Stow on the Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow on the Wold, Glos, GL541DW
Clerk: Chris Franklin Phone: 01451 832 585
Minutes of the Planning meeting held on Wednesday 24th April 2013 in the Council Office.
Present: Chris Turner (CT), Robin Jones (RJ), Colin Smalley (CS), Simon Clarke (SC) and Alun White (AW).
Apologies: None
Minutes: Agreed
Mark Power of Highways Development Management attended the meeting to give the planning committee an overview of how they (HDM) contribute to planning decisions. He explained that his was an advisory role and although he could make recommendations and give advice to a Planning Authority they were not duty bound to accept them. The National Planning Policy Framework is a guideline produced by Government to promote construction and business, every £1 spent on construction generates £2.80 in revenue. He pointed out that despite Local Authorities refusing permissions for developments when the plans are taken by the developers to appeal the office of the Secretary of State’s Office citing the NPPF has given permission.
No new arterial roads are being built now so the existing infrastructure must cope. Depending on the size of the development; a ‘Guidance on Transport Assessment’ must be completed usually in developments of over 80 dwellings. In the case of re-development of a site the parking issues when the site was in use will be used. It is agreed that although development increases the number of cars existing roads must be better managed. HDM is able to produce the volume of cars using the roads at any given time, although for the point of view of assessment the number of vehicles in a peak hour will be used. Mr Power also pointed out that guidelines and decisions expressed three or more years ago would not be taken into account by Planners when making decisions. He pointed out that occasionally developers will discuss plans with HDM prior to application but again HDM can only advise they cannot give a decision.
CT thanked Mr Power for attending the meeting and said his input was very helpful and informative.
In response to two queries raised in the previous meeting. Mr Holding is making enquiries about the unauthorised removal of a Yew tree from the rear of Barclays. He will update information when available. The second point was that there are no restrictions in the whole of the district of paint colours on buildings. If a property is either listed or has an Article 4 direction it will require permission to change the paint colour, there are certain colours that CDC recommend in the Design Code.
An application for a trading licence concerning the Cotswold Festival has been received. Council has no objection.
13/00246/LBC: The Royalist Hotel, Digbeth Street - Internal alterations to improve circulation and layout, and removal of redundant modern store – Application Permits
13/00973/FUL: 1 Cotswold Heights, Lower Swell Road – Erection of a single storey side extension – Application Permits
13/01464/FUL: 4 Mount Pleasant Close – Dormer window on front roof slope – Council has no objection.
13/00644/FUL: North Cotswold Bookmakers, Well Lane – Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 3 one bedroom dwellings – Council objects on the grounds that this will be overdevelopment of the site. There is a lack of parking facilities available and the exit onto the pavement is very narrow and could be dangerous.
RJ and K Cox attended a meeting in Chamberlayne House to discuss the proposed English Care Village. The residents expressed concern over the proposed demolition of the present Chamberlayne House and the re-building of a replacement. They felt that after spending resources updating the current House why was the demolition and re-build being considered. RJ also expressed the opinion that English Care Villages be instructed to remove the footpaths across the allotments from their plans. CT proposed the letter, AW seconded. All were in favour.