Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held March 14, 2017

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Mt. Morris met in Regular Session in the Board Room

in Village Hall in said Village at 7:00 PM on Tuesday March 14, 2017.

The Village Presidentcalled the meeting to order and directed Clerk to call the roll. Upon roll being called, the following answered present: Shane Pope, Jeff Pennington, Jon Murray, Tim Harvey and Don Sorensen. Trustee Pope moved and Trustee Pennington seconded the motion to excuse Trustee Labash. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Presidentdeclared said motion carried.

Corey Buck was present.

VISITORS: Dave & Mary Jane Warkins, Jerry Stauffer, Dave Saunders, Sally Gray, Dan Leupkes, Greg Unger, Clark Ferris, Aric Stachurski, John Finfrock, Stan Ballard and Kerry Beckingham.

MINUTES: TrusteePenningtonmoved and TrusteeMurrayseconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Presidentdeclared said motion carried.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Trustee Harvey moved and Trustee Sorensen seconded the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

CURRENT BILLS: TrusteeHarveymoved and Trustee Popeseconded the motion to accept the current bills as presented. Upon roll being called, all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

ADMINISTRATION: Village President Elsasser came before the Board to announce that Com-ed will be replacing their electric meters with Smart Meters beginning in April with completion at the end of May. All meters will be installed by Com-ed employees in Com-ed uniforms and vehicles. Meters will allow Com-ed to detect power outages in remote areas.

PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS: Mary Jane Warkins on behalf of the Encore Beautification Committee to seek permission to plant marigolds the city flower on various corners throughout the Village, where appropriate, with the hopes that Village residents will adopt these corners and continue to care for them. Village Trustees agreed that this would be a great idea.

MEET & GREET: Sally Gray came before the Board to announce that there will be a meet the candidates night at Pinecrest Grove March 29th, beginning at 7 pm.



FINANCE: Trustees received the first draft of the Budget and should be prepared to discuss at the next Village Board meeting.

Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting Held March 14, 2017 Page 2



ORDINANCE: Trustee Murray moved and Trustee Harvey seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 03-02-17 (front parcel) changing the zoning from I-1 to R-2 multi-family residence. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried. Trustee Murray moved and Trustee Pennington seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 03-01-17 annexing and re-zoning the Kable House Inn into the Village limits and zoning it R-2 multi-family residence. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

ORDINANCE 03-03-17: Trustee Murray moved and Trustee Sorensen seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 03-03-17 authorizing a Conditional Use Permit to Allow Limited Agricultural Use for Row Crops for a period of 4 years. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” Trustee Harvey abstained. President declared said motion carried.

PUBLIC PROPERTY: Trustee Murray moved and Trustee Harvey seconded the motion to refer the application for an Annexation/Zoning Petition of Various Properties within the Village to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.




There being no further business to come before this Board. Trustee Pennington moved and Trustee Harveyseconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:22PM. Upon roll being called all Trustees present voted “Aye.” President declared said motion carried.

The next regular Village Board Meeting will be held on March 28, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Village Board Room.


Paula Diehl, Village Clerk Dan Elsasser, Village President