Mr. Urciuoli, President, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Urciuoli, President, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Urciuoli made the following statement:
The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Butler Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time, and place thereof posted in the Borough Hall, communicated to THE SUBURBAN TRENDS and THE DAILY RECORD, and filed with the Borough Clerk on May 3, 2005.
Chapter 8, P.L. 1995 provides for the representation of sending school district board of education members on the receiving school district board of education.
The Bloomingdale Board of Education representative has voting privileges on matters as outlined in Board Policy No. 0141.
Members present: Grieder, Knapp, Kovats, Lakawicz, Lee, Marion, Morgese, Roche, Urciuoli
Members absent: Heller (Bloomingdale Rep.)
Others present: Dr. René T. Rovtar, Debra Naley-Minenna, Mrs. Vladichak, Mr. Calabro, 5 staff members
Richard Butler School Principal, Andrea Vladichak, introduced Mr. Calabro, who presented the ancient Rome chapter from the social studies curriculum.
On motion of Mr. Kovats and seconded by Mr. Grieder it was moved to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2005 Regular Meeting, and the December 19, 2005 Private Session and dispense with the reading of same since each member had received a copy.
On a voice vote the motion carried.
1. ECSBA - Meeting on January 18 regarding new travel regulations
2. MCSBA - Meeting on Febraury 9 regarding negotiations, insurance, and other cost containment approaches
3. Salvation Army - Thank you for students' donation to Hurricane Katrina fundraiser
4. Thanks-yous for the Board's expression of sympathy from Shepherd family, Juliano Owen families, Calabro family
1. Boys Basketball -- A parent of a Walkill Valley student e-mailed our A.D. regarding assistance from one of our players to one of theirs.
2. National Honor Society collected items and money to help a needy family in the community have a better holiday.
3. DECA trips on the Agenda
4. Eighth-grade orientation was January 11th; DECA assisted students that evening.
5. ACT Test -- A 10th-grader scored above the national average.
6. Budget calendar still not received. The CAP was not announced yet. Budget software not available yet. There is talk of a delay in the election date.
7. There are three open Board seats for the annual school election.
Debra Naley-Minenna updated the Board on referendum projects.
· Pat Buntzen questioned which Board members are up for re-election and which calendar the Board is approving for 06-07.
· Elaine Lampmann questioned if snow days were built into the 06-07 school calendar.
* On motion of Mr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Grieder, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the payment of claims and payroll for the
month of January, 2006 in the amount of $535,178.46.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 7-0-2.
Mr. Lee and Mr. Morgese abstained.
On motion of Mr. Lee and seconded by Mr. Morgese, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve transfers for the month of November, 2005,
as presented.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mr. Lee and seconded by Mrs. Roche, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the following motions:
Move to approve report of the secretary and treasurer for the period ending November 30, 2005. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.13, and 6:20-2A.10(d) and (e), and as certified by the Board Secretary, the Board certifies that no budgetary line account has been over expended or has obligations or payments which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the Board of Education, and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Move to approve the following elementary/grant* purchases, per bids/quotes received or State Contract:
(State Contract
Bid or Quote)
Company Item Cost Type
Farkas chairs/tables 6,864.45 A60680
Move to approve a change order #GC-05 for the high school referendum project with Brockwell & Carrington in the net amount of $36,540.88, reducing the total contract sum to $2,145,626.12. (per enclosed list)
Move to approve the disposal of the listed item(s) in a manner in the best interest of the Board of Education, as attached.
Move to approve a change order with DiCara/Rubino Architects in the amount of $10,000 for light fixture replacement design services to the Aaron Decker School as part of Referendum Facility Renovations, Project #0630-025-03-0943.
Move to approve DAB Surveying, Inc. to perform a property survey at the Aaron Decker School for a fee of $4,000.
*Move to renew membership in the Pooled Insurance Program of NJ (PIP-NJ) for the period 7-01-06 through 6-30-08 per attached Membership resolution document and Indemnity and Trust agreement.
*Move to approve the following high school /district purchases, per bids/quotes received or State Contract:
(State Contract
Bid or Quote)
Company Item Cost Type
Leisure Sporting Goods wrestling supplies 105.20 NJ89613
Leisure Sporting Goods basketball supplies 431.90 NJ89613
Acu-Data Business Prod. Inc. Printing 1,125.00 Quote
Colonial Appliance cafe. Washing machine 345.00 Quote
Music Shop music 92.00 Quote
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mr. Morgese and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the following motions:
*Move to approve the following high school /district technology purchases, per
bids/quotes received or State Contract:
(State Contract
Bid or Quote)
Company Item Cost Type
Dell shelving 110.40 EUS proprietary
CDWG printers 236.00 Quote
CDWG toner 168.58 NJA81186
Gov Connection battery 135.00 A81223
Dell tech supplies 698.89 A81247
Gov Connection printers 234.00 Quote
Move to approve the following elementary/grant* technology purchases, per bids/quotes received or State Contract:
(State Contract
Bid or Quote)
Company Item Cost Type
CDWG quickpad keyboard 750.00 Quote
Gov Connection cable 16.50 Quote
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was move to approve the following motions:
Move to approve the following elementary school salary level adjustments as per Board policy, effective February 1, 2006, per salary guides in the 2005-2008 negotiated contract:
Michele Hennig Aaron Decker School 2nd Grade Teacher
From: BA Step 2 $43,666.00
To: BA+20 Step 2 $44,966.00
Janet Kern Aaron Decker School 4th Grade Teacher
From: BA Step 4 $45,886.00
To: BA+20 Step 4 $47,186.00
Stephanie Primavera Aaron Decker School 3rd Grade Teacher
From: BA Step 2 $43,666.00
To: BA+20 Step 2 $44,966.00
Move to approve the attendance of William Hoffman, at the National P.S.A. Conference in San Antonio, TX, March 31 – April 4, 2006, per contract.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Grieder, at the recommendation of
the superintendent, it was moved to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement
of Mr. Patrick Barry, Social Studies Teacher at Richard Butler School and Track
Coach, effective June 30, 2006, with regret. (Mr. Barry has been employed by the
Butler Board of Education for 32 years.)
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to accept the resignation of Michael Aldiero, Resource
Room Teacher at Richard Butler School, effective January 9, 2006.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Grieder, at the recommendation of
the superintendent, it was moved to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement
of Mrs. Barbara Maliniak, English Teacher at Richard Butler School, effective June
30, 2006, with regret. (Mrs. Maliniak has been employed by the Butler Board of
Education for 34 years.)
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Grieder, at the recommendation of
the superintendent, it was moved to accept the resignation for the purpose of retirement
of Mrs. Carole A. Simonetti, Vocal Music Teacher at Aaron Decker School,
effective February 27, 2006, with regret. (Mrs. Simonetti has been employed by the
Butler Board of Education for 36 years.)
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the appointment of Jessica Gilroy, Resource
Room Teacher at Richard Butler School, pending certification and criminal history
review. BA – Step 1 $43,166.00 (prorated) for the 2005-2006 school year, effective
January 10, 2006.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the following motions:
*Move to approve the appointment of the following substitute(s) certified staff, for the 2005-2006 school year, pending certification and criminal history review process:
Nicole Tavano Lauren Dudzak Michael R. Basile
*Move to approve the re-appointment of the following substitute(s) certified staff, for the 2005-2006 school year:
Kevin Wickert Lori Bode Hunt
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
*On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mrs. Roche, at the recommendation of
the superintendent, it was moved to approve the following maternity (child care) leave of
Erin Morgese – Physical Education/Health Teacher – Butler High School
1. Paid disability leave of absence including full benefits, beginning April 18th, 2006 through May 8th, 2006.
2. Unpaid disability leave from May 9th, 2006 through May 31st.
3. Request for full benefits under the Family Leave Act (Child Care), beginning June 1st, 2006 through August 30th, 2006.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 8-0-1.
Mr. Morgese abstained.
*On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to rescind the appointment of Erin Morgese as head
softball coach for school year 2005-2006.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 8-0-1.
Mr. Morgese abstained.
*On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the appointment of athletic coach(s) for the
2005-2006 school year as per the salary guide in the 2005-2008 negotiated contract:
Ryan Kelly – Assistant Baseball Coach Step 2 -- $3,081
Brittany Bode – Head Softball Coach Step 1 -- $3,480
Joe Duchensky – Assistant Softball Coach Step 1 -- $2,698
Ward Flynn – Head Golf Coach Step 1 -- $3,089
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
*On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the appointment of the following athletic
volunteer(s) for the 2005-2006 school year as follows:
Robert Lipinski – Softball
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
*On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the appointment of the following substitute(s)
certified staff, for the 2005-2006 school year, pending certification and criminal history
review process:
JoAnna McLaughlin
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the change in hours for the following district
aide(s) for the 2005-2006 school year, effective January 23, 2006:
Ann Prol -- from 2.25 hours per day to 5.25 hours per day
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the following Substitute Custodian(s) for the
2005-2006 school year pending criminal history review process:
Cindy Brengard --- $10.00 per hour
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Lakawicz and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the appointment of the following home
instructor(s) for the 2005-2006 school year:
Jane Hastings
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
*On motion of Mrs. Roche and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve Home Instruction/Bedside Hours for the
2005-2006 school year as per Guidance Department, Student’s physician, or Court
Order: (* denotes Bloomingdale)
ID#/District Grade Effective Date Hrs/Week End Date
*1451/Bloomingdale 12 01-04-2006 10 hrs/week 03-05-2006
R112/Butler 09 01-14-2006 5 hrs/week 03-15-2006
R111/Butler 11 01-16-2006 5 hrs/week 03-17-2006
*R113/Bloomingdale 10 01-17-2006 5 hrs/week 03-18-2006
*1449/Bloomingdale 11 01-17-2006 10 hrs/week 03-18-2006
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
*On motion of Mrs. Roche and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the establishment of a Mild Cognitive
Impairments Secondary Special Class Program.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
*On motion of Mrs. Roche and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve the school calendar for the 2006-2007 school
year as presented.
On a roll call vote, the motion carried 9-0.
On motion of Mrs. Roche and seconded by Mr. Lee, at the recommendation of the
superintendent, it was moved to approve a contract with Safe & Sound Child Care
Center, Inc. for weekly socialization (one time per week) of Pre-School Handicapped