PRESENT: Cllr Swann (in the Chair), Cllrs. Bunyan, Hemsted, Holmes, Rook and Veitch

Members who had a personal or prejudicial interest, whether direct or indirect within the meaning of section 51 of the Local Government Act 2000, or a personal or prejudicial interest defined by the Cranbrook Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, in any of the matters appearing on the agenda were invited to declare that interest at this stage. Alternatively, personal interests can be declared at the time when the specific item is being discussed, if a member wishes to speak on an item in which they have a personal interest.

40/13: Cllr. Swann confirmed that he had carried out the internal audit of the accounts for December 2013 and everything was in order.

41/13: Lists of payments made after the December meeting, are filed with these minutes.


a) Cheques for January were signed for payment as per the list filed with these minutes. These included:

Policy and Resources 7024.61

Burial and Properties 1060.87

Environmental Management 5829.38

Total £13,914.86

b) Responding to a question from Cllr. Veitch, regarding an invoice from UK Power Networks, Cllr. Swann confirmed that this was for the supply works to the new column in Wheatfield Way. The Clerk informed Members that she had received a call from Streetlights regarding the Unmetered Supply Certificates recently received. They were querying why there were two certificates, one for the streetlights and one for the lights in the car parks. This meant we were incurring two charges. After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr. Veitch, seconded by Cllr. Rook and agreed to request that Streetlights apply for one certificate to cover all the lights. Cllr. Veitch tabled a plan showing the lights in the Regal Car Park where the Parish were now responsible for the lights in the lower section, but the remainder were fed from the supply from the Co Op Store. She was having a meeting with John Miller the Store Manager on Wednesday morning. Several of the lights connected to the Co Op were out.

c) Cllr. Holmes enquired whether there was a policy for payment of invoices. Cllr. Swann confirmed that all invoices are paid once a month at the Policy & Resources Committee and then ratified by Full Council. There are exemptions where invoices are paid outside of committee, where authorisation has previously been agreed, i.e. EDF invoices which might attract interest.

43/13: Banking Arrangements:

The Chairman reminded Members of the discussion at the last meeting when it was agreed to open an account with Lloyds Bank whilst also continuing with our existing HSBC accounts.

All Members of the Policy and Resources Committee were required to sign the mandate, as signatories. He circulated the mandate and all Members signed. He then proposed the following resolution:-

We, Cranbrook and Sissinghurst Parish Council, hereby appoint Lloyds Bank plc (“the Bank”) as our bankers and apply for the account(s) and service(s) as indicated to the Bank.

This was seconded by Cllr. Rook and agreed. At the present time only the signatories were authorised to undertake business at Lloyds, but once the account was up and running, the Clerk and Deputy Clerk will be authorised to undertake the daily banking duties.

The Clerk reminded Members that no monies for the Tomlin Murton Playing Field Trust could be paid into the Lloyds account and she had therefore arranged for the tenant to pay the rent direct into the HSBC account.

44/13: Car Parks:

Cllr. Veitch was delighted to be able to inform Members that our application to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council for Charitable and Discretionary Rate Relief had been accepted in part and we had been awarded 80% Charitable relief. Our account is currently £1573.58 in credit.

The Discretionary Rate Relief has to be approved by the Revenues Manager and we are still awaiting notification. Once we have been notified of the outcome the credit balance will be refunded to our account.

Cllr. Veitch informed Members that she had been working on the parking orders for Jockey Lane and she would like to run this past Ian Davidson, Hedley’s Solicitors which would incur expenditure. Members agreed that this was an advisable course of action.

45/13: Grounds Contract:

The Chairman circulated copies of the draft specification for the grounds contract. A full discussion took place and some amendments were suggested. The letter which invited tenders was also discussed and amendments were suggested to the wording. The Conditions of Contract which would form part of the contract was also discussed and amendments were made and an additional clause regarding indemnity was suggested. The Clerk would clear the wording with our insurance company. It was proposed by Cllr. Swann that the amended specification be sent out to local contractors to invite tenders for the grounds contract to run from the 1st March 2014 to the 28th February 2017. This was seconded by Cllr. Veitch and agreed. It was also agreed that Cllr. Swann meet prospective contractors to go through the specification. The closing date for tenders would be the 11th February and the tenders would be opened at the next Policy & Resources Committee. The amended specification is attached to these Minutes.

46/13: Tomlin Ground:

The Clerk informed Members that she had received an e mail from Mark Scott, Leader CRFC Grounds Committee regarding car parking on the Tomlin Ground. She explained the planning history with regard to the car park. The Club is now considering applying again for planning consent and has asked the Parish Council to provide support with funding towards attaining an Environmental & Topographical survey which the Borough Planning and Landscape Officers are insisting on as part of the planning application. Members agreed that further car parking would be beneficial and as land owners they would like to support the Club.

After discussion Cllr. Bunyan proposed that we offer support of 50% of the cost of the survey up to a maximum of £1,500. This was seconded by Cllr. Veitch and agreed.

47/13: Items for Information:

a) The Clerk informed Members that we had received a reminder from the Borough Council regarding a number of important consultations. Unfortunately due to shortage of staff and the deadline given, the office was not able to undertake responding to all the consultations. Cllr. Rook confirmed that he also had not had the opportunity to respond. Cllr. Veitch offered to view the consultations and respond if able.

b) Cllr. Hemsted informed Members that the planning application for the refurbishment of St. George’s Institute had been withdrawn. This had mainly been due to some legal issues and land ownership difficulties which needed to be addressed.

c) Cllr. Holmes stated that there was a Cranbrook Business Association open meeting programmed for next Monday to be held in the Vestry Hall. The Clerk confirmed that the meeting is actually booked into the Council Chamber.