Minutes of the Public Hearing held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 in the Council Chambers Pursuant to Notice Duly Given:

Mayor Bostedt opened the public hearing at 5:45 p.m. Present were alderpersons Schreiber, Feldt, Le Breck, Bickel, Groll, Resch, Stiloski and Anderson, County Administrative Coordinator Kevin Hamann, Attorney Evans, Administrator Perrizo and other interested parties.

The public hearing was to address the discontinuance of a portion of Adams Street and the discontinuance of two alleyways lying between Adams Street and Jefferson Street.

Mayor Bostedt asked three times for any interested parties to speak. None did.

Mayor Bostedt closed the public hearing at 5:46 p.m.

Minutes of the Regular City Council held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Pursuant to Notice Duly Given:

  1. Meeting called to order by Mayor Bostedt at 5:47 p.m.
  1. Roll Call: Mayor Bostedt, Al Schreiber, Jean Feldt, Bob Le Breck, Connie Bickel, Sheri Groll, Lauren Resch, Joseph Stiloski, Darrell Anderson and Attorney Evans

Excused: Roger Reed, Marlene Zahn

Also Present: Police Chief Bernie Faith, Fire Chief Jack Mlnarik, Building Inspectors Pete O’Connor and Joe Last, Superintendent of Public Works Jeremy Wusterbarth, Sara Perrizo, Administrator and as recording secretary and other interested parties

  1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Alderperson Feldt.
  1. Approval of Agenda

Moved by Groll, seconded by Bickel to approve the agenda as presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

  1. Approval of minutes as presented from Committee of the Whole, Council and any Special Council meetings.

Moved by Feldt, seconded by Anderson to approve the minutes as presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

  1. Approval of department reports as presented.

Moved by Resch seconded by Schreiber to approve the department reports as presented.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

  1. Correspondence/Public Input.

Mayor Bostedt passed around a copy of an ad that will go into Great Lakes Boating magazine.

  1. Update on Obtaining Second Grant-Funded Life Vest Station

This item was taken after the approval of the consent agenda.

Mlnarik stated that the grant application was resubmitted for this project and he was notified that it will be awarded. He has worked with John Bostedt to put this station at the City Docks this year. Only 3 of the 36 life jackets went missing from the station at the Harbor last year and the DNR has offered to replace them.

Mayor Bostedt commented that this will work well with the new handicap accessible dock at the City Docks. Anderson asked if there are cameras at the City Docks. Mlnarik said that there are none at this time, but he is hopeful that other people will assist in keeping an eye on the jackets.

Mlnarik also presented the Fire and Rescue Department annual report for 2014. There were 1,027 calls to the department, which is almost three per day. Anderson asked about the ad in the paper looking for on-call firefighters. Mlnarik explained that there are currently 25 people on staff and he would like to get to 30, which is why they are advertising.

Last and O’Connor presented the Building Inspections annual report. Mlnarik commented that here has been good teamwork across departments during this transition.

  1. Approval of Consent Agenda
  2. Approval of Alcohol Beverage License Applications, Applications for Temporary Class B Retailer’s License, Applications for License to Serve Fermented Beverages and/or Intoxicating Liquor and Appointment of Agents
  1. Approval to Rescind Motion from January 13, 2015 Meeting Per Order from Governmental Accountability Board – Motion was to Send Amendments to Ordinance 2-1-1, 2-3-2 and 2-2-3 to Referendum
  1. Approval of Certified Survey Map for LeTourneau Plastics, Inc. Property in the City of Oconto
  1. Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of December 2014 in the Amount of $130,482.84, Payroll for the Month of January 2015 in the Amount of $114,715.05 and Other Financial Reports as Presented
  1. Approval of Request from NEWCAP, Inc. for Tax Adjustment on Property Located at 222 Pecor Street in the Amount of $1,863.55
  1. Approval of Request from RJT of Green Bay, LLC for Tax Adjustment on Property Located at 900 Main Street in the Amount of $1,108.81
  1. Approval to Utilize Court Clerk and Lab Technician for Front Office Work as Needed
  1. Approval of a One Year Agreement with the Police Chief with Wages of $65,795 and the City Paying the Full Contribution to Wisconsin Retirement

Moved by Groll, seconded by Le Breck to approve the consent agenda except for item c.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.7 ayes, 1 nay (Stiloski)

Item c was pulled by Alderperson Resch so that she could abstain.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the certified survey map for LeTourneau Plastics, Inc. property in the City of Oconto.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.7 ayes, 1 abs (Resch)

  1. Discussion/Recommendation/Action on the Following:
  2. Resolution Authorizing the Discontinuance of a Portion of a City Street Owned by the City of Oconto – Adams Street Lying Between Park Avenue and Arbutus Avenue

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Groll to approve the resolution authorizing the discontinuance of a portion Adams Street, lying between Park Avenue and Arbutus Avenue contingent upon the relocation of utilities and completion of any street improvements.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Resolution Authorizing the Discontinuance of Roadway Properties Owned by the City of Oconto – Two Alleyways Lying Between Adams Street and Jefferson Street

Moved by Anderson, seconded by Bickel to approve the resolution authorizing the discontinuance of two alleyways lying between Adams Street and Jefferson Street contingent upon the relocation of utilities and completion of any street improvements.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Appointment of Mary Grace Murphy to Farnsworth Library Board (replacing Becky Wendt, who resigned)

Moved by Groll, seconded by Resch to approve the appointment of Mary Grace Murphy to the Farnsworth Library Board.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Approval of Request from Susan Caelwaerts for Tax Adjustment on Property Located at 1038 McDonald Street in the Amount of $936.82

Perrizo explained that the home on this property burned down in 2013, but was fully assessed in 2014 because the assessors were not aware of the fire. Schreiber asked if the new property owners will still be taxed on the value of the land and Perrizo confirmed that they will.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Bickel to approve the request from Susan Caelwaerts for tax adjustment on property located at 1038 McDonald Street in the amount of $936.82.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Approval of Invoice from Praxis Consulting in the Amount of $4,500 for Quick Clerk Software

Perrizo explained that this is for new software for the municipal court. There will be a $1,000 savings in annual maintenance fees compared to the old software. In addition, this software will interface with the software used by the Police Department.

Stiloski asked for a list of software that the City has purchased. Perrizo will create one.

Moved by Feldt, seconded by Groll to approve the invoice from Praxis Consulting in the amount of $4,500 for Quick Clerk software.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.7 ayes, 1 nay (Stiloski)

  1. Approval of Road Closures from Copperfest Committee for the 2015 Copperfest Celebration to be Held on June 12-14, 2015

Wusterbarth stated that the same roads will be closed that have been closed in previous years for this event.

Moved by Feldt, seconded by Le Breck to approve the road closures for the 2015 Copperfest Celebration on June 12-14, 2015.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Approval of Invoice from Belson Co. in the Amount of $14,646.66 for City Garbage Bags

Wusterbarth informed that the net revenue from the bags was $42,000 last year. This offsets the City landfill costs. Next year, the tipping fees at the landfill will increase and we will have to pay approximately $3,500 more. Stiloski asked if other area landfill fees have been reviewed. Wusterbarth stated that we have a contract with the County to bring our garbage to the Mar-Oco landfill. Stiloski commented that we have an elderly population who many not be able or willing to recycle. How do we handle that? Wusterbarth explained that the Street Department employees are trained to look at the bags and, if there is recycling in them, the bags are tagged and a letter is sent to the homeowner. Schreiber would like to see the County have the ability to accept other recycling, such as number 4’s and number 5’s.

Moved by Schreiber, seconded by Anderson to approve the invoice from Belson Co. in the amount of $14,646.66 for city garbage bags.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Approval of Invoices from Cargill in the Amounts of $10,551.14 and $13,435.56 for Winter Road Salt

Wusterbarth explained that we contract with the Wisconsin DOT for the salt. We pay $66 per ton now, but it was only $30 per ton in 2006. We go through the DOT because we get better pricing by using the State contracts. Last year the prices ranged from $95-$130 per ton off of the State contract.

Moved by Le Breck, seconded by Feldt to approve the invoices from Cargill in the amounts of $10,551.14 and $13,435.56 for winter road salt.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Approval to Award Contract for Safe Routes to School Project to Martell Construction in the Amount of $126,094.64 Contingent Upon Receiving Appropriate Approvals from WisDOT

Wusterbarth stated that five bids were received and Martell was the lowest. They have done work for the City in the past and he recommends approval of the contract.

Moved by Anderson, seconded by Bickel to award the contract for the Safe Routes to School project to Martell Construction in the amount of $126,094.64 contingent upon receiving the appropriate approvals from WisDOT.

Motion carried upon electronically recorded vote.8 ayes

  1. Moved by Groll, seconded by Schreiber to adjourn at 6:35 p.m.

Motion carried upon verbal voice vote. 8 ayes

Respectfully Submitted:

Sara J. Perrizo
