Fowler Middle School
Falcon Orchestra
Orchestra Booster Handbook
Director of Orchestras
Karina Flores
Irene Leung
Una McKeen
Melody Barnes
Mandatory Parent Meeting: Wednesday, August 25th @ 6:30pm
3801 Mc Dermott Rd. Plano, TX
This handbook has been written for the Parents of the Fowler Middle School Orchestra members. All Parents with a student enrolled in the Orchestra program at Fowler are automatically members of the Orchestra Booster and are expected to read the entire handbook carefully.
A letter to the parents from Ms. Flores
Dear Fowler Orchestra Parents,
I want to welcome you to the 2010-2011 Orchestra Season. First, it is with great pleasure to announce that our 2009-2010 Fowler Symphony placed 9th in the state of Texas for the Middle School Full Honor Orchestra. It was last spring that our Advanced Orchestra collaborated with the Fowler Band to record a professional CD for this competition. Placing 9th in the state of Texas is a huge success and we should be proud of our students and our program.
Many new and exciting things are happening in our Orchestra program this year. First, I would like to announce that I will be full-time at Fowler MS! Our program has reached over 180 students, which is not only outstanding, but also the first time in FISD history to see such a growth in Orchestra. Yes, we are making history!
Secondly, I want to thank each of you for all of the hard work and commitment that you have put into the Orchestra program and our students. With your help last year, our booster was able to raise $9000 in student funds which allowed us to provide private lesson scholarships, lunches for UIL, cover fees for the Peaks Music Festival, as well as the MS Full Honor Orchestra taping. Let’s keep up the good work!
This year I would like to ask that every parent be more involved in their child’s musical education. The Orchestra Booster is an amazing organization where YOUR student is the FOCUS. There will be fundraising opportunities, concerts, and trips where parent volunteers will be needed and certainly appreciated. Studies show that students of parents who are more involved in their child’s musical education have a higher success rate in their grades and performance.
Please take the opportunity to read through this handbook so that you can be more informed on what’s going on with the Fowler Orchestra this year. I would like to encourage each of you to attend the booster meetings so that you can help make important decisions on ways to use funds and ways to improve your child’s experience in the Orchestra.
Parent Booster Meetings:
September 9th; 6-7pm (orch room)
January 6th; 6-7pm (orch room)
Thank you and I hope to see everyone very soon!
Ms. Flores
Welcome to FMS Orchestra Booster Club!
The purpose of this organization is to arouse and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various phases of the Orchestra Department, lend all possible support, both moral and financial, as well as to build and maintain an organization of parents which will help promote the general activities of the Orchestra Department at FMS.
Every parent is a member of the Orchestra Booster.
The Orchestra Booster has different departments of interest. Please choose one or more that you feel will highlight your area of expertise or one that you find will be most exciting to help with.
Department of Concessions
ü Currently led by Melody Barnes.
ü This is our biggest department and the most important. Concessions raise over 90% of Orchestra funds and are used for multiple student-based purposes. This fundraiser helps the booster provide the Orchestra with scholarships, supplies, technology, and reduction of costs.
ü Volunteers are needed for at least one shift (about 2 hours) of concessions. Concessions job includes selling hotdogs and nachos to families who are watching the middle school football games played at Liberty High School. Sodas, water, sweet stuff and salty stuff are also provided. You can volunteer on your own or as a family, but your student is encouraged to participate. Concessions are a lot of fun!
ü Volunteers will help purchase concession supplies from Sam’s Club/Costco/Wal-Mart.
ü They will also help set-up concessions booth by 3:00 p.m. on the day of Concessions.
Department of Communication
ü This department will take care all of our communication needs including reminders to volunteers about their commitments.
Department of Fund Raising
ü It is currently led by Una McKeen.
ü It helps organize the two fund raisers that we have. One for the parents (the Booster) and one for students.
Department of School Work
ü Volunteers will help distribute orchestra shirts, make copies, file documents, and make phone calls during the Orchestra Instrument Drive.
Department of Trips and Contests
ü Volunteers will help plan UIL lunches and All Region lunches/dinners for students.
Department of Activities
ü Volunteers will help with one or more tasks listed below:
o Organize concert receptions
o Plan FMS Orchestra Gatti Town Night
o Organize FMS Private Lesson Recital
o Organize Award Night Potluck
o Plan Stonebriar Skate Night
FMS Orchestra Booster Member Form
Student’s current year Orchestra class/instrument: ______Date: ______
Student’s Last Name: ______Student’s First Name: ______
Parents’ contact info:
Father Mother
Name: / Name:Home phone: / Home phone:
Work phone: / Work phone:
Cell phone: / Cell Phone:
Email: / Email:
Volunteer Commitments: Please circle “yes” for your area(s) of interest. We’re all in this together! Thanks!
Interested? Lead?
Department of Concessions Yes No Yes No
-Please indicate preference by circling one of the following areas:
Purchasing/Stocking (daytime volunteers) -OR- Working Concession Booth (evening volunteers)
Department of Communication Yes No Yes No
Department of Fund Raising Yes No Yes No
Department of School Work Yes No Yes No
Department of Trips & Contests Yes No Yes No
Department of Activities Yes No Yes No