·  Attendees

o  Gulliver, Brian

o  Copp, Tracey

o  Lilly, Taylor

o  Lilly, Angelina

o  Gerren, Donna

o  Zeller, Christopher

o  Marcantonio, John

o  Evans, Karolyn (Deputy Director of STEM for Region V)

o  Tuttle, Scott

o  Kettles, Mark

o  McLean, Chris (Ball Aerospace – New prospective council member)

o  Reed, John

o  Schaffer, Brett

o  Grace, John,

o  Masciarelli, Mickey

·  Meeting Started at 6:30pm

·  Introductions

·  ATS 2016 (Brief provided, notes not duplicated)

o  Discussed obtaining letter confirming commitment form MSU for 2017 ATS

o  Chris Zeller has been in contact with Dean of Engineering @ CU Boulder. Possible locations for future ATS (2018+)

·  Programs (Brief provided, notes not duplicated)

·  Policy

o  CSBR Space Roundup

§  Handed out 6-10 membership applications

o  Legislative Meet and Greet – Jan 27, 2017

o  CVD in March

o  Aerospace Day at CO Capitol – Last Monday in March

·  STEM / Education

o  Discussion on BEST

o  STEM Committee Meeting (Periodic Breakfast Meetings)

o  Karolyn met with Platt Canyon High School who is interested in AIAA and STEM opportunities

o  Brian to Send Karolyn Info on DCS Montessori Suborbital Experiment

·  Webmaster (Brief provided, notes not duplicated)

·  Networking Event

o  Brian met with Marshall in November to discuss networking event plan.

·  Treasurer (treasurer absent)

o  Discussed potential uses of residual money from ATS

§  Potential to send more people to CVD (National AIAA provides some funding)

§  Send grad student to conference

§  Fund Bus/transportation for student paper conference

§  Venue for awards banquet

§  Membership networking event

·  Honors and Awards

o  Add upcoming awards to newsletter

o  Banquet

§  April 28th (tentative)

§  Venue: TBD

§  # of People (80-120)

§  Subsidized Cost: $25-$35/per person

·  Adjourn at 8:05

Respectfully submitted,

Brian Gulliver


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