10.0 – Elective Transmission Upgrade (ETU) Conforming Changes
Mr. Al McBride (ISO) provided an overview regarding Transmission Transfer Capabilities and the Calculations of Tie Benefits.
Ms. Carissa Sedlacek (ISO) provided an overview regarding the ETU conforming changes in MR 1 Section III.12.
We will discuss adding time to the TC meeting in January to further discuss the RC aspect of the ETU initiative.
Item 11.0 – ICR Calculation Concerns
Ms. Dorothy Capra (NESCOE) provided comments regarding the NESCOE position on their ICR calculation concerns. NESCOE is discussing the changes with ISO and expects to bring revised language on the topic to the January 2015 RC meeting.
There were no comments from the committee on this topic
As there was no further business, it was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Marc Lyons, Secretary
Reliability Committee
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