Clerk: David Taylor

Thornfield, 57, Whitcliffe Lane, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 2LB


Telephone: 01765 602402

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Bishop Monkton Parish Council held on

Monday 9th October 2017 at 6.15pm

at the

Bishop Monkton Methodist School Room.

Present were Cllr Emma Oates (Chairman), Cllr Pam Brown (Vice Chairman), Cllr Tony Garnett, Cllr Stephen Verrill & Cllr Ben Cairns.

Also in attendance were David Taylor (Clerk), Cllr M Harrison (NYCC), Cllr. I Galloway (HBC) and 9 members of the Public (including Mr. Andy Hebron from The Environment Agency)

The Public Participation Session prior to the meeting was utilised.

2017- 054 Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Fowler. Cllr Cairns declared that he had to leave the meeting at 7.00pm.

2017- 055There was a declaration of interest from Cllr. Verrill who declared he is a close neighbour of an applicant in a planning matter on the evening’s agenda.

2017- 056It was resolved that a dispensation should not be given to Cllr Verrill in this instance.

2017- 057It was resolved by unanimous vote to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th September 2017, copies of which had been previously circulated to Members, these were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman accordingly.

2017- 058Information was received on the following matters:

  1. Ponding on Knaresborough Road footpath: Cllr. Garnet recounted the background to the matter. He the latest position as: according to Paul Tweed of NYCC the metal strip is not to be removed as it is now thought to be an integral part of the structural design. It was commented that if that was the case, the structure was not fit for purpose and it should be re designed & rebuilt. It was further commented that this now presents a danger going into the winter with the prospect of dark mornings and afternoons and ground frost and ice. Cllr Cairns displayed recent images of the ponding. Cllr Harrison requested the images to be sent to him via email.
  2. Field Adjacent to Hall Farm: Andy Hebron of The Environment Agency commented that -
  3. Hall Farm field was designated by the EA as a flood plain.
  4. Any attempt to remove this designation would need an alternative site with the same holding capacity to replace the field.
  5. Although interfering with the ingress of water to the field (with flood boards) would be counter to the above designation and therefore illegal, he felt it was highly unlikely that the EA would pursue a prosecution.
  6. He also stated that if properties downstream from the field were damaged as a result of such action then their owners could potentially pursue a claim against those erecting the flood boards.
  7. The matter was left unresolved save for the EA’s position being made more clear.
  8. Village Play area - New waste bin: The bin is now ordered.
  9. Village Play area - Play equipment - replacement / repair Prices are now available for the replacement and fitting of new equipment. Clerk is to find out the insurance and commuted sums position regarding funding.
  10. New notice board on Knaresborough Road: The new board was ready for dispatch by the manufacturers.
  11. It was reported that the village sandbags could now be stored at Ford Crossing.
  12. Provision of a bus shelter on the A61: Information was circulated beforehand and noted. Clerk to research costs.
  13. Grass cutting: Clerk recounted his meeting with Farm & Land Services Ltd, notes of which will be circulated. Cllr. Cairns will work on the schedule of work specification prior to the next season.
  14. Kebbell Homes sales office: It was reported that the Village Hall committee are happy for the sales office to be located where it is. There was no progress to report on the issue of planning permission.
  15. Mains Lane: Papers and emails circulated were noted
  16. The village survey: Cllr. Fowler was not in attendance

2017- 059A Report was received from Cllr. Harrison, NYCC: the proposed re-alignment of the A59 at Kex Gill is thought to be set to go ahead and if it does, it is likely that is will be funded by Central Government and the work accelerated. As the new road will follow a different route there will be no disruption to existing traffic during construction.

He will chase the modifications to the Knaresborough Road VAS near the Village Hall

The northern relief road for Harrogate is now being consulted on and is long overdue.

Area 6 have more money to repair pot holes in the district.

2017 - 060A Report was received from Cllr. Ian Galloway, HBC: Planning issues and the local plan still continue to dominate the work at HBC. The draft plan will go before Council on December 13th 2017and will be published in January 2018. It is hoped that it will be “rubber stamped” in early 2019. There will be a portal for the consultation, Cllr. Galloway will send the Clerk registration details in due course.

2017 - 061The Council received information from a member of the Bishop Monkton Parochial Church Council regarding the notices that had been put up in the Church Yard. Although this information was received during the public participation session it is included here as this was an agenda item. The representative stated that it was never the intention of the Bishop Monkton Parochial Church Council to restrict access to the church yard but they were attempting to comply with requirements of their insurance cover provider - Ecclesiastical Insurance. He accepted that the notices were bluntly worded and said that they would be re-thought and re posted in a more permanent form. He said that the PCC regretted any harm the notices had caused.

2017- 062It was resolved to renew the insurance policy with Zurich insurance as per the quotation and information circulated. A cheque was signed accordingly.

2017 - 063The Clerk reported attending the Parish Consultation meeting given by Harrogate BC at the Methodist room in Ripon. Notes had been circulated beforehand and were noted by Councillors.

2017 - 064Cllr Oates reported on the meeting held at Littlethorpe Village Hall regarding the proposed investment by Ripon City Council in a feasibility study for the reinstatement of the Northallerton to Harrogate rail link.

  • The consensus of the Littlethorpe meeting was that those present were against the planned rail link. There was a general feeling that it would not happen and that the investment of a substantial amount of money by RCC was wasteful.
  • It was further suggested that should a rail link be deemed viable, it may not serve the Ripon area at all as the only possibility (and it is not even a proposal at present) at the moment was a relief line for a section of the East Coast Mainline. This, however is fanciful as none of the rail operators are expressing interest or desire.

2017- 065The Clerk reported that the application to the transparency fund was successful and the sum of £1319.08. A breakdown of how he funds are made up will be circulated to Councillors at the next meeting. It was resolved that the Clerk should continue to implement the work required.

2017 – 066Concerning Planning Matters:-

  1. 17/03115/FUL - External Alterations - Cascade Garden Centre - Grass Roots. It was resolved that the council had not objections - return option A
  2. 17/04049/FUL - Land r/o Field House, Hungate - Mr K Harper - It was resolved that the council should return option “c” with the following comments; i. the density of the development area, ii. the original planning application stated that there would be a view of a view between the houses from Hungate, iii. the vehicle turning area for the proposal is very small.
  3. 17/04089/FUL - Hutton House, Hungate - Mr/s McDonald - this item could not be resolved and was differed because without Cllr. Verrill the meeting was not quorate (Cllr Cairns having left the meeting)
  4. 17/03008/FUL - Extension, porch & windows - Mr/s Turner. It was resolved that the council had not objections - return option A
  5. 17/02956/DVCMAJ - DECISION NOTIFICATION - Kebbell Developments - Noted
  6. 17/02956/DVCMAJ - DECISION NOTIFICATION - Kebbell Developments - Noted

2017 – 067It was resolved to approve the following accounts for payment and cheques and invoices were signed accordingly:

  1. Zurich Insurance
  2. Clerk's salary for September
  3. HMRC payments for September
  4. TP Jones & Co
  5. PKF Littlejohn LLP

Clerk to Action.

2017 – 068The following matters were requested by councillors:

  1. It was resolved that the village sandbags should be stored at the Village Hall. It was noted that they would require moving to this location and that they should be stored on a pallet in order to protect them from rot.
  2. It was resolved to remove the bush in grassed area near the beck just below Masons Arms Bridge.
  3. Clr. Brown’s observations regarding the siting of the VAS were noted. Cllr. Harrison said he would carry this forward.
  4. It was resolved that the Clerk should procure 6 x 25kg bags of grit and that Cllr. Verrill would replenish the bins accordingly.
  5. It was resolved that the seat on Moor Road should be repaired. Cllr. Verrill volunteered to undertake the work as far as painting.
  6. The drainage of water from the area at the top of Hungate was discussed, including the provision of underground storm drain pipes to take the water behind the housing line from the playing fields into the beck beyond the village. No conclusion was reached other than the Kebbell Homes development was too far advanced to suggest incorporating such plans into that work.
  7. Consideration of the annual newsletter was deferred until Cllr. Fowler was in attendance.

2017 – 069The following correspondence, having been circulated beforehand was received;

  1. Autumn Bedding Plant Sales - Central Nursery Harlow Hill - noted.
  2. Parish Bulbs - HBC - noted, Cllr Garnett to collect bulbs.
  3. Road Congestion in the area around the School - noted, Clerk to reply that the council requests the Community Police Officer attend and report her opinions.

2017-070The date and time of the next meeting was confirmed as Tuesday 21st November 2017 at 6.00pm.

These minutes were recorded and prepared by the Clerk, David Taylor.

Signed as a true record:Chairman


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Initialled by Cllr Oates: