Minutes of The Planning & Environment Committee

Held on Tuesday 13th August 2013

in the Parish Office

Present: Councillors: Mrs Cooke, Cooke, Pridgen, Sievewright

Clerk: Mrs Smith

1.  Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)

Apologies were received from Cllr Orford.

2.  Review the Terms of Reference.

It was agreed that the Planning & Environment Committee only deals with planning matters and not anything to do with the environment and has done for years, therefore the Terms of Reference should be changed to read Planning Committee and that paragraphs 7 e to k should be removed. Paragraph 4 should be amended to read Clerk not Assistant Clerk.

3.  Declarations of interest for any agenda item.


4.  Planning Application Reference: 13/0673/FUL

Proposal: Erection of a terrace of 3 no dwellings

Location: Waddington Library Lower High Street Waddington

It was proposed by Cllr Pridgen and seconded by Cllr Cooke that they object on the over development of the plot and the failure to comply with the tree preservation order.

All agreed. Carried.

5.  Planning Application Reference: 13/0780/FUL

Proposal: Widening of residential road at Brumby Crescent and erection of 600mm high fencing to existing open grass area.

Location: Brumby Crescent, Waddington

It was proposed by Cllr Pridgen and seconded by Cllr Mrs Cooke that they have no objections to the plans.

All agreed. Carried

6.  Notification of planning decisions.

The following applications have been approved:

Planning Application Reference: 13/0378/RESM

Proposal: Approval of reserved matters application in respect of erection of house on front plot, two bungalows on rear plots and formation of new access.

Location: Land adjacent and to the rear of 304 Brant Road Waddington

Planning Application Reference: 13/0640/FUL

Proposal: Addition of new window to side elevation (retrospective application)

Location: Red Roof Clinic Bar Lane Waddington

Planning Application Reference: 13/0387/FUL

Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and erection of replacement two storey dwelling together with erection of 3 new dwellings with new access drive and associated works.

Location: 101 Grantham Road, Waddington.

7.  Any other planning items for discussion.

Renaming of Kestlin Diesels Services Ltd to A.C.F House, Bar Lane, Waddington.

Street Numbering: 318A and 318B Brant Road, Waddington