Please note that the CDMA network will shut down on 28 April 2008. CDMA mobile services will no longer be available from this date.
Click on the section you are interested in
2inCDMA Plans
2.2What you have to pay us
2.3Minimum term
2.4What happens if the service is cancelled early
2.6Business Bonus
2.7Plan changes
3.2What you have to pay us
3.3Minimum term
3.4Plan options
3.6What happens if the service is cancelled early?
3.8Business Bonus
3.9Plan changes
CDMA Mobile Pricing Table (Section 3)23 April 2008
(a)This is Section 3 of the standard pricing table for the Optus CDMA Mobile Service.
(b)This section contains the pricing plans that we will only offer to SMB customers. We may agree to offer these pricing plans to other classes of customers (such as consumers) in our absolute discretion and in this case, any reference to SMBtermsis replaced by a reference to the consumertermsand small or medium enterprise customer to consumer customer.
(c)If you cannot find the name of your pricing plan in this section, you should refer to Section 2 of this standard pricing table (which contains pricing plans for consumer customers) or you may call us for more information.
(d)You may also need to refer to the following:
(i)Section 1 of this standard pricing table for general information on the calculation of charges for use of the service and for call charges not covered by your pricing plan;
(ii)The Value Added Service Features Appendix Yfor the description and charges for the range of value added service features available with the service.
(e)Charges may be shown as a dollar amount followed by a dollar amount in brackets. The first dollar amount represents the charge before GST is applied, and the dollar amount in brackets is the GST inclusive charge.
(f)The meaning of the words printed like this is explainedin the service descriptionor in the SMB terms.
(g)Please note: Telstra advised us and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) in February 2006 that it intends to discontinue providing the CDMA Service from January 2008. Accordingly, we will no longer activate Optus CDMA Services for contractual periods greater than 1 month from December 2006.
2inCDMA Plans
(a)The inCDMA Plans are available for:
(i)new connections to the service, and
(ii)existingOptus CDMA Mobile customers: If you have a non fixed-length agreement with us or if you have a fixed-length agreement with less than 6 months remaining of the minimum term, we may agree (in our discretion) to transfer you to ainCDMA Plan.
(b)Optus Service Providers’ and Optus Business customers are excluded
(c)You must meet our credit assessment criteria before we can accept your application.
(d)We may waive eligibility criteria in our discretion.
2.2What you have to pay us
(a)The pricing plans include an initial charge or flagfall per call (call connection fee), as specified in Table 1 below. So the charge for these calls is the flagfall charge plus the relevant rate multiplied by the duration of the call.
(b)You must pay us the monthly access fee (or minimum monthly commitment) of your chosen pricing plan each month during the minimum term. This monthly access fee includes an amount of monthly included call credits and will be charged even if you do not make calls equal to this value in any month.
(c)The included call component can be used for national and international voice calls, standard text and voicemail, 180x, 190x, 130x calls and Directory Assistance. Unused included calls credits expire at the end of each month and are not refundable, even at account closure.
(d)You must pay us for call charges beyond your included call credit amount, and you must pay for any calls that are not eligible calls.
(e)You must toll usage each month ($0 tolling services are not allowed).
(f)The details of the pricing plans are set out in Table 1 below
2.3Minimum term
(a)You must agree to connect to the inCDMA plan for a fixed-length agreement for a 24 month minimum term.
(b) Under these pricing plans, you may choose to purchase a mobile phone from us over a 24 month period under a mobile equipment payment plan (see Appendix D)
(c)If you order a mobile phone with an associated ESN on the inCDMA Plan you must connect to the pricing plan and activate your mobile phone within 14 days after delivery. If this does not occur, the service will be cancelled and you will be required to pay us the relevant cancellation fee specified in the table below.
2.4What happens if the service is cancelled early
(a)If the serviceis cancelled before the expiry of the minimum term, you will be required to pay us:
(i)any usage charges incurred up to, and including, the cancellation date; plus
(ii)the cancellation fee set out in the table below (unless under clause 2A of the SMB terms, you are entitled to cancel the service without incurring a cancellation fee); plus
(iii)the sum of unpaid equipment charges owing on your mobile phone under the mobile equipment payment plan (if any).
Pricing plan / 0-12 Mth Cancellation / 13 - 15 Mth Cancellation / 16 - 18 Mth Cancellation / 19 - 21 Mth Cancellation / 22 - 24 Mth Cancellation33 / $354.55 ($390) / $290.91 ($320) / $218.18 ($240) / $145.45 ($160) / $72.73 ($80)
55 / $590.91 ($650) / $472.73 ($520) / $354.55 ($390) / $236.36 ($260) / $118.18 ($120)
99 / $727.27 ($800) / $581.82 ($640) / $436.36 ($480) / $290.91 ($320) / $145.45 ($160)
150 / $818.18 ($900) / $654.55 ($720) / $490.91 ($540) / $327.27 ($360) / $163.64 ($180)
250 / $945.45 ($1040) / $763.64 ($840) / $572.73 ($630) / $381.82 ($420) / $190.91 ($210)
Fleetshare™ is a feature of the inCDMA Plans. Fleetshare™ allows you to share the minimum monthly commitment of the selected inCDMA pricing plan across your entire account. You can also share the minimum monthly commitment of your selected pricing plan across other pricing plans (other than inCDMA Plans) which have Fleetshare™ as a feature.
2.6Business Bonus
Customers who do not receive discounted new mobile hardware (or who pay retail price for new mobile hardware) when connecting to an inCDMA Plan with a 24 month minimum term are eligible for a lump sum credit known as “Business Bonus” on their mobile Tax invoice/account. This credit will be applied to your account within 6 months of the service start date. This credit is not redeemable for cash or refundable when the service is cancelled. The following table indicates the value of the credit based on the inCDMA Plan.
Pricing plan
/ InCDMA 33 / InCDMA 55 / InCDMA 99 / InCDMA 150 / InCDMA 250Business Bonus
24 month term / $145.45
($160) / $263.64
($290) / $345.45
($380) / $427.27
($470) / $518.18
2.7Plan changes
(a)Change of ownership is permitted during the 24 month minimum term as long as the new applicant meets our credit assessment criteria and both you and new owner agree to the conditions on the Optus Change of Ownership form.
(b)After the first 6 months of the your minimum term, once a month you may change to another Optus Mobile CDMA pricing plan with a lower monthly access fee at our discretion* for the remaining term of your fixed length agreement. We may charge you a fee if you move to a pricing plan with a lower monthly access fee than your current pricing plan..
*We will determine whether you are eligible to change to another pricing plan based on the eligibility requirements of the pricing plan you wish to change to, and subject to our normal credit checking procedures.
(c)You may change to a pricing plan with a higher monthly access fee or you may change between call options within your chosen pricing plan at our discretion no more than once a month
(d)If you select a new pricing plan and/or new call option, any calls made during that bill cycle will be rated at the applicable rate of your new pricing plan and/or call option.
Table 1
Charge Type / inCDMA 33 Plan / inCDMA 55 Plan / inCDMA 99 Plan / inCDMA 150 Plan / inCDMA 250 PlanMinimum Monthly Spend Commitment / $30 ($33) / $50 ($55) / $90 ($99) / $136.36 ($150) / $227.27 ($250)
Call Charges (per 30 seconds)
Local calls, National Long Distance calls, calls to Mobiles / $0.135 ($0.15) / $0.135 ($0.15) / $0.135 ($0.15) / $0.135 ($0.15) / $0.135 ($0.15)
Off Peak
Local calls, National Long Distance calls, calls to Mobiles / $0.28 ($0.308) / $0.23 ($0.253) / $0.18 ($0.198) / $0.17 ($0.187) / $0.15 ($0.165)
Initial Charge (flagfall or Call Connection) / $0.225 ($0.25) / $0.225 ($0.25) / $0.182 ($0.20) / $0.182 ($0.20) / $0.182 ($0.20)
Minimum term
/ 24 months / 24 months / 24 months / 24 months / 24 months3BUSINESSCDMA PLANS
(a)The BusinessCDMA Plans are available for:
(i)new connections to the service, and
(ii)existingOptus CDMA Mobile customers: If you have a non fixed-length agreement with us or if you have a fixed-length agreement with less than 6 months remaining of the minimum term, we may agree (in our discretion) to transfer you to aBusinessCDMA Plan.
(b)BusinessCDMA plans with a 24 month minimum term are not available to new connections or to existing Optus customers from 1st July 2006
(c)Optus Service Providers’ and Optus Business customers are excluded
(d)You must meet our credit assessment criteria before we can accept your application.
(e)We may waive eligibility criteria in our discretion.
3.2What you have to pay us
(a)The pricing plans include an initial charge or flagfall per call (call connection fee), as specified in Table 1 below. So the charge for these calls is the flagfall charge plus the relevant rate multiplied by the duration of the call.
(b)You must pay us the monthly access fee (or minimum monthly commitment) of your chosen pricing plan each month during the minimum term. This monthly access fee includes an amount of monthly included call credits and will be charged even if you do not make calls equal to this value in any month.
(c)The included call component can be used for national and international voice calls, standard text and voicemail, 180x, 190x, 130x calls and Directory Assistance. Unused included calls credits expire at the end of each month and are not refundable, even at account closure.
(d)You must pay us for call charges beyond your included call credit amount, and you must pay for any calls that are not eligible calls.
(e)The details of the pricing plans are set out in Table 1 below.
3.3Minimum term
(a)You must agree to either a non-fixed length agreement or a fixed length agreement with a 12 month or 24 month minimum termfor each Optus SIM Card connected to the BusinessCDMA plans.
(b) Under these pricing plans, you may choose to purchase a mobile phone from us over a 12 month or 24 month period under a mobile equipment payment plan (see Appendix D)
3.4Plan options
(a)If you connect to a BusinessCDMA Plan you may select one of the following plan options: DayPlus or MobilePlus
(b)DayPlus and MobilePlus plan options are valid until 31 December 2006.
(c)We reserve the right to withhold the plan option promotion from you if you use it in a manner deemed unreasonable or excessive under the Mobile Optus Fair Go Policy (see Appendix W)
(d)You may change your plan option by calling customer service, but may only change it once each billing period.
(A)This offer only applies to calls made within 7 am to 7 pm, 7 days a week. During this time you receive 50% off all standard voice call rates.
(B)You cannot receive the MobilePlus plan option, if you select this option.
(A)If you select this plan option, you will receive a discounted call rate of 10 per 30 seconds or part thereof, plus flagfall, on calls made to other mobile phones on any Australian mobile network excluding satellite phones.
(B)You cannot receive the DayPlus plan option, if you select this option.
(a)Upon request you may nominate a fixed line service (‘B2B number’).
(b)Only one B2B service is available per Optus Mobile Account.
(c)The nominated fixed line service must be an eligible fixed line within Australia as defined by us and the area code must match the service, trading or billing location of your business and cannot be a 13, 1300, 1800 or 1900 number.
(d) The B2B number must be dialled with the area code, but not with +61, in front of the number. If you make a B2B call in a format other than area code + number only, the rate that corresponds with the option you have chosen will be applied.
(e)Restrictions apply to the use of the B2B number provided by us.
(f)For the first 5 minutes of a B2B call, eligible Optus mobile phones on your account are charged 11c for 5 minutes. After the first 5 minutes, the calls from eligible mobile phones on your account to the nominated B2B Number are charged the call rate that corresponds with the plan option you have chosen (ie 50% discounted standard rate for DayPlus or standard rate for Mobile Plus). The 11c for 5 minutes charge is incurred 24/7 anytime of the day: No flag-fall applies. Back2Base is a special promotion available until 31 December 2006.
(g)Optus Fair Go™ Policy applies (see Appendix W).
3.6What happens if the service is cancelled early?
(a)If the serviceis cancelled before the expiry of the minimum term, you will be required to pay us:
(i)any usage charges incurred up to, and including, the cancellationdate; plus
(ii)the cancellation fee set out in the table below (unless under clause 2A of the SMB terms, you are entitled to cancel the service without incurring a cancellation fee); plus
(iii)the sum of unpaid equipment charges owing on your mobile phone under the mobile equipment payment plan (if any).
(b)The cancellation fee is calculated as follows:
(i)If the service is on a 24 month contract then the cancellation fee is calculated as a fixed amount if the service is cancelled during the first 12 months of the minimum term, and then a pro-rata reduction of that fee (indicated as a percentage in brackets in the first column of the table below) if the service is cancelled during the second 12 months of the minimum term.
BusinessCDMA 25 / Business
CDMA 35 / Business
CDMA 55 / Business
CDMA 95 / Business
CDMA 150 / Business
CDMA 250
During the first 12 months- Initial Cancellation fee / $300 / $420 / $550 / $800 / $900 / $1,040
Month 13-15 (80% of Initial Cancellation fee) / $240 / $336 / $440 / $640 / $720 / $832
Month 16-18 (60% of Initial Cancellation fee) / $180 / $252 / $330 / $480 / $540 / $624
Month 19-21 (40% of Initial Cancellation fee) / $120 / $168 / $220 / $320 / $360 / $416
Month 22-24 (20% of Initial Cancellation fee) / $60 / $84 / $110 / $160 / $180 / $208
(ii)If the service is on a 12 month contract then the cancellation fee is calculated as a fixed amount if the service is cancelled in during the first 6 months of the minimum term, and then a pro-rata reduction of that fee (indicated as a percentage in brackets in the first column of the table below) in if the service is cancelled during the second 6 months of the minimum term.
BusinessCDMA 25 / Business
CDMA 35 / Business
CDMA 55 / Business
CDMA 95 / Business
CDMA 150 / Business
CDMA 250
During the first 6 months- Initial Cancellation fee / $240 / $340 / $440 / $640 / $720 / $830
Month 7-9 (70% of Initial Cancellation fee) / $168 / $238 / $308 / $448 / $504 / $581
Month 10-12 (40% of Initial Cancellation fee) / $96 / $136 / $176 / $256 / $288 / $332
Fleetshare™ is a feature of the BusinessCDMA Plans. Fleetshare™ allows you to share the minimum monthly commitment of the selected BusinessCDMA pricing plan across your entire account. You can also share the minimum monthly commitment of your selected pricing plan across other pricing plans (other than BusinessCDMA Plans) which have Fleetshare™ as a feature.
3.8Business Bonus
Customers who do not receive discounted new mobile hardware (or who pay retail price for new mobile hardware) when connecting to a BusinessCDMA Plan with a 24 month minimum term are eligible for a lump sum credit known as “Business Bonus” on their mobile Tax invoice/account. This credit will be applied to your account within 6 months of the service start date. This credit is not redeemable for cash or refundable when the service is cancelled. The following table indicates the value of the credit based on the BusinessCDMA Plan.
Pricing plan
/ BusinessCDMA 25 / Business
CDMA 35 / Business
CDMA 55 / Business
CDMA 95 / Business
CDMA 150 / Business
CDMA 250
Business Bonus
24 month term / $145.45 ($160) / $163.64 ($180) / $318.18 ($350) / $363.64 ($400) / $409.09 ($450) / $545.45 ($600)
3.9Plan changes
(a)Change of ownership is permitted during the 12 month or 24 month minimum term as long as the new applicant meets our credit assessment criteria and both you and new owner agree to the conditions on the Optus Change of Ownership form.
(b)After the first 6 months of the your minimum term, once a month you may change to another Optus Mobile CDMA pricing plan with a lower monthly access fee at our discretion* for the remaining term of your fixed length agreement. We may charge you a fee if you move to a pricing plan with a lower monthly access fee than your current pricing plan.
*We will determine whether you are eligible to change to another pricing plan based on the eligibility requirements of the pricing plan you wish to change to, and subject to our normal credit checking procedures.
(c)You may change to a pricing plan with a higher monthly access fee or you may change between call options within your chosen pricing plan at our discretion no more than once a month
(d)If you select a new pricing plan and/or new call option, any calls made during that bill cycle will be rated at the applicable rate of your new pricing plan and/or call option.
Table 1 BusinessCDMA pricing plans
Charges for the Various BusinessCDMA PlansBusinessCDMA 25 / BusinessCDMA 35 / BusinessCDMA 55 / BusinessCDMA 95 / BusinessCDMA 150 / BusinessCDMA 250
Monthly access fee or Minimum Monthly Commitment / $25 / $35 / $55 / $95 / $150 / $250
Included Call credits / $15 / $35 / $55 / $95 / $150 / $250
Call Charges (per 30 seconds) / $0.45 / $0.32 / $0.28 / $0.20 / $0.19 / $0.18
Flagfall (call connection charge) / $0.25 / $0.25 / $0.25 / $0.20 / $0.20 / $0.20
Minimum Total Cost over the minimum 12 month term (plus the cost of any equipment charges you owe us, if any) / $300 / $420 / $660 / $1,140 / $1,800 / $3,000
Minimum Total Cost over the minimum 24 month term (plus the cost of any equipment charges you owe us, if any) / $600 / $840 / $1,320 / $2,280 / $3,600 / $6,000
CDMA Mobile Pricing Table (Section 3)23 April 2008