2016Keep Montgomery County Beautiful

Beautification Grant Program


Keep Montgomery County Beautiful (KMCB) established the Beautification Grant in order to promote volunteerism and community beautification within Montgomery County.


Funds are available on a competitive basis within Montgomery County (see list of eligible groups below).Funding can be used to:

  • Purchase plants/bulbs:shrubs, trees, perennials (once planted, perennials grow back every year) and annuals (die after one season). Requests for potting soil and/or compost, if accompanying plant purchases, will be considered. Native plants, perennials and drought-tolerant plants are preferred. See Appendix B for list of suggested native and drought-tolerant plants.
  • Purchase community garden materials:Lumber/hardware for raised flower/vegetable beds, Vegetable seeds, soil, mulch, fertilizer.
  • Purchase materials for graffiti abatement: Paint and painting supplies (brushes, rollers, pans, etc.)

*Hand tools and power tools are not eligible for grant funds. The beautification grant review committee is responsible for determining the eligibility of all requested items.

Eligible groups include:

  • KMCB Adopt-An-Area groups
  • Community Pride Cleanup Supply Trailer groups
  • Groups posting projects on the United Way’s Volunteer Connection website. The project posted on the website must be the same project for which you use the grant.
  • Day of Action/Make a Difference Day/ Global Youth Service Day groups through the United Way (this includes corporate volunteers)
  • 501(c)3s
  • Montgomery County Solid Waste District Grant Recipients (MCSWD). KMCB Grant must be used to enhance previous grant received from MCSWD. An example would be plants purchased through this grant are placed into recycled content planters or used in recycled content raised beds purchased from a Montgomery County grant.

Beautification Subcommittee will have the final decision as to eligibility of all grant applications.

Funding & Funding Decisions

Maximum grant funding is $1,000. Funding decisions are made by the Beautification Subcommittee of the Keep Montgomery County Beautiful Board, based upon rating criteria. Partial funding may be approved. Award announcements will be made inApril, 2016. No monetary match is required.


If grant funding is received for plants, a purchase order will be issued to an approved provider(s) of your choice for the amount of the grant award. The list of approved providers is in Appendix A. The purchase order will be restricted to the purchases of plants and plant materials as defined above. The grant recipient is responsible for shopping at the approved provider of their choice. The grant recipient will receive a copy of the purchase order. The purchase order must be presented to the approved provider at the time of purchase. All funds under the purchase order must be used by October 31, 2016. The approved provider will send a detailed invoice to Montgomery County Solid Waste District for payment.

Other Grant Eligible Items

If your group receives funding for eligible materials other than garden center items (Lumber, paint, paint supplies, etc.), KMCB and the Montgomery County Solid Waste District will facilitate the purchase and delivery of items.

Rating Criteria

  • Need & Impact on Neighborhood/Area
  • Maintenance & Sustainability
  • Level of Community/Volunteer Involvement (higher value given if youth volunteers from the community participate in the project )
  • Detailed Plan
  • Groups must demonstrate a minimum 20% volunteer hour match, valued at $10 per hour. Example: $1,000 in grant funding = 20 volunteer hours ($200 at $10 per hour)

Approved projects will receive an announcement letter followed by an award Letter. We encourage groups to use these letters when seeking additional donations. Grant funding is typically made available approximately one month after award notification.

Accountability & Reporting Requirements

Grant recipients will be required to submit a project summary report evaluating the project within 60 days of project completion or no later than November 6, 2016. A project summary report form will be sent with the grant recipient’s award letter. This report summary will include the following sections: review of the project, successes, challenges and after-photos of beautification site.


Keep Montgomery County Beautiful

Beautification Grant Application

Please be concise when answering questions. Use no more than 200 words per question. (You may use additional pages in necessary.)

All of the questions below must be answered completely in order for your application to receive full consideration.

  1. Tell us about your organization or group. What is your mission (or purpose)? Who do you serve? Does your group serve a target area? If yes, what area is that?
  1. What is the overall purpose of your project? Please explain.
  1. Please provide a detailed project description and timeline.
  1. How will this project benefit the neighborhood/community? Who will benefit? Include “before” photos of the site to be beautified.
  1. If this project is part of a larger project or plan, please explain the relationship and indicate the expectations for completion of the larger project.
  1. Will you have any partners with this project? If yes, describe the collaboration.
  1. Estimate the total number of volunteers and volunteer hours that will go into this project.

(20% volunteer hour match is required to receive grant funding.)

  1. How will you maintain the project once it is completed (and the funds from the Beautification Grant are expended)?
  1. Describe in detail items to be purchased. Total project budget (from all sources). Amount requested. Estimates will be accepted.

Expense Description / Grant Funds Requested / Other Funding
Example: 5 echinacea plants (3” pots) / $24.95
TOTAL ($1,000 or less)
  1. If you are requesting funding for garden center items, you will need to make your grant funded purchases at one of the garden centers listed in Appendix A. Please select a garden center and list the name below:
  1. If funding were not offered, would completion of the project proceed? Please explain.
  1. Did you receive funds from KMCB in the previous year? If so, is this a new project or an enhancement/continuation of last year’s project? Did you complete your project and submit a project summary report?
  1. Include any other relevant information.

Who will be overseeing the project on behalf of the organization/group?




How is this group eligible (see list on page 1)?

Federal ID # (for 501(c)3 organizations):

Municipality or Township:

Location of Proposed Project:

If you do not own the property on which your project will be taking place, please include written permission for the project from the property owner.



Best time to call:



Certification and General Terms and Conditions

By signing below, or by electronically submitting this application, you are hereby certifying that the information in your application is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You are further certifying and agreeing that any funds awarded will be used for the purpose and projects described in your application. Any changes, additions or deletions must be approved in writing by the Beautification Subcommittee of Keep Montgomery County Beautiful. You hereby authorize Keep Montgomery County Beautiful to purchase plants or plant materials for your beautification project described herein. Keep Montgomery County Beautiful has the sole and exclusive discretion to purchase plants and materials for your project directly from providers approved by Keep Montgomery County Beautiful. Any award of funds is conditioned on your agreeing that all unused funds shall remain the property of Keep Montgomery County Beautiful. You hereby acknowledge that all funds are awarded in the sole discretion of the Keep Montgomery County Beautiful Beautification Subcommittee.


Signature Date

Grant applications must be received by KMCB no later than March 18, 2016.

Mail Grant Application to:


2550 Sandridge Dr.

Dayton, Ohio 45439

Attn: Beautification Subcommittee


Email Grant Application to:

Keep Montgomery County Beautiful & Beautification Subcommittee:

Keep Montgomery County Beautiful serves as a local affiliate of the national Keep America Beautiful organization. The Board is comprised of various community representatives, including but not limited to, local government, business/industry, education, and service organizations. The purpose of Keep Montgomery County Beautiful is to coordinate and concentrate efforts and actions which shall foster and encourage the progression of litter prevention and awareness activities for Montgomery County, Ohio. Keep America Beautiful follows a practical approach that unites citizens, businesses and government to find solutions that advance our core issues of preventing litter, reducing waste, and beautifying communities.

The mission of the Beautification Subcommittee of Keep Montgomery County Beautiful is to empower people to beautify their communities.

Appendix A


Keep Montgomery County Beautiful

Garden Center Approved Provider List

Name / Address / City / Telephone
Brown & Son’s Nursery / 11506 Dayton Greenville Pike / Brookville / 836-5826
North Dayton Garden Center / 1309 Brandt Pike / Dayton / 233-5761
Siebenthaler Garden Center / 6000 Far Hills Ave. / Centerville / 434-1326
Stockslager Garden Center / 14037 Eaton Pike / New Lebanon / 687-2722
Vogel’s Nursery / 10290 Old Dayton Rd. / New Lebanon / 854-2497
Wengerlawn Nursery / 6347 Wengerlawn / Brookville / 884-7692

Appendix B

Wildflowers Native to Ohio

Latin Name
Allium cernuum
Aquilegia canadensis
Asclepias incarnata
Asclepias syriaca
Asclepias tuberosa
Astragalus canadensis
Baptisia alba
Baptisia australis
Caltha palustris
Ceanothus americanus
Coreopsis lanceolata
Dalea purpurea
Desmodium canadense
Dodecatheon meadia
Echinacea purpurea
Epilobium angustifolium
Eryngium yuccifolium
Eupatorium maculatum
Eupatorium purpureum
Helenium autumnale
Helianthus laetiflorus
Helianthus maximilliani
Helianthus mollis
Heliopsis helianthoides
Iris virginica shrevei
Iris versicolor
Lespedeza capitata
Liatris pycnostachya
Lobelia cardinalis
Lobelia siphilitica
Lupinus perennis
Monarda fistulosa
Monarda punctata
Oenothera biennis
Oligoneuron album
Oligoneuron ohioense
Oligoneuron rigidum
Parthenium integrifolium
Penstemon digitalis
Penstemon grandiflorus
Physostegia virginiana
Polemonium reptans
Pycnanthemum virginianum
Ratibida columnifera
Ratibida pinnata
Rosa arkansana
Rosa blanda
Rudbeckia hirta
Rudbeckia laciniata
Rudbeckia triloba
Ruellia humilis
Senna hebecarpa
Silene regia
Silphium laciniatum
Silphium perfoliatum
Silphium terebinthinaceum
Solidago speciosa
Symphyotrichum laeve
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense
Symphyotrichum sericeum
Tradescantia ohiensis
Verbena hastata
Verbena stricta
Vernonia fasciculata
Vernonia noveboracensis
Veronicastrum virginicum
Zizia aurea
/ Common Name
Nodding Wild Onion
Wild Columbine
Red Milkweed
Common Milkweed
Canada Milk Vetch
White False Indigo
Blue False Indigo
Marsh Marigold
New Jersey Tea
Lance Leaf Coreopsis
Purple Prairie Clover
Canada Tick Trefoil
Shooting Star
Purple Coneflower
Rattlesnake Master
Joe Pye Weed
Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Helen's Flower
Showy Sunflower
Maximillian's Sunflower
Downy Sunflower
Ox-eye Sunflower
Wild Iris
Blue Flag Iris
Roundhead Bush Clover
Prairie Blazingstar
Cardinal Flower
Great Blue Lobelia
Wild Lupine
Dotted Mint
Evening Primrose
White Aster
Ohio Goldenrod
Stiff Goldenrod
Wild Quinine
Smooth Penstemon
False Dragonhead
Jacob's Ladder
Mountain Mint
Prairie Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower
Wild Rose
Meadow Rose
Black-eyed Susan
Green-headed Coneflower
Branched Coneflower
Wild Petunia
Wild Senna
Royal Catchfly
Compass Plant
Prairie Dock
Showy Goldenrod
Smooth Aster
New England Aster
Sky Blue Aster
Silky Aster
Blue Vervain
Hoary Vervain
New York Ironweed
Culver's Root
Golden Alexanders

Grasses Native to Ohio

Latin Name
Andropogon gerardii
Bouteloua curtipendula
Chasmanthium latifolium
Elymus canadensis
Elymus hystrix
Elymus virginicus
Hierochloe odorata
Koeleria macrantha
Panicum virgatum
Schizachyrium scoparium
Sorghastrum nutans
Sporobolus heterolepis
/ Common Name
Big Bluestem
Sideoats Grama
Northern Sea Oats
Canada Wild Rye
Bottlebrush Grass
Virginia Wild Rye
Sweet Grass
Little Bluestem
Prairie Dropseed

Source: Wildflower Farm;

Trees and Shrubs Native to Ohio

Latin Name / Common Name / Duration / Habit / Sun / Water
Acer nigrum / Black maple / Perennial / Tree / Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Acer rubrum / Red maple, Scarlet maple / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Part-shade / Moist
Acer saccharum / Sugar maple / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Achillea millefolium / Common yarrow, Yarrow, Milfoil, Western yarrow / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Part-shade / Dry
Actaea pachypoda / White baneberry / Perennial / Herb / Shade, Part-shade / Wet, Moist
Actaea rubra / Red baneberry / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Aesculus glabra / Ohio buckeye, Texas buckeye, Horse chestnut / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Amelanchier arborea / Common serviceberry, Downy serviceberry, Shadbush, Juneberry / Perennial / Shrub / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Dry
Amelanchier canadensis / Canadian service-berry, Canadian serviceberry, Juneberry, Shadblow serviceberry / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Wet, Moist
Amelanchier laevis / Allegheny service-berry, Allegheny serviceberry, Serviceberry / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Amorpha canescens / Leadplant, Leadplant amorpha, Prairie shoestring / Perennial / Shrub / Sun, Part-shade / Dry
Amorpha fruticosa / Indigo bush, False indigo bush, False indigo, Desert false indigo / Perennial / Shrub / Sun, Part-shade / Moist
Anaphalis margaritacea / Pearly-everlasting, Western pearly everlasting / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Part-shade / Dry
Andropogon gerardii / Big bluestem, Turkeyfoot / Perennial / Grass/Grass-like / Sun, Part-shade / Moist
Anemone canadensis / Canadian anemone, Round-leaf thimbleweed, Canada anemone, Windflower, Meadow anemone / Perennial / Herb / Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Aquilegia canadensis / Eastern red columbine, Wild red columbine / Perennial / Herb / Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Asclepias tuberosa / Butterflyweed, Butterfly milkweed, Orange milkweed / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Asimina triloba / Pawpaw, Common paw paw, Indian banana / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Betula lenta / Cherry birch, Sweet birch / Perennial / Tree / Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Betula nigra / River birch / Perennial / Tree / Part-shade / Moist
Betula populifolia / Gray birch / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Wet, Moist, Dry
Betula pumila / Bog birch / Perennial / Shrub / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Wet
Bouteloua curtipendula / Sideoats grama / Perennial / Grass/Grass-like / Sun, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Bromus kalmii / Arctic brome, Prairie brome, Wild chess / Perennial / Grass/Grass-like / Sun / Dry
Campanula rotundifolia / Bluebell bellflower, Bluebell-of-Scotland, Harebell / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Dry
Campanulastrum americanum / American bellflower, American-bellflower, Tall bellflower / Annual / Herb / Part-shade / Moist
Campsis radicans / Trumpet creeper, Trumpet vine, Common trumpet creeper, Cow vine / Perennial / Vine / Sun / Moist, Dry
Carpinus caroliniana / American hornbeam, Blue beech, Musclewood, Ironwood / Perennial / Tree / Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Carya alba / Mockernut hickory / Perennial / Tree / Part-shade / Moist
Carya cordiformis / Bitternut hickory, Swamp hickory / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Carya glabra / Pignut hickory / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Dry
Carya ovata / Shagbark hickory / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Ceanothus americanus / New Jersey tea, Redroot / Perennial / Shrub / Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Cephalanthus occidentalis / Common buttonbush, Buttonbush, Button willow / Perennial / Shrub / Shade, Part-shade / Wet, Moist
Cercis canadensis / Eastern redbud, Redbud / Perennial / Tree / Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Chamerion angustifolium ssp. angustifolium / Fireweed, Narrow-leaf fireweed, Willow herb / Perennial / Herb / Sun / Moist
Claytonia caroliniana / Carolina springbeauty / Perennial / Herb / Part-shade / Wet, Moist
Claytonia virginica / Virginia springbeauty, Springbeauty / Perennial / Herb / Part-shade / Moist
Conoclinium coelestinum / Blue mistflower / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Part-shade / Moist
Coreopsis lanceolata / Lanceleaf coreopsis, Lanceleaf tickseed, Lance-leaved coreopsis, Sand coreopsis / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Dry
Cornus alternifolia / Alternate-leaf dogwood, Alternateleaf dogwood, Pogoda dogwood / Perennial / Shrub / Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Cornus florida / Flowering dogwood / Perennial / Tree / Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Cornus sericea / Redosier dogwood, Redosier, Red-twig dogwood, Red-osier dogwood / Perennial / Shrub / Part-shade / Moist
Corylus americana / American hazelnut, American filbert / Perennial / Shrub / Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry
Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda / Golden-hardhack, Potentilla, Shrubby cinquefoil / Perennial / Shrub / Sun / Dry
Delphinium tricorne / Dwarf larkspur / Perennial / Herb / Part-shade / Moist
Desmodium canadense / Showy tick trefoil / Perennial / Herb / Sun / Moist, Dry
Diospyros virginiana / Common persimmon, Eastern persimmon / Perennial / Tree / Part-shade / Dry
Echinacea purpurea / Eastern purple coneflower, Purple coneflower / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Part-shade / Dry
Elymus canadensis / Canada wildrye or Canada wild rye, Canadian wildrye, Prairie wildrye, Nodding wildrye / Perennial / Grass/Grass-like / Sun, Part-shade / Moist
Euonymus atropurpureus / Burningbush, Eastern wahoo, Burning bush / Perennial / Shrub / Part-shade
Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus / Joe-pye weed, Trumpetweed, Queen of the meadow / Perennial / Herb / Sun / Wet, Moist
Eupatorium purpureum / Purple joepyeweed, Sweet-scented joepyeweed / Perennial / Herb / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Fagus grandifolia / American beech / Perennial / Tree / Shade, Part-shade / Moist
Fothergilla gardenii / Dwarf witchalder, Dwarf witch-alder, Dwarf fothergilla / Perennial / Shrub / Part-shade
Fraxinus americana / White ash / Perennial / Tree / Sun, Shade, Part-shade / Moist, Dry