Minutes of the RBHA meeting held on Saturday 14th April, 2012 at the TA Centre, Water Eaton Road, Bletchley with kind permission from OC 1 (RBY) Sig Sqn (SC).
The meeting opened at 12.00 pm with Major Julian Gregory in the Chair.
1. Apologies for Absence and Death Notices
Apologies were received from 25 members and donations were received from Mr E W heavens, Mr R G Eaton, Mr B T Phillips, Mr H W Bunker and Mr D G Williams.
The following deaths were reported Maj James Campbell, Mr Robin Windsor, Mr Albert Davis, Mr H Hazel, Mr Merton Russell Vaslet and Mr Robert James Mackay.
2. Minutes of the 2011 AGM
The minutes of the previous AGM were circulated prior to the meeting and were agreed as a true record of thatmeeting. Proposed by James Morton, seconded by Dave Scott.
3. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
4. Secretary’s Report
The Secretary reported that she has been continuing to confirm contact details of members and this year had no letters returned to sender, but had been advised of a number of deaths.
The present membership is 198.
The Secretary reported that we are still actively recruiting from 899 Signal Troop
The Secretary reported that she had been sent a document by Mick Mitchell in LA outlining the history of 299 RBY (QOOH) and Berkshire Battery Field Regiment Royal Artillery TA which would be available in the bar for people to read. Major Gregory volunteered to scan the document and have it e-mailed out to members.
The Secretary also reported that Mick Mitchell was concerned about the whereabouts of the original flag, but Capt Taylor reported that it is with the drums in the reception of the TA Centre.
The Secretary also reported that she had copies of the CD of the Royal Bucks Yeomanry Military March if anyone would like to have a copy.
The Secretary also reported that she hadn’t received any letters to read out this year.
5. Treasurers Report
The Treasurer reported that, although the accounts had not yet been audited,at 31.12.11, this year there was an excess of income of £82.51 due to not having to buy wreaths as there were some spare from last year. At the same date, the Lloyds current account held £290.18, the Lloyds interest account held £1825.25 and overall there was a balance of £2115.43. There were 65 Regimental ties in stock. Donations continued to be made and a total of £3655.14 has been granted since the inception of the RBHA. Government War stocks are still held and there is an income from them of over £100 each year. In addition the Association owns 2,000 War Stocks worth £2-3,000, giving a total value of assets of £5,000.
6. Election of Officers/Committee
Major Gregory commented that we had lost the Vice President this year, Major James Campbell, so the Association was looking for someone to fill the position. He also commented that we had lost another member of the Committee, Robin Windsor. He reported that there had been two willing volunteers but asked those present if there was anyone else willing to volunteer as Vice President or a member of the Committee. The two volunteers were Mr David Scott and WO2 Gott for Vice President and Sgt Quantrell (who would be the first female member of the Committee). WO2 Gott was voted in as Vice President and Sgt Quantrell was voted in as a new Committee member, both nominated by SSgt Nick Vernon and seconded by Cpl Gareth Clark.
Major Gregory handed over the meeting to WO2 Gott to re-elect the President, Major Gregory. Proposed by SSgt Lawrence, seconded by Mr James Morton.
Major Gregory listed the present Committee members and asked that they be re-elected en-masse. Proposed by Mr Roy Palmer, seconded by Capt Kev Taylor.
7. Welfare
Major Gregory reported that the Association continues to pay welfare to Mrs Fenables and there had been a second case of assistance this year. He continued that there is money available for welfare, particularly from the Trust and if anyone knows of anyone who needs assistance to contact himself or any of the members of the Committee.
8. Any Other Business
Mr Bott asked what happened to the Regimental silver. Major Gregory reported that it was owned and held by the Trust until recently, but as the Trust would not be able to look after it long term so two years ago it was sold to the Bucks Military Museum which is now the custodian. Some of the silver is also in the Old Jail in Aylesbury and the Squadron has some of the silver from the Bucks Museum on loan. Roy Palmer reported that there is also some at Claydon House. Dr Chris Brown reported that he had a list of the sale of some of the silver from 1985 and would forward it to the Secretary for interest.
The Secretary reported that the Squadron was holding a Kohima dinner night on the 7th July and anyone interested in attending should give their names to her after the meeting.
The Secretary also asked that if anyone had e-mail addresses to also pass them to her after the meeting, bearing in mind the cost of postage would be increasing in the near future.
Sgt Quantrell agreed to set up a Facebook page for the Association and would manage it.
Major Gregory reported that the Squadron had agreed to invite the Association members to Remembrance Sunday at Bletchley, to the parade and to the curry lunch afterwards.
Mr Roy Palmer reported that after this year and definitely next year, he would not be available to represent the Association at Aylesbury on Remembrance Sunday. He had been laying the wreath for the Association since 1987 and this would be the 50th consecutive time.
9. 2011Reunion Date
Major Gregory proposed that the 2013 reunion be at a similar time in April, to be set at a later date, and that it would be advised in the next Newsletter.
Major Gregory thanked the OC and Capt Taylor at Bletchley for hosting the reunion and the meeting closed at 12.30.
Major J Gregory TD