Minutes of the Resource Data Working Group (RDWG) Meeting
ERCOT Austin – 7620 Metro Center Drive – Austin, Texas 78744
Room 211
Monday, August 19, 2014 – 9:30 a.m.
Allen, Theresa / Iberdola Renewables / Via TeleconferenceAllen, Travis / Enbridge / Via Teleconference
Blevins, Bill / ERCOT
Chessmore, Carol / Oncor / Via Teleconference
Deller, Art / ERCOT
Geer, Ed / ERCOT / Via Teleconference
Henry, Mark / Texas RE
Manning, Brian / ERCOT
McBride, Scott / NRG / Via Teleconference
Niemeyer, Sydney / NRG / Via Teleconference
Palen, John / NRG
Schroeder, Gina / ERCOT / Via Teleconference
Showalter, Dana / E.ON
Teixeira, Jay / ERCOT
Woodruff, Taylor / Oncor
2014 RDWGChair John Palen called the August 19, 2014 meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Antitrust Admonition
John Palen directed attention to the Antitrust Admonition, which was displayed.
Agenda Review
John Palen reviewed the agenda for the August 19, 2014 RDWG meeting.
Approval of Draft RDWG Meeting Minutes
The RDWG reached consensus to approve the July 29, 2014 meeting minutes as displayed.
RRGRR003 – Modifications to Improve Wind Forecasting
Bill Blevins discussed the presentation by AWS Truewind at the WMS meeting. RDWG reviewed comments sent by EDP Renewables.
Scott McBride stated that temperature shouldn’t be a cause for shutting down, but icing. The reason that ambient temperature would matter is if something is wrong with the turbine. The design temperature is the minimum operating temp as well.
Bill stated that some of the responses to the RFI’s indicated that ambient temperature was the reason for controlled shutdown. Bill summarized some of the responses from the RFI.
Dana Showalter discussed an example of the cold weather event in Feb. 2011 when they had to shutdown.
Mark Henry said many turbines in TX don’t have cold weather packages.
John Palen stated that it may just be a wording issue. Bill Blevins says that the New England ISO OP14 Appendix F may have wording that could be used.
Mark asked if there are any other weather factors used by AWS other than wind speed. Bill replied that they use wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, etc.
ERCOT would plan to pre-populate the proposed fields with the data from the RFI, and send for review by the Wind Generators if this RRGRR is approved.
The RDWG modified the wording of the descriptions. Consensus was reached on the wording modifications, and endorsement of RRGRR003 based on those modifications. The modified changes are captured in the RDWG Report for RRGRR003.
The RDWG also discussed the need for urgency, and conceded to propose this at ROS.
RRGRR004 - Steam Pressure Curve Information for Implementation of Regional Reliability Standard BAL-001-TRE-1
Not taken up due to time constraints.
Review Resource Registration Glossary
The RDWG began continued reviewing the Resource Registration Glossary (RRG) data elements and business rules associated with the Gen Form of the RARF that were not addressed at the previous RDWG meeting.
A question was raised about why SSWG uses unit data and DWG uses site data for data on the Private Network – Unit Tab of the Gen Form of the RARF. RDWG members will take this as an action item to research.
All suggested changes were recorded in a file that will be sent to the group via the RDWG listserv and posted on the RDWG meeting page for August 19, 2014.
Other Business
Next Steps/Action Items
The RDWG agreed to continue review the data elements in the ‘Gen Form’ during the August 19, 2014 meeting.
A question was raised concerning the requirement for the RARF to conform to the Resaource Registration Glossary. The RDWG will research this to clarify.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.
Minutes of the August19, 2014 RDWG Meeting/ERCOT Public
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